Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Blind Item #9

Look for this A/A- list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner to join The Club. The actress has never liked putting her children in a place where they can be photographed, but she knows the rules, so will do it at least once.


  1. Replies
    1. She is notorious for keeping her kids out of pap pix

  2. I wont give this one with "The Club" bullshit any credibility either.

  3. Could be Amy Adams

  4. Omg hahahaha this is great

  5. Give this "Club" thing a rest, then the kids don't get exploited by the parents. And we don't have to hear the same people say the same thing here.

  6. Well, there’s a photo with Natalie and her kids from a month ago. Her daughter is wearing a dress and her son is dressed in typical boys’ clothing—so I don’t think she’d fit in ‘the club’ if there is one.

  7. I think Amy is fine with her kid being papped, at least at one time she was.

  8. I’m referring to when she was SWFing Jessica Alba, of course.

  9. Annette Bening and her trans kid? but he is in his 20s though

  10. I with you @sandy. I think I am done with "the club" blind. It is bullshit.

    Just a way for this site to get its comments up for advertisers. LOL

    I indulge (obviously) often haha but there is no club. Just a bunch of actresses trying to be trendy/ impress a transgender producer.

  11. Seriously, the same women who fucked a Harvey (and multiple other Harvey looking dudes to get ahead) ....OF COURSE, they would use their children to get ahead.

    It is a given.

  12. I wouldnt even go that far TeeHee.

  13. Meh. Truth hurts LOL.

  14. Snowflakes melting over the Club. The world is luciferian -deal with it.

    1. +1

      And I question those that become unhinged when you speak the truth.

    2. Oh for fucksake give it a rest. Yes we all know there's satanists in this world and it's an evil place. That doesn't mean there's a fucking club. Who the fuck (other than Q) gave people like you the idea that you're fucking special and anointed with this grandiose info? Goodlord

  15. Guess we'll have to see if someone suddenly pops up with a cross-dressing son.

  16. Blind indicates it would be a mother of multiple children.

  17. Alf do us all a fucking favor, find the edge of the flat fucking earth and leap ok moron? Dont even bother wasting my time wailing your bullshit at me because you're a troll and a put-on shithead. Get fucking lost.

  18. haha sorry. I really do have an issue when I think children are being abused and the so called "The Club" beings it out of me. I did note this on another blind and suddenly this blind popped up. Hmmmmmm....haha.

    But, yes. I do believe it is Amy Adams whoever guessed that. :)

  19. we should all have issues when a child is being abused @TeeHee

  20. AA only has one child—a daughter.

  21. Adams isn’t an Oscar winner

  22. Halle Berry? You NEVER see her kids.

  23. I'd say we're doing the spaghetti method now, but there are just so many possibles. Time will tell.

    1. Spaghetti method indeed. Let’s fling some shit and see what sticks.

  24. @bmx: Naomi Watts is already ‘in the club.)

  25. Liev Schreiber must have washed his hands of that one.

  26. Speaking of Natalie, who is the father of baby #2. Is it also Aronofsky or someone else?

  27. Gen z99 first of all, who said it was a white woman. Nobody. YOU made that assumption. Stop being a racist. Even if you’re white, & no matter what color your skin is, constantly stereotyping & vilifying people of a race, any race, is te pure definition of racism. . stop it

    1. It seems to be their 'thing'.
      I try and imagine it's performance art and that no one could be that fucked up in real life.

  28. Don’t see any cross-dressing with Sandra’s or Halle’s sons, so, as @Brayson said, we’ll have to wait and see.

  29. Yeah it’s just CRAZY to think that people with power and money and influence would ever work together to keep that power, money and influence! Y’all are just a bunch of crazies 🙄

  30. This must be repeated: Those are not their kids. Actresses don't get ahead in that incestuous stew pot unless they are frigid dykes. They do not own their careers or their bodies. And they don't care. They have no empathy for themselves anymore than their idiot public. They are drones. Real humans with real urges do not get a spot on stage. They are not as easily controlled. The Nat plays a mother just like any other role. Its one holistic system and she and the other stars in this synthetic culture are lifetime actors. Nobody ever yells "CUT!" because the scene never ends. You are wasting your emotions on these hollow idols but that's the point: DISTRACTION with a capital D!

  31. @Substance D, So you're saying we should burn this mutha down like Larry David said?🔥
    Where should we start?

  32. SO confused. So she doesn't want her kids papped but now she is okay with having them papped forcibly cross dressed? She wants from going from total anonymity for them to parading them around to what end means? I don't think I believe the thinking.

  33. Gen-z99 please don’t conflate Jewish women with white women. There are very few Anglo Saxon/Euro whites in Hollywood. If you want to blame someone, please make sure you know who and what is actually doing those things. Jewish people aren’t white, white skin and “white” appearance does not make a person white.

  34. I'm obviously late to the party. What's this The Club stuff about?

  35. Where to start the demolition? Homemade porn killed that industry and don't think for a minute Disney et al didn't have a piece of the porn video market. They may have owned it all. Make your own super hero movies if you really need that crap in your head. Self-publishing killed bookstores but the crap on their shelves was just poopaganda anyway. Bootlegged music killed that shit, too. What's left to make a profit on? Dunno. As for shiksa/Jewess divides, e'splain the whitest woman on screen, Scar Jo. She's got numerous rabbis in her wood pile and she certainly puts the cock in cockasian.

  36. one time at Pavilions i took a picture of amy adams picking up the blueberries her kid had just dropped everywhere And the look she gave me i thought i was going to have to run out of there.

  37. Please don't be Kristen Bell

    1. Ok...I can be whoever you want me to be.

  38. What? Substance D, you’re proving my point! Scarlett Johansson is Jewish (look closely at her face, it is Jewish looking, she looks like a cousin of Natalie Portman). That’s what’s called a crypto Jew. Can pass as Euro (I don’t use the term Caucasian as the Caucasus isn’t “Europe Europe” and they aren’t really the same genetically as Anglo Saxon/Gallic/etc Europeans which is what I’m speaking of here) but isn’t. Scarlett may be beautiful but she’s not white. Appearing white isn’t white! Remember Wentworth Miller? He looks pretty white but isn’t. Excuse my autistic classification scales here please (they’re accurate though) 👌🏻😁

  39. I have been in major medical centers for 30+ years. These gerref Errol’s from all offer theCou try and the incidence of this disorder is e remedy small. Either they should call in the feds toinvestigatewhat drugs they consumed to make the incidence so high among celebrity children- or like the adoption of black infants phase a few years ago, we have desperate actresses who will do anything for a part. To label your child as transgender at age 3 is more a sign of the mothers mental health than the child’s.

  40. These blinds are as tiresome as the Dancing Boy bullshit

  41. Wow the numbers are out in force today! But then, THE CLUB will do that to you. Added to the blinds to ignore. KPop and THE CLUB.



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