Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 4, 2019

I'm not sure this is exactly how it is supposed to work. This permanent A++ list athlete pays someone to "witness" on her behalf. Apparently everyone in the family does the same thing.

Serena Williams


  1. Not that I particularly care about this cult, but even Prince went door to door.

  2. I thought that if you were a Jehovah's witness, you really couldn't have friends outside of that faith. Curious that she is friends with Markle.

  3. I can't judge, if I could pay someone to go to church for me then I'd probably be more religious. Getting up early on Sundays is hell.

  4. Michael Jackson had several close friends who were not JH

  5. When she gives a pee sample?
    Might explain those juiced up muscles.

  6. If you are a Jevohah's witness, a pillar of it is going door to door and working in the community, donating money does not cut it.

    "Again I say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

    They take it literally.

    Prince did it around MSP & while on tour, he put on a wig & glasses.

  7. Jehovah's witnesses are against educating their kids. Fuck them.

  8. All religion is a scam..

  9. SO what. You ran out of blinds?

  10. Being a man, she needed a surrogate for her "baby", so why not a stand-in for her spaghetti monster or whatever those developmentally delayed suckers believe in to keep from breathing without permission.

  11. @Stupid, What, they generally unite communities and help people come to terms with their mortality.

  12. Brayson... unite communities? You mean like Jews and Muslims? Or Protestants and Catholics? Those kind? Religion is a divisive boatload of horseshit. All of it.

  13. @ Rome indeed! Everyone gets to scream they have the answer, they hold the key to Heaven. It is all a ruse. The church claims to the be key to salvation and gets your money. It is all about man being followed. Be a Buddhist. They don't try to convert. You find them and learn to be at one with God.... something you don't need some dogma or building or clergyman for... but they don't want you to know that. Churches are a BUSINESS.

  14. Lol Substance D. I always love how people gush and fawn all over Serena and call her gorgeous and so ladylike when “she” is obviously a man. I always want to try and sell those people a fabulous new suit I’ve made from the most exclusive and rare fibers on earth. Yeah it’s a little see through but the Emperor sure liked his!

    1. I seen an incredibly well done video about Serena and "her"... "sister"... Up til that vid I laughed about people saying she was a man. After that one, I no longer laugh AT them, but with them bc I know too, that is not a female. The chnl only did that video, and I believe broke up in a few parts. They don't even say anything in it. Just text on screen with tons of pics and evidence to back it up. It's crazyyyy... And that's the only upload this chnl has, and from a few yrs ago. If I can find it, if it's still up, I'll try to remember to come back and leave the chnl name. I've shown it to a couple other people I know that are totally not into "he's a she" stuff, but was blown away by this vid.

  15. Oh and if Prince came to my door to talk about Jehovahs Witnesses, I’d invite him in and listen respectfully. Why the hell not!?

  16. Having escaped the Jehovah's Witnesses there is a lot that goes on and very much a us and them behaviour within it. Certain people get away with behaving in a way that gets others in trouble. It's all about who you know and who knows what is happening. No one else can do your time in the field for you however rules are different if you are famous or rich. IF a normal everyday Jehovah's Witness girl played tennis in a similar outfit to what the Williams sisters wore on the tennis court it would be a guaranteed appearance before the Judicial Committee. I even heard it discussed by Elders after it came out the Williams girls were witnesses. If you listened to worldly music or went to a Prince concert you would be in trouble with the Elders/Judicial Committee. I got in trouble for playing The Eagles "Taking it Easy". As a poster said above you are not to associate with people outside the religion, you are not to make friends with people outside the religion and if anyone leaves you are to shun them even if they are family and never speak to them again. I pretty much walked away and lost every single friend I had and a few family members who were still in.

  17. Back again. Just to give you an idea about how truly f'd up the JW's are is their cover up of child abuse and how they treat victims of domestic violence. If something doesn't happen in front to two Witnesses (ie two members of the Congregation who are in good standing with the Organisation) it cannot be taken as having happened unless the perpetrator confesses to the crime.

    This is 2 instances I personally know of.

    1. 12 yr old disabled girl assaulted by her dad. Her mother told not to go to Police as it would bring "reproach on Jehovah's name" (her mum did go to Police and got put out of the congregation. The 12 yr old had to attend a judicial committee with 2 or 3 Elders of the congregation. I'm not sure if they let her mum attend as well but I don't think so. Two of the questions that got asked of her were "What did you do to cause your father to do this to you?" and "Did you enjoy what your father was doing to you?"

    The only thing that happened to that man was that there was a statement from the Elders that he was no longer on good standing with the organisation (ie you are theologically grounded for a few months, this also happened to a friend of mine who got caught smoking a cigarette so it gives you an idea how mild a slap across the wrist this was) and a few nebulous statements about parents not letting their children go to the bathroom alone which implied it was because you never knew who visited the Kingdom Hall during meetings. It wasn't until later it was found out that there was a known pedophile in our congregation.

    2. Woman who was being abused by her husband. She and her daughter left the family home. She was told if she left her husband she would be put out of the congregation because "God hates a divorcing" and when she left her husband she was no longer a person that I was suppose to associate with.

    This is not word of mouth that reached me through the gossip mill. I personally knew both the women involved and the child.

  18. JW is a cult but I have 2 dear friends who are. one has passed and the other is very sweet. love Serena and she is pure muscle. her little daughter is adorable.

  19. I truly cannot understand anyone allowing anyone else to keep them from reporting child abuse or any other type of crime of that magnitude. Although I say this knowing full well that if someone abused my child, there would be no police report, just a missing perpetrator. God knows there’s no justice for child sexual abuse victims in this pedo loving society. Gators are always hungry, you know?

  20. What Would Jehovah Do?

  21. @Unknown (11 pm & 2 am): *hugs to you*

  22. These filthy death cults, aka "religions" are all intelligence fronts to fleece the gullible and collect information on people who can be used as dupes in various operations. Anyone who believes in Jesus is believing in a first century Parthian king named Izates Manu IV, who married his mother, conned the messianic Jews fighting Rome that Parthia would back their play and then welched on the deal, giving the Romans the opportunity to slaughter Judaism as it was then practiced, leaving not one stone of the Temple standing. Then Manu and his mother/wife absconded with the Parthian treasury and set up shop under Heroidian protection in Palmyra, which became a boomtown for the corporate fascists of the time. That's the historical Jesus, not the faggot surfer dude of myth. Man-O-Manischewitz! People are fucking dumb as rocks and should be taken and should be bred out of existence for believing ANYTHING!



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