Monday, October 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 25, 2019

It is when people see court filings like the one from this permanent A list singer/sometime actress they see the entitlement oozing everywhere. When it reads like, "I'm a star so therefore my children deserve to be treated like stars. All you do is have a few offices and create jobs for some people, but it doesn't matter because you aren't famous and I am, so you lose. My children are already more famous than you and always will be." I really can't believe they though this made them look good. That is what makes it all the worse.



  1. What else would you expect from a witch ???

  2. Fame puts you there where things are hollow. Sadly it's her brain. I never thought I would say this, but she deserves to be cheated on

  3. if only there was an award for fat thighs.

    1. Popeye's Chicken would win it.

  4. The whole thing is gross. Let your child be a child, and not a business. Wtf, perhaps Shirley Temple and MacCauley Culkin could be argued to have earned cultural icon status as non-royals under the age of 10. Not the child of celebs, who only is seen via her parents' events and SM. At the very least, since I doubt she has interest in being an event coordinator, why cant the two just quietly co-exist? Couldn't they just trademark the name, excluding the pre-existing company?

  5. Replies
    1. Jigga's Johnson.
      And it smells of Rita Ora.

  6. A true hero to America's feminists.

    Tells you a lot.

  7. She was never that brainy to begin with, and she can barely put two sentences together when she speaks, but now arrogant as fuck, and her music sucks. Didn't Enty say that she's virtually illiterate?

  8. Narcissistic at its finest

  9. Sasha ain't as Fierce as she believes...

  10. Beyonce is treating her children the same way she was/is treated: as a commodity to be monetized. It's tacky but unsurprising.

  11. Beyonce didn't use the word therefore, too many fucking letters for her stupid ass.
    Can you blame her arrogance? She's dumb as rocks, big (but pretty), her voice is not the best there is or was, and people are falling at her feet praising her. If she didn't dance like she does no one would be comparing her to the likes of Whitney, Mariah, Aretha, etc. smoke and mirrors yall, like her sham marriage

  12. Most overrated music artist ever. People kiss her ass so hard and i cant figure out why. Cant stand her or her husband.

  13. @BrennAstotle, it's who you know and who you blow with a bit of talent thrown into the mix.

  14. no idea how such a talentess cxxnt is considered so "big" ...

  15. She does look like a massive stuffed sausage in that gold dress. If you lipo your tummy too much, does a person snap in half?

  16. Holy shit bitch has gained some weight

  17. Lets face it. Some people are better than others. Ouch.

  18. Sonakshi Sinha Bollywood actress. Google her she's pretty indeed !
    As for Beyonce,diet won't hide your genes I guess !

  19. It’s ok to not like Beyoncé but let’s be clear she didn’t write that. Her legal team did. 🙄

  20. @SeijnSei...yes, but she legally had to approve it.

  21. I can't stand her.

  22. Can someone please explain this blind?

  23. Beyonce and JayZ are suing a woman because the woman's wedding planning company is named Blue Ivy Events. The woman's company was opened in 2009 before Beyonce was even pregnant. JayZ and Beyonce want to trademark Blue Ivy's name because in Beyonce's words, her daughter is a "cultural icon".
    Hoping those 2 delusional nutjobs lose their case.
