Friday, October 04, 2019

Blind Item #12

The closeted A list mostly movie actor from an acting family is paying $25,000 a month to have a woman be his "girlfriend."


  1. +1 to Jakey and his longtime girlfriend from skool

  2. $6,000 a week or so is almost poverty level salary in NYC though...



  5. Not a bad gig if you can get it LOL

    It really just sounds like he is paying her for some photos and for her to keep her mouth shut. But, the press he gets out of it is definitely worth it.

    1. No. Bad gig. Teehee, meet your soul. It's been waiting for you to notice it for a long time. This is your life. There are angels watching you. Don't sell yourself short, kiddo.

  6. What happened to the whole neighbor having Jake G’s baby (platonic, but I guess they’re close..??)

  7. Pay me $12,000 and I'll be a lot more believable.

  8. I just took a look at this beard. Are we sure she's a she?

  9. It's tough, because how pathetic are these guys that need their fans to believe they're straight? Then again how pathetic are these fans that need to believe their favorite actors are straight in order to enjoy watching them in movies?
    Yeah yeah intolerant foreign box offices, even the studios are whores.

    I got to say though, some of these actors really need to study straight couples because they are just not selling it. Like it's really obvious when they stand next to really attractive women and show absolutely no signs of physical attraction. These young models are not working for you guys, you look like a bunch of gay uncles with their favorite nieces.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Notthisagain-- I asked the same thing the other day! Is this the same woman?

    I have to say, if she is acting, at least he chose well in the casting and picked someone he knows and genuinely enjoys (and vice versa). Carry on, and perhaps offer classes on the topic for the less-skilled celebs.

  12. "Personally I'd rather hear notthisagain tell us again about how most women are bisexual."

    Now see that is a straight guy comment, it's really not that tough to impersonate us, beards cannot do all the work.

  13. Understanding how getting paid $25,000 a month for a couple of photos and appearances with a guy you never have to sleep with. Yup, my soul is lost forever. LOL

    I have the beard debate on here before LOL won't do it again today.

  14. Jake grew up in LA in a sophisticated, educated family that would be accepting of a child's homosexuality. I don't believe he's gay-maybe bi but not gay. It's getting old and boring.

  15. Anonymous12:29 PM

    I believe Jake is bi as well. He's one of the few actors who would even register a side-eye if he simply said "I'm Bi". He's one of the few who is in the position to actually come out. I don't get why he would not.
    He's a beautiful man and seems like a genuinely nice person as well. Why live with something so silly hanging over you?

  16. @ slimkeith. I think his family has ZERO issue with Jake being gay BUT as industry parents they KNOW there was or is a bias against leading men being homosexual. Nothing to do with THEIR POV. and the Stephen Baldwin guess above? Dude has been married to the same woman since 1990. Don't think he needs a paid GF to 'prove' he is straight.

  17. I want one of those jobs!

  18. @Slim & Keith, It's all about the $$$$$$$$💵💵💵💵💵💵💵

    There are two doors in Hollywood right now, you can be fabulously rich and famous, or you can be out, your choice. Some people can do both, but they're usually more like the exceptions that prove the rule.

    Don't forget it's the same town that embraced Nazis, resisted casting people of color for as long as possible (and still does), and still treats women like a Mad Men episode. It's more than a little backwards.

  19. i dont think its bcuz of money...i think its dangerous to be my city alone weve had 5 or 6 transexual murders and even more attacks in the last couple years...i think oprah mentioned this reason also as to why she has not come out.

  20. as for nazis, noone mentions in addition to the six million jews there were an additional 5 million people put to death-- gays, blacks, addicts, mental defective/unproductives, pacifists, communists, gypsies and underground revolters...basically the whole democratic party.

  21. Still not buying it. There's been zero proof outside of this website.

  22. $6000 a week in NYC is nowhere near poverty level. It simply means you can't live on Park and Fifth or in a SoHo loft. You can live very nicely in NYC on far less than $6000 a week. $50000 a year would make it a little tight to live in NYC, but it's still very do-able.

  23. The photos are unconvincing. Very friend zone.

  24. I've always liked Jake. He's a good actor. I even watched Bubble Boy. More recently, Nightcrawler.

    Definitely a Friend Zone vibe though. She has her arm around him in one shot on the DM that looks like how I would navigate my brother down the street, not a lover.

    I saw this photo the other day of Justin Biebs casually touching his new wife's ass. That's how a guy who is sampling the merchandise touches a woman. At least his arm around her waist, or something. Not her arm around him like he's a kid.

    Who knows. What would be funny is if they have a totally raunchy sex life and we're all wrong.

  25. LOL I do have to say I am 100% so different. I find the overly touchy couples social media/ PR photos trying to overcompensate like they are trying to put on a show. I find Nicole and Keith just so cringeworthy with their constant touching, etc. that I am much more inclined to believe Jake type photos than Nicole and Keith type photos.

