Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Blind Item #12

There were a dozen choices that would have worked even better, but for some reason the A list director decided to go with the convicted child molester's song. He said it gave it an extra edge. Yeah, an edge that lets the molester collect a massive amount of money.


  1. Rock n Roll Pt 2 Gary Glitter?

    1. +1 sandy/Aqua-Todd Philippe is the A list director

  2. Gary Glitter’s Rick and Roll Part 2 in Joker.

  3. Sounds like Phillips is a pedo sympathizer.

  4. Anyone who hands a dime over for a ticket to Joker is feeding the Fake Jew Pedo mafia.

    Martin Scorsese
    Todd Phillips
    Bradley Cooper
    Joaquin Phoenix
    Robert De Niro

    1. That's a fucking lie dont ever disrespect my people like that

  5. really an odd choice. anything sex pistols is way edgier that gary glitter

  6. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Joaquin has been bffs with Casey Affleck for years and was with him 24/7 while Im Still Here was being filmed so he definitely witness or at the very least heard of all the groping and harressing Afleck was up to.

    1. Anonymous1:58 PM

      It's even more sad because although a disturbed soul, his brother River was a humble and kind persom who was brave and outspoken about many injustices the vast majority or the world and mainstream culture only caught up to decades later. I dont believe River had a mean bone in his body, and most likely was sexually abused as a very young child by adults in his cult Children of God. He said he lost his virginity at only a few years old. Yet it wasnt enough for his mother and father, who was very close to the founder of the cult and also worked as a high-ranking member of the organization (meaning he probably knew about at least some of the nastiness the cult was involved with) to flee the religion. Only years later, when the scandal about repent sexual acts between children and adults ocurring and being encouraged by the leaders of the cult broke out to mainstream international media, did Arlyn and John Bottom decide to leave the organization. So John was a high-ranking member of the church and had never heard of any abuse happening? I find that hard to believe. I bet there were whispers. Maybe even more Phoenix kids were abused, but i doubt they would ever come out since they arent famous and dont even give interviews.
      Also, John had a daughter whom he abandoned and didnt care to contact his whole life, until River found out about her existance and tracked her down.

      Unfortunately, it seems Joaquin has learned absolutely nothing from his late brother.

      (Sorry for the length & if the info isnt precise but you can find p much everything i mentioned online. This is only the meat and potatoes but you can trace down more shady stuff if you look for it).

    2. Joaquin just did an interview where he explained why he’s no longer friends with River. It had to do with what happened on the set of their movie.

    3. *not River, sorry. I meant Casey.

  7. Basically everybody who makes money in Hollywood is a pedo supporter. It's the club you have to join to get the big $$.

  8. Oh come on Enty, this story was on major mainstream news sites days ago, give us something fresher.

  9. Sorry in advance for the "irrelevant to this blind" comment. I used to read CDAN every day maybe as long as 10 years ago, it was a way of passing the time at the mundane office job I had. This was at the height of LiLo, Paris and Nicole times and the site had articles as well as blinds but now it just seems to be blind items.....I've not followed CDAN as closely in recent years but does anyone know when/why this changed? Thank you!

  10. Rosemary -- they were also brothers-in-law! Weren't there stories about the filming of that "satire," or whatever backpedalingly defensive label they smacked upon it when it wasn't embraced?

    Gladys Jean-- welcome back! Hopefully someone else can give you clearer answers, but I seem to recall, as with the daily Random Photos, there was a lot of time consumption? Perhaps, also, so many other potential sources for pure ly article content?

  11. I love how people make things about race, religion, politics, when it's nothing more than elites vs. proles
    None of these people, left, right, center give a flying fuck about you, they see you as cattle to be managed.
    I don't care about this movie or Phillips or Joaquin, but I do like the thumbnail I chose because it truly is a clown world now.

  12. It would have worked just as well with the Timelord/KLF version of "Doctorin' The Tardis"

  13. @Gladys Jean

    There's very little in common now with the site you knew, which was quite relaxed and funny at times. The site has gradually turned into a safe space for hard right people, who just want to incriminate "degenerates from Hollyweird", preferably with their favorite accusation, child molestation turning into wide range conspiracy. Enty or whoever poses as him now is happy to oblige, especially because this audience will pay to subscribe to his Patreon podcast. So, every day, he will provide two or three blinds on this issue, and they're the ones that attract the most comments.

