Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Blind Item #5

This foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is out doing press right now and comes from an acting family makes his actress girlfriend tell him thank you every time he kisses her or has sex with her because he says she should treat it as a privilege. 


  1. Joaquin/Rooney Mara

    1. If Enty still considers PR foreign...(we’ve been over this lol)

  2. How is Joaquin foreign born

    1. Used to describe Benecio Del Toro the same way.
      Also born on PR

    2. But he gets sienna miller right? Oh Enty

  3. That's got to be the least perverse blind we'd ever had about him 😅

  4. Perhaps Enty is privy to information we don't know.🤔

  5. Good strategy, it is important to provide structure while training.👍

  6. Both blind and comments are so funny!😂

    Oooph, the ego! Both the affection and the acknowledgements should be given freely. Does he thank her for kisses initiated by her, or are those forbidden? Lord only knows what other demands and expectations this prince decrees.

  7. As a puertorican born, raised and living on the island, i say its ok to say we are a foreign country. We don't feel american and don't want to be american. Just because we are a colony of the US doesn't mean we don't have our own identity. We are puertoricans. Period.

  8. I mean we've had blinds where the two of them were screwing siblings, this is pretty vanilla.

  9. I'd love to see Puerto Rico independent. No more annoying US government, no more annoying US passports, no more annoying US welfare system. Totally on its own. Independent and free.

    I don't know why less than 6% of Puerto Ricans voted for this in 2017, and 2012, and 1998, and 1993, and 1967.

  10. Puerto Rico is lovely and I like the people/culture. But they’ve been a financial responsibility since 1898.
    Democrats and Republicans send them BILLIONS annually. So,no thank you to them becoming the 51st State.

  11. Anonymous8:58 AM

    Nutty I checked out your blog today. Great read!

  12. You may send billions, but you take way much more from us. It is up to you to tell congress to cut ties and let it be over. 51st (or 52nd) state will never happen. Funny how gringos are so quick to call "fake news"on just about everything related to them, but when it comes to shit you know nothing about then google is your friend/source. You know nothing.

    1. You forgot to write Jon Snow, after “You know nothing.”

  13. Puerto Ricans are lazy. Yes they show up in the morning but between 10:30 AM and 1:30 PM they hide in the shade. Guess that's life on a tropical island. Just don't expect lunch around lunch time unless you packed it.

    The island is also a paradise for human trafficking, drugs, and prostitution. Why do you think the Democrats held a pow wow there when the broadway play "Hamilton" was in town?

    Senator Menendez loves the place. They squandered billions of hurricane aid from America. How did they do it? The Puerto Ricans who govern the island sold their own people down the river.

    Puerto Rico is a nicer version of Haiti. Puerto Ricans shouldn't hate America... they should hate their local government.

    No... it should NEVER become the 51st state.

  14. I have no dog in this fight, but it's entertaining and Illuminati by.

  15. With gringos is always a matter of minutes if not seconds before racism gets thrown around. What a cliché.

  16. Rooney Mara was controlled before the relationship with Joaquin.

    It feels at home...


    That is one sick dude.

  17. With Hispanics, it’s only a matter of minutes or seconds before they start whining about racism. If gringos are so awful, then please declare your independence and fend for yourself. But you won’t, because you wouldn’t get free shit and get to be a parasite off the US taxpayers. Amazing how arrogant and stupid people are to literally spit in the faces of the people that feed them, call them racist names then immediately start playing the victim of “racism”! It would be hilarious if it wasn’t so pathetic. I guess kind of like Puerto Rico itself.

  18. @BoriBori Get over yourself. Bringing up racism yet you can easily say "gringos". What a joke.

  19. "Illuminati by", what the fuck?!!!!

    'Illuminating' is what I meant but my autocorrect has taken a turn for the Alex Jones.

  20. I'm gonna try this strategy with my GF.

    Stay tuned to this space to hear how it went.

  21. lol! "feed them"?, "parasites"? you listen to yourself? You won't give us our independence. Ask your people why. Your culture of ignorance and stupidity is notorious and well know across the globe. Get over yourselves or at least educate yourselves.

