Saturday, October 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 23, 2019

Emmy Awards

I can't keep track of the former one year wonder turned professional beard's love life. I thought she was dating a NFL guy who had a pretty good game yesterday, but she was really snuggling close to a showrunner of a streaming show.

Olivia Culpo/Christian McCaffrey


  1. Sounds like he tooted it and booted it. LOL

    Hooked up for a weekend and that was it.

  2. Or he wouldn't meet her price for regular bearding and she moved on. She has a career she has to keep up with.

  3. What does she even DO? I see her in the DM but she’s so dull and unremarkable that I wonder why she’s even bothering. I guess bearding for NFL players is a good enough career 🤷🏼‍♀️ Especially when you don’t really have anything to make you stand out.

  4. Nothing itchier than a false beard.

    1. Haha...predictive text tried to change itchier to Ritchie lol.

  5. Gentlemen!
    There are some women, no matter how beautiful they are physically, you just don't want to be around.
    There have been many in my life that I've politely walked away from.
    (It's NOT as bad as it may seem.)
    My peace of mind was more important than being seen with a pretty woman.

  6. DavidHowes, the saying goes “no matter how beautiful the woman, someone somewhere, is sick of her shit”. 🤷🏼‍♀️😆😂

  7. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Olivia Culpo needs to rethink her long game. She's aging out of the beard/yachting crowd. Unless she plans to start with the really elderly old men. Instead she should have retired on top marrying Danny Amendola. Pretty but stupid girl.

  8. CMAC needs no bearding. Potentially hooked up and quit it. His game today was epic.

  9. Ann, Danny dumped her. It was very public why lol. I've heard from multiple sources that she is nothing but a spoiled, attention seeking brat in real life. With the the facts that she's that beautiful and can't keep a man shows how sour her personality really is...

  10. Danny had a meltdown over her lol Ent has it wrong as he often does when it comes to her.
