Saturday, October 26, 2019

Blind Item #8

It is not a good look for this A+ list mostly movie actor to blame everyone else for going cheap on making products, when he was involved in every step.


  1. A notorious gossip blogger and the hundreds of blind items provided to him over 11 years by some poser he never bothered to check?

  2. Is this supposed to be Brad and houses he built?

  3. If you are building homes on the gulf coast out of plywood instead of concrete you probably should not be in the home building business. It is always wet and humid.

  4. I saw them when they were being built and knew they would be a disaster. The architecture was horrendous and totally out of place, and the materials were sub par. Three years after being built they looked like crap. Why try and reinvent the wheel in a place like St. Bernard. Put some classic houses made of real wood or concrete on stilts, with porches all around and be done with it. All of those places looked like shitty projects out of a low end architecture student's portfolio. Hardly any windows, for example.

  5. Brad, let's face it,is not that bright and was probably stoned/ drunk during the whole time. He needs to accept his responsibility and right things as much as possible. A low end trailer park would have held up better than these houses. But a lot of people were duped by "environmentally friendly businesses" during that time.But we can't admit to that,can we?

  6. @momo,homes are rebuilt in flood zone area all the time,with much success. Why didn't anyone do what works?

  7. Guesser. your guess is good as mine. I can only say that INCOMPETENCE and CORRUPTION reign supreme in New Orleans. SO FUNNY in 2007 or so they had a MODEL CITY conference in NOLA and Brookings and Carnegie and Rockefeller underwrote it. Wherein they said New Orleans was the model city for the 21st century. GOD HELP US ALL if that is the case. Infrastructure is totally collapsing, all the jobs are service or medical because everyone is sick. Meanwhile, musicians, with rents 4x what they were before "the storm" are pretty much making the same money they did 15 years ago. It's a mess. One of the many reasons I left.

  8. Rents 4 times higher and wages stagnant?

    That's the progressive model the globalists love.

  9. a friggin' actor IS NOT an architect or engineer. ffs

  10. Anonymous12:59 PM

    What a lost opportunity in NOLA for Pitt. He could have come up with something revolutionary like concrete construction or alternative materials but he built a bunch of shoddy looking crap houses. I think he had good intentions but was just dumb and wanted to look more involved than he was. Even high end construction on the Gulf Coast can look like crap in a couple of years due to the humidity.

  11. If you scroll over to the image with the house in the foreground of the destroyed ice cream shop you will see the sort of house he should have built (somehow for less, don't ask me how). If you are going to build a house on the coast that is what you need.

  12. Hempcrete, even. Would have been revolutionary. OH wait think it was illegal then...

    Brad's on the road to hell, you know, the proverbial one. I do think he must be stupid but he does seem well intentioned.

  13. That FEMA money comes in and they start throwing it at anybody who can help after a big disaster like that, and Brad got paid. He’s smart, but a stupid asshole.

  14. Interesting articles about the homes before things get totally wrong. And yeah,they are ugly,to boot.

  15. well i for one am shocked that brad pitt is not a very good architect

  16. Anonymous7:18 PM

    @momo I almost wrote hempcrete bit I am pretty sure it was illegal then. Pitt should rebuild those homes. He can afford it easily and it would be worth it for him in goodwill. He looks like a goofball now.

  17. Everyone here is an architect, engineer and building inspector with too much time to comment on a site. The fact is those homes were approved by multiple professional and government parties prior to being built and getting COs for habitation.

  18. He is an ACTOR who paid for the houses by a donation. You think he single handedly forced families to live in those houses for years. No attempted good deed goes unpunished.

  19. Those houses were not donated, the people who moved into them had to pay for them for and take out mortgages.

  20. I don’t think this is about Brad. This happened so long ago and the issues regarding said homes have been in the news for years. How can this possibly be a current blind, unless Enty is desperate? Seriously?

  21. Aqua it was in local news in New Orleans I think yesterday that the people can go after him. And he didn't give shit away, they have payments and some of them can't live in the houses. They've been pretty kind to him but I think the gloves are going to come off.

  22. Brad Pitt, others can be sued over shoddy New Orleans 'Make It Right' homes, judge rules

  23. Just the other day was a court hearing allowing Brad to be included as part of a class action lawsuit. His attorneys tried to have him removed from the case.

  24. Why is everyone sick in New Orleans?

  25. @studio54 @momo I don’t know why everyone is sick in New Orleans but a good place to start to find out might be the water. When those water pipes were laid many decades ago all pipes from the mains were lead pipes. All those pipes which run toward the meters were lead. My dad was a plumber for more than 50 years there. He told me all of them were lead. New Orleans is an old city. Back during those days that’s what they used. A few years ago I contacted a news reporter there telling them about it. But I never heard a word about it afterward.

  26. mold in houses is most certainly a good reason to sue. Brad was in over his head..but had good intentions. unfortunately, he will have to pay.

  27. @Giada, there is nothing wrong with the lead pipes as far as people getting sick. It is mainly mold and toxins from the petro-chemical activity there but also I wonder if the actual water that gets sent into the pipes changed too but that is a different thing. If there were elevated lead levels in people thousands of blood tests would have indicated it.

    Flint Michigan has/had lead pipes and everything was fine and no one got sick. Then they illegally changed the water they were pumping through the lead pipes which then caused a problem. It was quickly discovered.

  28. Anonymous8:51 AM

    After Katrina New Orleans should have been abandoned to the swamp where it belongs.
    Save the French Quarter, Garden District and other historical areas. Keep downtown for business. Save the refineries (but make them as environmentally sound as humanly possible. Keep a few areas for affordable housing for the people who still have to work there and then let the rest flood and go back to nature as a natural area. It's just a big ugly ghetto.
    Big mistake and people like Brad Pitt were at the forefront of saving something that should not have been saved.
    History will repeat itself and NOLA will flood again. It's just not a location for a city.

  29. Thx for the update @momo.

  30. Just give them their money back and be over it. Don't offer them anything else. You get what you pay for. No one set out to rip anyone off here.



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