    1. Ok, so...he's not wrong on this point**

  22. Puerto Rico isn't a total turd. They are very caring when they prepare meals. Taco Bell is a 5-star mexican restaurant in PR. The food you order looks like the menu. It takes a half hour to get your food when you're the only bloke in line.

    They are also very diligent about service at restaurants. Not in your face. Don't reach over your shoulder or ask to fill your glass.

    There are only two legal industries in Puerto Rico. Bacardi and the heavily subsidized power company.

    Roadside jerk chicken stands are great two. Chickens roam free in Puerto Rico.

  23. @Max Power.

    Let me put on my Nostra Flashy cape.

    I'm gonna say......ohmmmm.......badly!

  24. Puerto Rico should be cut loose.

  25. haha what jealous friend of Rooney came up with this one?

    She comes from a billionaire family. She is with Joaquin because she wants to be. And, who wouldn't? He is the definition of sexy!

    I would would never thank him for sex, but, I am also smart enough to see between jealous "friends" and reality.

  26. Take your gringo bullshit and shove it up your ass. Puerto Rico has nothing to offer.

  27. The speeding tickets in Puerto Rico are super cheap too! $15 for 85 in a 55. Can't beat that.

    The rush hour traffic is a mix of 3rd world country mayhem and Americana.

  28. Sounds like a sexy Dom/Sub situation.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. I was thinking that as well. Not based on the blind....just in my head.

    Juaquin as a dom? DAMN!

    Just damn.

    That is sooooo hot. : P

  31. Gotta love someone from a literal shithole telling first world people to “get educated”! 😂🤣. Nah you can shove that white guilt propaganda where the sun don’t shine. Maybe if you want independence you should tell your countrymen to vote for it. I don’t know one American that wants to keep supporting the money sink that is PR. Lol if we didn’t take care of you lazy bums you’d be Haiti II in a year.

  32. TeeHee@U

    Rooney Mara is an NFL product.

    No offense against Rooney. Do any of us have a choice.

    Joaquin Phoenix or his publicist are embarking on a shade game.

    Don't trust him. He's a sick tool.

  33. haha I don't trust him. Just he is the ONE Hollywood actor I think is beyond sexy and sp talented. I actually do think a lot the so called "hot actors" are actually all that hot compared to general society. But, Juaquin has always done it for me. LOL probably Freudian on some level but I'll never meet him the real life, so who cares? haha

    I think Charlize Theron is gorgeous but just evil on the inside basing that on all of her actions (you guys have heard my rants before so I won't repeat haha) . I don't get that "evil" vibe from Juaquin though like I do with Charlize.

  34. Astra Worthington

    I've spent months working in the jungles of Puerto Rico. An elderly Puerto Rican man pleaded with me not to proceed down a river or the cartels would cut off my head.

    Not all Puerto Ricans are bad.

    If we adopt the island, we take on problems you cannot comprehend.

    If we abandon the island, we have something worse than Haiti.

    Hillary loves islander blood and children.

  35. You're obviously a woman TeeHee@U.

    Joaquin lost a brother.

    Theron lost a father.

    You're bias is based upon your lust.

  36. Blah blah, whites are racist, blah blah. No evidence to this but here we are, spewing stupid shit once again. A LOT of islanders are extremely racist. My husband was stationed on an island and they absolutely detest whites so lets not pretend that the bad guys are the white people. You get that attitude in every race.

    Anyway, this shit is creepy and Joaquin is fug. Good actor but he's weird as shit and there's nothing attractive about him whatsoever.

  37. I am a woman and can admit that openly. And, I can also admit that I lust after an actor I will never meet. That does not make me a lost soul.

    Also, at what point does losing a family member justify one's evil actions? I can empathize where one is coming from.....but, Phoenix is an adult...Charlize, in my opinion, abuses her adopted child. Underage/ children is my line.

  38. Can’t disagree with you, Me. It isn’t new either. I swear Kipling’s poem “White Man’s Burden” applies here a hundred years later, like it did to the Philippines (which is still a shit hole). I don’t know what the solution is and I definitely don’t think all people from anywhere are all bad, I just don’t want to keep taking on the world’s problems as our own country drowns under the weight of those burdens and our own domestic issues as well.

