Saturday, October 19, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #2

October 8, 2019

The celebrity CEO recently had to call security to get him out of the handcuffs his girlfriend put him in before she got mad at him and left.

Elon Musk


  1. Would have been funnier if Bezos, but this is still pretty funny!😂

  2. This guy has so much game. 😐

  3. Grimes has spunk? (Not what he sprays all over her face)

  4. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I think Musk is back with Amber who probably has handcuffs on her person at all times.
    He would get off on this. It's not as if he's in any real embarrassing situation. He just calls his security to get him out.

  5. Awesome. You go, girl.

    I would love to meet Elon Musk, just to see for myself if he's as much of a weirdo as he seems to be. He's certainly portrayed as being comfortable with letting his freak flag fly, and there's something to be said for that.

  6. If this was Grimes or Amber, Enty would have named them. The GF here is the one who got dumped again for Amber.

  7. Man, I'd kill to be a fly on the wall when these security guys get together for pizza. Imagine their conversation about the toddlers, oops, movers and shakers they babysit 24/7. You know you're A-1 when you've cut handcuffs off some toddler with his dick in your face. I'd ask for a raise before using the bolt cutters.

  8. Kind of his own fault isn't it

  9. Who hasn't been there before amirite?
