Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Blind Item #6

This foreign born B list mostly movie actress with a former hit show is set to rocket up that ladder in the next six months with a bunch of sure fire hits, is doing press for her current movie. She hates it because one of her co-stars has picked right up with sexually harassing her as he did during the entire shoot.


  1. Zaezie Beetz/The Joker/Atlanta the show?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One of the Downton Abbey actresses?

  4. Start wearing a body camera.

  5. Mackenzie is a good guess with new TERMINATOR and HALT AND CATCH FIRE. Didn't IMDB to see what else she was doing but TERMINATOR was a big land and I bet she got lots of offers!

  6. Yay ManicPixie Davis/Younger Juliette Lewis! 🤗

  7. How about putting your big girl panties on and punching him in the nuts...if you make yourself a be a victim you always will be like ol Demi Lovato

  8. @ Unknown Anna has been around forever. She as a star of TRUE BLOOD. Don't see anything about to make her skyrocket. She has been a slow burn but successful for a long time.

  9. Mackenzie Davis, Terminator and Halt and Catch Fire are perfect guesses. She wore nipple shirts in HaCF. She's one of my celebrity crushes. I think she's just adorable.

  10. @kiki Anna Paquin won an Oscar at age 11. Slow burn since then.
