Saturday, October 26, 2019

Blind Item #3

This former A+ list rapper does realize that everyone in his family makes more than he does right? 


  1.'re just going to make him raise the price on the socks!

  2. Anyone else watch his interview with Bigboy where he went full insane?

  3. Kanye really needs to be put away in a mental health facility.

  4. Anonymous9:22 AM

    He's going through his "Jesus" phase just like so many mentally ill have done before him.

  5. He’s definitely losing it but at least he’s telling Kim that North can’t wear makeup & skimpy tops. Who the hell would dress a 6-year-old like that?

  6. That’s why he’s doing religion now, more money to be made as a charlatan televangelist. Just ask Joel Osteen.

  7. I am digging the interview. He is a free thinker and I do think he believes his Jesus stuff 100% right now. I felt many of the things out of his mouth outside of his politics were quite interesting.

  8. When was Kanye anymore than a C?

    1. I think b+ he has some good stuff but he cant hide his crazy long enough or keep it together without blowing his life and finances up now hes got a cult.

  9. This will all change when the first week sales of his gospel record come in! :)

  10. Hes not really got much to sale but crazy lol you cant rely in him to finish tours or act human and yall know hes blowing thru some of Kim K money he was broke when they started dating and still owes Jay Z 10 mill at least

  11. Man it's gonna hit him so hard when the depression phase of bipolar hits and he realizes how much a fool he's made of himself over the past... what is it, decade now? Definitely since Trump came into office.

    1. I think his major issue is that he feels responsible for his mother’s death; and he’s right....he is responsible. His actions killed her. There’s no way of getting around that.

    2. how is it his gault @ aquagirl. her body , her decision. he hired a RN Nurse relative who neglected her!! that statement is so wrong.

    3. his fault. not gault

  12. @SD: She wanted 3 types of plastic surgery at the same time. Breasts, lipo, and something else. Quite a few doctors refused to take her case until Kanye found one who would. (Why not just do the surgeries at different times if the doctors were so concerned?) They wanted her to stay in the hospital for several days, but Kanye refused. That’s how his nephew, the nurse, ended up being her caregiver....until he dumped her to go to a party and she died. Totally Kanye’s fault. He scheduled it, paid for it, and didn’t listen to any of the doctor’s advice....including having her stay at the hospital where she most likely could’ve been saved.

  13. She wanted to have 3 types of surgery done at the same time. Breasts, lipo, and something else. Several doctors declined due to the condition of her health. Kanye finally found someone who agreed to do all 3 procedures, but said that she’d need to stay in the hospital for a few days. Kanye disregarded this advice and took her home. His nephew, who was a nurse, was supposed to be taking care of her, but he left her alone to go to a party and she died. Kanye set up the procedures, paid for them, and removed her from the hospital against doctor’s orders. He contributed to her death.



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