  39. one of the Dumbest blinds ever. Can easily be a missunderstood joke.
    Or a weirds sex thing- who cares?! Can you go back to writing about real criminals? not what concenting adults do?!
    He`s a weird dude, we GET IT. Part of his appeal.

  40. Mrs. Astra Pitt Ad Worthington

    Well... both the Philippines and Puerto Rico were "colonized" for a reason and it isn't good.

    When you live on an island and are dirt poor there is no place to run.

    Abandoning Puerto Rico would be a worse act than colonizing the island.

    Why do you believe Rodrigo Duterte is telling everyone including Obama where they can stick it?

    Imelda Marcos purchased all those shoes with the blood of her own people.

    1. The Phillipines manufactures shoes. The factory owners probably gave her shoes.

      The biggest scandal is the real estate she owned. That regime took funds from the poor people of their country and "hid" them overseas.

  41. Itsy Bitsy TeeHee@U

    How many celebrities lost siblings tragically?

    How many celebrities lost a child tragically? A first born male child?

    How many celebrities lost a dear parent tragically?

    How many celebrities lost a lover tragically?

    Were their careers faltering at the time of loss or was their career launched afterward.

    I've worked in two very dangerous professions. I've never witnessed so much loss in either one.

  42. I understand and have seen probably the exact same YouTUbe videos as you haha. I did theater in college and high school and I think a lot of what makes good actors is their ability to understand pain which they use on stage to bring their characters to life. Most actors/ actresses have very unstable lives both professionally and personal so the said instability (never knowing for sure your next job) would make sense based on the childhood/ experiences of said actors) in childhood makes them unstable and attention seeking in adulthood.

    You want to know the difference between a successful and unsuccessful actor/ actress? (Besides: HW and the types LOL) putting your career and image first aka selfishness. Attention on yourself for what you think you need (childhood stars) or want (attention in childhood_ in adulthood.

    My two cents for whatever its worth.

    I get the Eyes Wide Shut vibe as well, but, usually the most simple explanation is the right answer.

    I'd say the same things about the Silicon Valley peeps... not very popular in now they feel "it is their duty" to regulate the world.

  43. I don’t think this is Phoenix, unless it’s part of a consensual kink. I worked with him on “Inherent Vice” he was lovely. Very humble, unassuming & kind to all the extras. I don’t know what happens behind closed doors, but he seemed to be a very respectable person.

  44. Hotbox

    That may be so. There are plenty of polite cordial folks out there that will slit your throat if they feel the threat of exposure.

    Never assume anyone's heart is pure by action alone.

    I have experienced it personally. The quiet unassuming can be ruthless. The kind and generous may do so just to remove your guard. The tattooed punk rocker with a bone in their nose will come to your defense when least expect it.

  45. Puerto Rico deserves so much better than how the US has treated them. To all PRs here, I see you love you and support you!

  46. Knitwit

    One does not enter the halls of power and acquire valuable real estate without at least knowing how to avoid dirt or by wallowing in it.

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Just some light dom/sub going on. If it makes them both happy who cares?

  49. joaquin may be a good actor, but reading his interviews...he comes off as dumb. plus his onset antics are SO diva, if he was a woman he would have been fired. its amazing the shit these guys get away with. talk about difficult manbabies.

  50. JL

    Women don't want that stuff. It is either born out of a feeling of worthlessness or inadequacy.

    Or it is a method of control.

    Fools game for the weak minded.

  51. I wonder I Joaquin got Larry to say thank you after making him famous today in the press..oh and for the bollocking he received while Whackin' was actin'.

  52. Natasha21- Fwiw, I think these kinds of blinds are fun tidbits. Quirky little bits of trivia that might give you insight into what makes particular people tick and/or click.

  53. @JL


    That's what i thought soon as i read it. :-)

  54. Aww,Freebird, clever! Also making me nostalgic for the old GOT days! Raven, comeback!
