Friday, October 11, 2019

Blind Item #2

The former immediate boss of the rapist news anchor keeps ditching reporters even though he has a zillion reporters who work for him now. He knows there are no answers that will not make him look even worse than it seems.


  1. Jeff Zucker/Matt lauer

  2. Anonymous7:09 AM

    glad to see you posting Tricia13! Some of us were worried about you after Enty's Patreon post last night.

    1. @Unknown../ yes I awoke to alot of messages (which I am very thankful for) but all good here. ... I am not sure who E was referring to but praying for them

  3. I used to think Lauer was full of sh*t (and I still don't like him) but his account seems kinda believable. You don't carry on an affair with your rapist unless you're after something.

    1. Are you an abuse counselor? You are clueless about how abused women behave - especially when their rapist is in a position of power over them.

    2. Also, to those entirely unclear: The systematically abusive "business as usual" of sexual predation in the entertainment business has been so entrenched for so long it has only lately begun to even remotely be addressed. And some women were not tough enough to tell the assholes to fuck off.

  4. @Half, Sex without consent is rape. She said no multiple times, tried to resist him, and he didn't use lube for anal. That does not sound like a romantic evening.

  5. @Unknown, What was the post?

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Matt “I’m going in dry” Lauer. Which I have to say is disgusting. Did this dude serve time at a British boarding school or what.

  7. Zucker-- i just watched Ronan on Good Morning America. He said there were several NDAs and settlements (many connected to Lauer) before this woman came forward.

  8. I second that Brayson87...what happened w/ Enty and Tricia13?!! O_o

  9. NBC also tried to stop Ronan's investigation into Harvey. What exactly is the peacock up to?

  10. Anonymous7:59 AM

    @Brayson @Glue It wasn't about Tricia directly but some thought it might be. Enty's post: "Apparently there may have been a tragedy involving a long time friend of the site all of you know. I am digging into it to see to see if it is indeed true.....hopefully have more information and then be able to share what I know."

    People were guessing JohnDoe or Hmmmm or Tricia or Amanda Bynes.

  11. @Brayson - agreed that "sex without consent" is technically rape and she says she was drunk so inherently was unable to consent...however, and this is a question no one has been able to answer - ever: If she was drunk enough that she has no responsibility for her behavior...what about him. If he was drunk - does he still have responsibility?

    Not specifically talking about Lauer because I think he deserves every suckey thing that happens to him from here on out. In this case, I think he did it - but she showed serious lack of judgement in continuing a relationship. The least she should have done was avoid the jackass.

    Just have never seen this "drunk" defense adequately addressed.


  13. @Mel, Intoxication or otherwise being under the influence is never accepted as an excuse for committing crimes, nor does it negate someone being a victim.
    People get drunk all the time, the vast majority do not rape anyone.

  14. Andy Lack, obviously.

  15. @brayson Then why did she go back and carry on an affair?

  16. @Half, I think she said something about fear of losing her career or something. Who knows. What we do know is that he buttf*cked his coworker/subordinate on a business trip and it was forcible entry. As to how that happened there are two different stories.

  17. Really @Half ? victim blaming??
    So many victims stay with their abuser. Nothing new!!

  18. Thank you @ Unknown!

  19. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Andrew Lack, not Zucker. Andy Lack is not the only randy Andy on this planet.

  20. Not victim blaming at all. Just looking at the big picture. Calm down ffs.

  21. It should be a federal crime to cover up illegality with NDAs.



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