    Most of the remaining celebrity blinds could be written by anybody in their sleep, provided they track news about Lindsay Lohan, Meghan Markle or Justin Bieber.

    And this particular blind about Gary Glitter is just some guy spinning a story that was mentioned in the press for days, so it's now "Deranged Hollywood director specifically asked for convicted pedophile song to be featured in his film", to make it as if all of Hollywood (well, liberal Hollywood) has an hidden agenda to banalize pedophilia.

    Meanwhile, the same song has been played hundreds of times since Gary Glitter's conviction during major American sport events, without Enty blaming the team owner for promoting child molestation.

    And Glitter will apparently make much less (even if it's still too much) from the rights to the song, as most of the money for the use of the song in the soundtrack will go to a company that negotiated the rights, to the label (which owns the recording) and to the publisher. Glitter will make money as the primary artist on the recording and as a co-writer for the song. That's the kind of stuff any entertainment lawyer is supposed to know, by the way...


    1. Angela, thank you very much for your reply. You're on the nose with the changes, I do remember it being a real sense of community in the comments even though I was just a long time lurker! It's a shame the site has moved on from what it once was.

    2. yeah this site has basically turned into q-anon but for people who read tmz

  14. Sudden selective controversy syndrome.

  15. @Angela and @Gladys Jean This site is the freaking best !!! *Air Guitar*

  16. That's right Gladys, now there's even a guy from Paris who pretends to be a woman, never says anything bad about confirmed pedos or rapists, but sh!ts on Enty every chance he gets.

  17. NAMBLAngela talking to themselves

  18. The song doesn't give the film an "extra edge" at all IMO. It took me completely out of the cinematic experience, as I wondered why that song had been chosen for the scene. If anything it detracts from the film, a misstep in what is a really great viewing experience.

  19. Anyone who buys @Angela 's version of the good old days is sadly mistaken. The old format was great, Random photos and snarky captions,sure. But also very little content,a very strong misogynist slant, some shady money requests, obstructive ads, numerous other oddities. The site changed for better and worse,like all have. Some things change because of Twitter,Instagram,podcasts,etc. Pictures cost money. We also can assume Enty has regular sources. But what held the site together was the community. Enty allowed dissent while others wouldn't. He does sway the content to the crowd. @Angela hates the community. But is here for 12 years, because he wants, or should I say needs to validate himself. Even if only by his imaginary friends.

  20. Freebird......what are you really saying since River is dead? Is this humor?

  21. Anyone who drives a car, goes on a bus, takes a taxi, or owns a moped, financially supports Arab (Muslim) Oil. And muslims are not only the biggest and most prolific pedophiles on earth, nooooo, their 50+ countries have laws that allow little girls as young as 6 (or even ZERO YEARS OLD!) to be married off (SOLD OFF) to middle aged men. Legally. How many do you ask? Oh, there are about 1.6 billion muslims in the world, so the number of legal pedophilia cases that run from Western Africa all the way to the Philippines, and from Turkey all the way down to Sudan, with dozens of countries in between, not forgetting all the muslims that have invaded western countries and have imported their deranged sexual deviancies into our midst, into roughly millions per year.

    So every time you fill up your car, think about all the little girls (and boys) sold into sex slavery, raped and abused by disgusting 50-year old inbreds, and it's all legal and accepted. Not only that, but it's also actively defended and supported by the western left. Because you wouldn't wish to upset pedos that are muslims, that'd be racist.

    So chew on that, you fucking sanctimonious moral midgets, while I go watch a fucking movie.

  22. @Freebird,do you mean he is no longer friends with Casey Affleck? The song is a distraction, and I don't know why it is used. Not to mention it sucks. Cynical me says they want the outrage. And people for years complained about its use in sports. Only with the more recent arrest did it stop being used.

    1. Yes, I amended my comment below it. Sorry ‘bout that! ☺️

  23. I love that this site is not a bunch of fungible wokebots co-signing each other's virtue signals and kissing the blogmaster's ring. Like the swarming harpies at Derplisted. If you want punitive enraged lockstep you don't have to go looking very far on the internet.

  24. So many tards triggered by a song that an old cunt pedo won't make any money off

  25. @Ubervation
    Gary Glitter (real name Paul Gadd) get's out of jail in 2021.
    This Clown movie will make him enough money to purchase at least 10 prepubescent virgins.
    Maybe enough drugs to OD another 2 or 3 dozen preteens. Half that many if they are older with a higher tolerance.
    Much cheaper to chemically enslave the really young ones, less over head.

