Monday, October 07, 2019

Blind Item #9

I predicted she wouldn't make it through the entire season of the show. I was wrong, but the experience was so bad that the former actress turned escort will not be back for season two.


  1. Masked Singer Australia


  3. For some reason that show really creeps me out.

  4. The world needs more "talent" shows the way a tree needs an iPhone.

  5. You have to try really hard to fail at that show! Ive seen a couple of episodes of our version. She didnt have to compete in a sweaty, scary costume and face being voted off. She only had to make some silly puns, act baffled, and make bad guesses! It's the most effortless judging panel ever. Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay.

  6. Poor girl fails even with a mask on smdh

  7. the only show that has a worse premise than this is naked and afraid

  8. Squirrelmistress- Hilarious!😂. This is kind of bizarre, but silly, fun. Naked and Afraid is just watching jaw-dropping masochism taped in the worst conditions available. I can't believe they get people to sign up for that show!

  9. She's not even invited back to the worst/stupidest show on earth where they dig up Benji the dog from his grave and make him sing in costume while they guess who he is--and it's not even the version of the show in her own hemisphere

  10. She can't even do the bare base minimum. She is suuuuuch an asshole, omg that Oprah documentary, I watched every episode and lost alllll respect and "concern" for the cracken that is Lindsay.

    I'm sure she has a huge story about what assholes they are and how this wasn't her fault.

  11. Lindsay Lohan showed "Jodie Foster-esque" promise as a young actor. Hopes were high. Mom and Pop let her down HUGELY. Good parenting is key for child actors to make it to adult success. The Lohans pimped her hard, got drunk on the biz themselves, and let her raise herself. LiLo didn't have a chance. Sad. Tatum O'Neal, samesies.

  12. Perez did a bit of a deep dive on her and his experiences with her on Glee. He did make a good point, her fucking up on The Masked Singer just gave the show more attention which pays off in ratings.