    You guys know the old saying : Lady in the streets.....

    I have never thought Jake was hot...great actor, but, I have never really thought of him in any remotely heartrobby way. Much more of a character actor type for me so meh... I am not going to the theater because I have a crush on him like I will with some actors. LOL and attraction can be super subjective LOL so I get it for the other people who find him hot

  26. At $25,000 per month, I will be whoever you tell me to be.

  27. @ kikibunny, certainly a celeb being gay is a higher profile target but they are also more insulated, protected, have money to do so. I think the issue isn't safety but yes again just general self preservation. Even privacy. I just think the difference is Jake could still just let it be a big vague ? and never be seen with anyone vs outright hurting a gf. You can just not give in to the system vs doing so. If you are never seen with anybody or don't agree gay/straight questions/personal life stuff in interviews it should be the same thing. Then it IS being private vs having to outright lie and pretend.

  28. PS. And Kikibunny it can be money without you being greedy. Actors want to ACT. They want to get roles and work, do what they love. If you think coming out would greatly reduce your chance of this, you protect your livelihood not out of greed but wanting to continue in your field unimpeded. Not everyone strives to be an example or advocate. While I think gay men should just come out and dispel the myths, it is also the first few who will undoubtedly suffer AND have to suddenly be poster children instead of men just living their lives. It is a hard thing to want to stand up and make a statement if that just isn't what your life goal is.

  29. @ kikibuny that excuse for Oprah is really convenient. I agree private lives deserve to be private for anyone who wants but come on. Her entire BRAND is living your authentic self. To me this is very hypocritical. She advocates her viewership admitting truths but she hides her own? I think for her honestly it is about her brand. Not a selfish I want more billions way but to protect her legacy AND well as a woman of color who suffered abuse no matter how much money and power she gets she might still feel the powerless girl inside. Still, Oprah needs to realize she is a MARKER for social change and agenda. She SHOULD come out. She's been hiding her hanging out with Epstein etc too. I don't think she is as self realized as we all want to think.

  30. Don't the wives of the wealthy in H-Wood get a bigger allowance than that? I seem to recall $7k a week or so two decades ago. She could be doing better.

  31. I would say it would be weird that every encounter if you in the spotlight would be thought of sexual. Dolly Parton finally commented how absurd it was that there have been rumors for decades about her best friend being her lesbian lover.

    I have been on numerous girl trips and shared rooms have several bffs and it would be so weird for anyone to imply anything sexual with them but if you were a celebrity people would say that or some nefarious affair was going on if you slept in the same hotel suite or something. Or, simply being photo snapped with someone of the opposite sex and you are cheating on your spouse, etc. Sounds like hell LOL.

    At the end of the day, like mentioned above the really successful actors are ACTORS not activists. And, why limit yourself to better roles (because at the end of the day your are more of a liability with getting asses in seats when at the end of the day only 1% of the world even if that, are" out" and identify as gay.

    For example, I will never be able to see Cara or KStew as romantic leads playing off guys and lesbian movies are not my unless they are in an ensemble movie...I will probably never see them in much.
    They are more than happy to live their lives as they see fit, but, so am I and that includes movies I want to see.

  32. bearding is so easy these days.. no one even has to try hard or be in the same room let alone country anymore

  33. how do i get to become a beard for someone, please? sign me up for real

  34. I really don't understand. I could care less if he was gay. If this really is a beard arrangement. It's pathetic and sad.

  35. IIRC the Chinese went on a spending spree a few years ago and bought large stakes perhaps even controlling stakes in some of the studios. So because of that and the fact more people in China are watching movies while people in the US are streaming more it seems the people making movies have to cater to the whims of China and other nations that do not accept homosexuality.
    So in essence we have celebrities bitching at the unwashed masses about our narrow points of view and lack of acceptance even though most people have no issues with gays, lesbians, etc. but those same celebrities are taking roles in movies catering to cultures that are so rigid they make the people in flyover country look as liberal as the day as long. As someone said earlier, it is really all about the money.
    A few miles from here, Tyler Perry had a 3 day extravaganza for the opening of his studio here in Atlanta. Despite the debate over the heartbeat bill, the entertainment industry is busy.

    People here are generally pretty nice. A lot of millenials and half backers move here. So the film industry is doing ok in a state where the cost of living is decent and people are easy going. If it is younger people they want working on their productions they can find that here.
    This neighborhood has seen lots of film crews working. Most of us do not bother the film crews or follow stars to get selfies. Most people have jobs, families, classes,etc and oddly ordinary mortals value their privacy too.
    Some may stridently disagree but I do NOT believe the people in the USA are the reason people have beards.
    The revenue from audiences in countries such as China and India are driving the beard industry.
