Friday, October 18, 2019

Blind Item #8

This permanent A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Oscar winner/nominee is addicted to opiates. The thing is, he can't inject them and hates swallowing pills. So, the older actor inserts them anally. Yeah, and how is your Friday going?


  1. Replies
    1. It WAS going well Enty😆🤗😏now I have visions of Pacino as Scarface diddling with his b hole-“Say Hello to my Little Friend”!!

    2. As he slips them in he gives out a big:

  2. That's one way of doing it, I guess...

  3. Hmm... not sure Pacino is A+ list. Enty seems to categorize De Niro as permanent A and I don't see Pacino at a higher level than him. Pacino might even be A- at this point.

    However, if this is him... well, not a mental image I needed. But hey, guess he can do what he wants. I knew several people who encountered him for various reasons, and they all had nice things to say!

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    De Niro

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Anonymous8:56 AM

    In WV, a doctor was arrested and jailed recently for prescribing *half a million unnecessary opiates*, to people who came across state lines to buy.
    500,000 pills.
    And that's just one doctor.

  7. I have a hard time seeing Pacino as an opiate addict, I'll admit. Dude was heavy into cocaine and alcohol but I had hoped he sobered up in his old age.

  8. Pacino is absolutely a permanent A++

  9. Does he know you can snort 'em? How much do you gotta hate swallowing pills to put 'em up your ass instead?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. This would explain DeNiro's manic meltdowns for sure.

  12. @Soapdish, I don't think the younger generation knows who he is. Jack and De Niro seemed to have been more high-profile in the 2000s. Maybe, I'm wrong however! He'll always be A++++ for the Godfather movies, in my eyes!

  13. Harrison Ford? He fits the description.

  14. I could totally buy this as De Niro. Word in NY, is that he remained heavy into drugs and alcohol but covered it up much better than some of his peers. Well, at least, until recently, I guess.

  15. I learned that doing the suppository thing is highly effective for some people. I think the stuff gets into your system faster, for one. My friend who was dying of cancer didn't want to get high from cannabis but it helped her. We made her suppositories and they helped immediately. For months after I bought the kit I got ads for suppositories. lol

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Deniro but thought of Jack Nicholson too. Sounds like someone with a disability why they can’t swallow or inject. Happy Friday!!

  18. Stars from the 70s lived fast and were lucky to not die young! Could really be any old man, couldn't it.

  19. I'd want to imagine DeNiro shoving drugs up his ass as much as I wanted to see him do a "number 3" in Dirty Grandpa. Ugh

  20. @Da Fresh Prince he was actually a barbitutuate,heroin guy when younger. Panic in Needle Park method acting if you will. Also a peeping Tom/creeper when he was a janitor in HIgh Schools in the Bronx. Yes, an older Pacino is a fairly mild mannered guy from my experiences,but always,always messy.
    DeNiro not an opiad guy at all.

    1. His manic behavior it’s the antithesis of that.... he’s amped

  21. Yes but why does he insist on his sphincter sherbet being inserted on the end of a rent boy's throbbing meat thermometer?

  22. Tricia-- little friend, lol!!!!😂😂😂

    What about Christopher Walken? He smuggled a watch in there, after all!

  23. lol Trisha. Thank you for making me laugh this morning. :)

  24. There really are many options!
    Harrison Ford was already mentioned, perhaps Sylvester Stallone? All the years of action movies might have taken their toll on either one?

  25. Well he got his start in that fisting movie

  26. It seemed so much more classy when Stevie Nicks used to do something similar with coke.

  27. This is a funny thread. Flashy I was thinking of Stevie and Tony Montana taking turns. You want another bump pussy cat?
    Deniro, and Pacino are perm A no question. After Prince and Tom Petty died I figured that there's probably lots of stars who are secretly addicted to opiods. Some may have fallen into addiction from partying like that guy from Glee who OD'ed at the Fairmont Waterfront in Vancouver. And others, like action stars, or people who've been in accidents. Like construction workers overcoming an injury they start out being perscribed legit pills, then go doctor shopping, like MJ, or take black market pills like Tom Petty and Prince did. Imagine being surrounded by people who can only say yes to you. No real friends, and even family who are in one way or another employees, and being an addict. No thank you.