    Thanks to industry insiders these perverts get to keep Pedowood in the money to purchases witness intimidation and out right murderer.
    The big bucks for the intimidation of child rape survivors.
    Sick cunts, eh?

  26. Oh my God, I saw Joker last night with my brother, and it was so frickin' good! I thought it was a perfect bitchslap of a movie. The whole audience was stunned by it. And Joaquin Phoenix was mindblowingly great.

    I'm not generally into superhero movies, but Batman was always big in my household, and I was keen to see this. It's phenomenal.

    I thought the Gary Glitter song was a decent fit for the scene in question, although I see the problem with using anything that would benefit him. I also think there are any number of classic rock songs that could have fit the scene as well, The Who comes to mind, but it was not a bad choice strictly speaking of how it served as an undercurrent.

    But as far as the movie overall, WOW. WOW. and WOW again.

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  28. @Gladys Jean and @Angela, this site hasn't swung to the far right, libtards like you have swung to the far left. This place has always been about salacious Hollywood gossip. People used to accept that as de rigueur. Your 'woke' moral outrage gives you away. Whether it's Weinstein's casting couch or rampant pedophilia by creeps like Dan Schneider, people are being abused. Enty didn't create Me Too, he merely reflects the zeitgeist. Thank god someone is brave and connected enough to call it out. Otherwise apologist hypocrites like you would be rushing out to see the latest Roman Polanski or Bryan Singer film and still calling everyone a conspiracy theorist. If you are trying to say that Hollyweird is not obsessed with pubescent and even pre-pubescent sex, then you are simply deranged and, frankly, a danger to children. Now, stop your pining for the "good old days" when you thought LA was a fun town that made everyone's dreams come true and make me a sandwich or I'll call child protection on your sorry asses.

    1. I'm sorry that you think I was exhibiting "woke moral outrage" or "apologist hypocrisy". I was just asking when the site had changed from having articles to just being solely blind items and I remarked that the comments don't seem to be as welcoming as they used to be.

  29. I'll say it again:


    Everything's an effing thesis with that one. Yikes.

  30. Rock and Roll part 2 is a cracking tune though

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  37. I am from the UK, and saw the movie with no spoilers at all, and when this music came on it left me feeling a bit queasy in my stomach.

    Its a great stomping tune, but one that we never really hear in the UK anymore, and the first few seconds you feel like stomping along to it, then you realise what it is and who it is by, and you just feel really uncomfortable.

    Really odd sensation, never had that feeling before, and I am sure it was intentional.

  38. Houellebequegurl +1000. It's too bad really.. often times on this site I read comments I agree with until they start throwing in the political crap. There's enough of that everywhere else- I don't need to see that here where I just want to see who's snorting coke off whose ass or the latest candidate to beard for Bradley Cooper. Posts with left wing, right wing make me roll my eyes, and (although I don't bend that way) when I see "libtard" I automatically discount anything said as the ramblings of someone in a perpetual juvenile, sophomoric state of mind even if the point they are making has legs...

  39. Gladys Jean, I miss the way it was with the articles, pics, and blind items. I think the pics were too expensive (remember his snark during the fashion weeks?), and I guess Ent garnered enough attention to make money as long as it's just blinds.

  40. If it's credited to The Glitter Band (Gary's backup) then they're the ones profiting. Plus, that song's always played in the NHL.

    Anyway, yeah, this site's comment section has been massively far-right for the past year, which is kinda sad that Enty panders to those who are obsessed with the Clintons, "Jews bad" and everyone who doesn't lick Trump's boots are suddenly pedophiles.

    The intelligent posters have gone since those vile scumbags began posting comments here.

  41. @MyDogSmiles

    So, you're eating your own by accusing Philips of being a pedo sympathizer? Todd accused anyone of being worried about shootings based on his movie as "far-left snowflakes".

    Then again, we all know the far-right like to project their own obsession with child porn onto others, so....

  42. Joker is a phenomenal film of great social value and importance, and Joaquin Phoenix was incredible. I truly hope he wins an Oscar. The usual morons on here falsely branding him a paedophile are scum. You have absolutely no proof. Slander and libel are not covered under free speech.



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