Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Blind Item #9

Once again, that online tabloid is trying to turn the tables on a domestic violence case. This time, the one involving the guy from a rebooted reality show. They have a whole new narrative to the story trying to make the reality star look like he was the victim.


  1. Rahn. They are all victims at this point.

  2. You get into a relationship with a meathead reality star, what happens next is your problem.

  3. I like to believe no one's purpose in life is to be a punching bag, but some folks try to prove that wrong, relationship after relationship, again and again.

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    the only victim in this scenario is the child. Get your crap together "parents"!

  5. Their baby is the only victim here.

    I remember reading about her beating Ron up, and figured is was because of post-partum crazies. Now it is very clear that crazy-crazy runs deep in her! She has the evil eyes!

    1. Agreed. They are both abusive & the child is the true victim.

  6. When everyone in the story is an awful person, and poor kids suffer.
    Is it true, they rebooted Jersey Shore?
    Dear heavens, WHY???

  7. Erin- agreed, there is some primordial crazy oozing through there, or that poor kid wouldn't be in the middle of half of the crap they pull. He's no picnic, either, and I think Sammi Sweetheart or whatever name she had, could testify to his love of drama. So, if there's a stable relative around, give that poor baby to them until these two can grow up, detox, or generally get sorted out.

  8. @Vita
    Your comment is spot on!!
    She's a lunatic and he's super damaged and hates himself.
    Hardly the calculation for a stable, positive relationship.
    They need help and to stay the F away from each other.

    Sammy did what was best and smartest for herself, her pride, her sanity, and got the f*ck outta there.



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