Friday, October 04, 2019

Blind Item #5

Of course this online tabloid is making sure they take the side of the A- list actor from an acting family's side of the story. They always take the side of an accused male. It is their long standing practice.


  1. and his closed acting comes the lawsuits..

  2. Ughh, read that story this morning... gross.

  3. Like a turd that just keeps circling the bowl.

  4. Just horrid. I cant imagine what angle they can possibly work to even try to defend him. Flush and flush again

  5. TMZ and James Franco
    The only time TMZ sides with a woman is when it’s a Kardashian

  6. the deuce has gotten better as the seasons moved on. glad it hasnt jumped the shark.

  7. The duece f*cking sucks, but it's easier to get a show on HBO if it's pervy.

  8. Does season 2 of DEUCE also contain "artistic scenes" like season 1? Just asking for curiosity!

  9. this season of the deuce is the best one so far.

  10. Is the Deuce that show where Droopy Dog Gyllenhaal keeps getting naked? Anything to take the focus off that face! 🤮🤮

  11. @astra...yes she does get naked on the show, not a lot of nudity with her as the focus. the show is about the 70s porn era going from 25 cent peep shows to the dawning of home video and its effect on the industry. this season theyre in the beginnings of the aids epidemic and what it means to the prostitution industry that they make their living on. there is subject matter to the show that goes beyond hedonistic sex.

  12. I'm still waiting on the reveal of that big hush-hush very important movie about the female porn star that all the big actors want to get in on.

  13. Anonymous11:49 AM

    No wonder the comments on women's news are disgusting

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.
