Sunday, October 13, 2019

Blind Item #1

This A list actor invites women that he randomly meets or pursues in his neighborhood to dinner. After dinner they are invited back to his place for drinks when he nonchalantly asks them to perform a very specific act on his large glass coffee table. He requests this act using medical terminology.


  1. Provide a "Stool Sample?"

    Okay, my apologies.


    I think I'll quit for the day!

    1. My dad was a doctor. He always was quick with a joke to his patients regarding their stool sample. R.I.P., Daddy. (One year ago today was his funeral). ❤️

    2. Oh Firebird - the year of firsts is so very hard. I hope you find comfort in remembering all of the great times with your dad. (The story you shared makes me laugh!!)

    3. Thank you!! πŸ’— I do...but it’s still really new to me, this being an orphan thing. And I’m lost without his weekly phone talks & his wisdom. Mainly I just miss knowing someone in my family loves me. He was all I had left. I’m trying to get used to having friends be my family, but it’s just not the same. 😞 It was his time, though. I’m grateful for what I had. ❤️

  2. EWWWWW and I bet that's exactly it, @DavidHowes.

  3. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Probably defecating while he's under the glass table. IDK there has always been one star or another this rumor circulates about.

    1. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Usually it's Chris Pratt

  4. He likes to give pap exams? Okay, whatever, gross.

    I can't even look at Franco anymore, all I see is a swarmy pile of shit that won't come off my shoe.

    As for the women that allow men to do this...get a grip and some self-worth.

  5. Isn't Franco always mentioned "from an acting family"? or not always?? otherwise he definitely fits.

    and, a doody blind is first thing today?? happy Sunday! haha

    But, seriously, The psychology behind getting off on literal shitting.....

  6. Oh sorry, I didn't read the "them" part properly. Scatology, even worse. That is one kink I do NOT understand.

  7. Going with Owen Wilson. He’s around NYC shooting a movie and a weirdo.

  8. I don't THINK I'm being naive, but let's discuss, lol...aren't these people worried about pink eye? Potential e coli? Salmonella? Many other nasty germs and bacteria? He has no idea what's floating around these women's bodies. THE SMELL! I get its a big middle eastern humiliation sexual gratification to literally shit on a beautiful woman's face/body WHATEVER, but like @TeeHee@U said, what IS the psychology behind (no pun intended, lol) this act?

    I'm forever mystified and glad for it.

  9. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I thought Pratt was the one into this

  10. Danny Thomas?

    I kid!!! I didn't even know this was a stupid rumor until it was mentioned on Veep.

  11. +1 MDAnderson…The Butterscotch Stallion!

  12. I think someone has to fart on your pillow to get pink eye! Sucio!

  13. BlissBoo-- Asking the questions so we dont have to! Thank you!😡😜😡

  14. If it were Franco, it would say " what actor from an acting family picks up underage girls, invites them for drinks and ... " . I have a feeling it's someone else, not the usual suspects.

  15. If hes creeping under the glass table, presumably he’s avoiding the direct contact/ ecoli, germs, and his maid probably has to do the clean up. But i’m also guessing he’s filming it for future kicks


    It seems like a fetish linked to BDSM?....he gets off on the humiliation? the tabeoness of it??

    ANd, agreed! Think about the smell!

    How do you even bring that up into conversation haha....can you please come over and poop on my glass top table while I pleasure myself??

    And...who the hell cleans the glass top table??....I just hope it is Franco and not his poor housekeeper!


    UGH I guess I am just too "vanilla"

    ....and I am 10000% ok with that haha

    SO many questions....I jus

  17. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Ewww. I wonder if he takes them out for Mexican or Thai? Something that really goes through fast.

  18. John Mayer always had maids clean up,that's why people know about it. You need a real big tip...

  19. So they finish their dinner with defecaffinated coffee table antics?
    No shit?

  20. When Noddy Holder of Slade was a struggling musician in Germany
    There was some rich old perv who paid him quite a few quid to sit on a glass table and shit on it while his face was just the other side of the glass.

    1. He even told this story on a UK chat show.

  21. Dear Enty, when you post a reveal on this blind, leave out the name of the actor but please tell us about the medical activity being requested/performed!

  22. Who knew that it was possible to gag, cough, and laugh at the same time? LOL! You guys are hysterical....oh man.

    We need an expert here to help guide us scat neophytes. Help us Obi @Count Jerkula you're are only hope!

    Sorry, but I'd rather work elsewhere than scrape off someone's dung loaf off a table, sheets, wherever their freak ass flies. I have a hard enough time picking up my dog's poop!

    I'll be the first one to say that if ANY of you partake in this activity you're one sick fuck! Make sure you tip the maid.

  23. They probably have Chinese food and vanilla ice cream for dinner. That’d make anyone want to squat a shit anywhere.

  24. hahah omg on BG, there is a James Franco reveal over there and the title of article is "Ho, Ho Slimy."

    Brings new meaning after this blind on this website.....

    and I wonder if food is part of the deal with Franco......or is the guessing part of the kink?? Ohh man that thought makes me queasy!

  25. James has a pop-up Taco Bell Hotel inside of his house, bwah hahahahaha!

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. "I would like to caress your vulva then lightly masticate on your labia"

  27. @Freebird, sorry about the loss of your Dad!

    1. Thank you! He was my hero. ❤️

  28. Who is Eric Ciaramella?

  29. Yes, Freebird, sorry about your Dad!πŸ™

    1. Awww...thanks, Vita! It’s weird cuz I lost my mom early in life and now my dad is gone. Not having a parent anymore has left me feeling very empty.

  30. Replies
    1. You’re so sweet, @GentleBreeze! Thank you! πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’—

  31. Unknown 4:12 that actually kinda turns me on!

    No scat , though. !@#$%^&*()_+blurghhfghrg

  32. Sending you much ❤️, Freebird.

    1. Thanks so much, my fellow mermaid! 🧜🏼‍♀️πŸ’•
      Btw, I replied back to you on that older blind. ☺️

  33. Weren’t there rumors about Sylvester Stallone enjoying this activity?

    1. Yup, I remember that too. But the rumour was that he hired sex workers for that. I think the book, You'll never make love in this town again, writes about that.

  34. It is called a Glass Bottom Boat. Anyone who listens to Gilbert Gottfried's podcast knows Danny Thomas was well known to enjoy it, as confirmed by multiple celebs Gilbert interviewed. Former legendary wrestler Jimmy "Boogie Woogie Man" Valiant was also known to enjoy it.

    In the modern era i am sure most people would just go to and search Teen Pooping, to avoid the smell and clean up.

    1. Love his podcast "you've got to fuck the chicken"

  35. I heard (many years ago) that Telly Savalas had a penchant for the same thing.

  36. Don't know if he's regarded as A-list, but my money is on Jemaine Clement.

  37. It’s been written that Stallone, Chris Pratt and Vanna Whites Ex were all into this

  38. That must be one hell of a sturdy coffee table.

  39. Think Chuck Berry was also a fan of what Brown can do for you.
    At first, I thought this was to watch a chick queef, which led me to wonder what the medical terminology for that would be.

  40. If it didn't say 'actor', how I would ADORE IT if it was Captain Shitstain D. tRump. :-D . Funny how it's always MEN DOING THIS.

  41. Eggs Danny Thomas Style please.
