Friday, October 04, 2019

Blind Item #4

After years of not living together or in any way resembling husband and wife, this closeted A- list solo and group singer finally split with her closeted husband. It was a relationship I wrote about before and during their marriage and wondered why they ever did it. I'm not even sure they ever even lived together.


  1. Even when she's with her boo, you know she's crazy over her lesbian lover.

  2. Yeah manager marriages are always shady.

  3. 2/3 of Destiny's child were gay.

  4. Was thinking Michelle, but I think she and her gay husband already split?

  5. Her trainer is Queen Latifah's ex celebrity trainer Jeanette Jenkins, so maybe she and Kelly are secretly an item? I belive Kelly is bi, she was engaged to an NFL player before her "straight" manager.

  6. 🎶If you liked it then you shudda put your minge on it🎶