  28. Oh please....all of you grandstanding.....don't know it till you've tried it.

  29. @momo and others
    From a pharmaceutical perspective....suppository totally works. Blood supply from rectum is as fast as the blood from the oral mucosa, slightly faster than nasal. Many years ago in a profession I no longer practice - I actually made morphine suppositories for a patient, legitimately.

    No way this is DeNiro though...wrong personality type. IMO.I would definitely go for Pacino here.

  30. Enty, you're so full of shit on this one. Dude can't swallow a pill, like you know how he swallows all of his food and whatever fluids, but the Hershey highway is just a wide open slip'n'slide to his body?

    The pills aren't that big, and even if he has a tiny throat he can chop them into smaller pieces. If he doesn't like the taste he can hide the flavor in food.

    If dude is putting pills up his a$$, it's because he likes putting things up his a$$.

    Fun fact, imodium is an opioid that supposedly doesn't pass the blood-brain barrier at normal dosages, supposedly 😅
    So if you've got the shits or are suffering from opiate withdrawal, run for the imodium/loperamide! ;)

  31. oh and @TeeHee - opiates have little effect on your weight unless you are regularly doing enough to puke and then nod out, forgetting to eat - which most people don't, at least not for long. Opiate users may not eat properly - but they do eat. Often - a lot of ice cream and sweet stuff that is easy and quick. Heroin chic is a model issue with not eating...not directly caused by the opiate.

    Some of the fattest people I have known were opioid addicts...and I have known a lot.

  32. says he "hates" swallowing pills -not "can't"

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. ... that would be one expensive habit for Poops McGee!

  35. Definitely hits blood stream quicker because the blood vessels are close to the surface in the anus. When medication is swallowed the stomach blood supply is more diffuse and the other stomach contents slow down absorption of the drugs from the stomach. The French prefer this route for many medications because it is second only to injection in the amount that is absorbed.

  36. Not a lot of clues on this one- Just permanent A+ list mostly movies actor- come one Enty no other clues??

  37. @Melit, No sh!t sherlock, if he can breath without a ventilator then he can swallow pills, obviously Enty was speaking about avoidance and preference. My point was that there were several better alternatives to normally taking a pill than shoving it up an ass. Try pilling a cat sometime, you usually just can't throw it down their throat, you've got to hide it in food or something. If weirdo was putting pills up his a$$ it was because he wanted to put pills up his a$$.

    Listen the spectrum is awesome but people have to stop taking every comment literally.

  38. i'm thinking Michael Douglas - he was treated for throat cancer which would definitely impact the swallowing...

  39. Robin- what a great and logical guess!

  40. What happen to snorting them of wait its cdan they take the pervy route ..

  41. Dustin Hoffman just because he has not been mentioned.

  42. That'll get you fucked up quick. Ever take ecstasy that way? Holy shit. He should just bang them and get his bubblegum skin popper shit over with.

    1. Probably has collapsed all his veins!

  43. Clooney. Don’t know what is wrong with him, but it’s clearly something. . He is wasting away just like Bill Clinton

  44. How would someone close to him know this and then share it? Questioning.

  45. @MeticulusBee Lost a nice chunk of weight with Tramadol, which I was prescribed for knee pain. Elevated my mood, too, which was a tremendous bonus, as I was pretty down (caring for dying mother). After knee replacement and recovery, no more drugs. Felt bad, mild WD, couldn't stop moving. Over time it stopped, but it was very unpleasant. Gained the weight back, depressed again. Oh, well, it was nice while it lasted.

  46. Dude, just ask a shady doc to write for a B&O suppository. Barb&Opiate supp would be much easier than sticking a pill up your shute.

  47. Putting pills in your ass would not work to get them into the bloodstream.... unless they were compounded suppositories. Just sayin’.

    @amused formerly disgusted, tramadol is used as an antidepressant in the U.K. & other countries...



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