Friday, September 06, 2019

Your Turn

Do you prefer that first day when you actually feel crisp fall air or that first day when you feel warmth after a long winter?


  1. Crisp fall air. Texas summers are brutal. Any hint of relieve is great.

  2. I love them both equally! I love walking outside and smelling either Spring or Fall. Just amazing.

  3. Im in the UK. I like the feel of the hot air hit you as you exit the jet someplace it stops raining and gets warm.

  4. I prefer October and November and March and April over the rest of the year here in Florida.

    1. I agree, Sandy. October and November are the absolute best months here! My favorite time to go to the beach. March and April are too windy. Also I love harvest festivals and the cotton and peanut harvest, the unbelievably beautiful sunsets and being able to open the windows, and a million other things. Definitely fall! I don’t think our winters are long enough, honestly. But I always do appreciate not having to worry about covering cold sensitive plants when spring comes, in February lol.

  5. What kind of leafer sh!t is this? Halloween is best though.

  6. I will be greedy and say both.

  7. Atlanta... The first day the temperature drops to 80°, I'm digging out sweaters.

  8. Crisp fall air. Loathe the heat.

  9. Never really get a distinct feeling like that here in Tampa Bay.

  10. It is September...
    It will be 103 here today. It was 103 yesterday. If we are will only be 102 tomorrow.

    I weep with gratitude on the day I must wear long sleeves and pants.

  11. Crisp fall air with added smoke from the grill. Gets my almonds every time.

  12. @cat I’m Atlanta too! Cobb.

  13. Anonymous10:24 AM

    My current location it's summer ten months of the year. When I lived in the Midwest I loved the first warm days of spring. I hate, HATE fall it's the season of death.

  14. It'll be winter in about a month here

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  16. Since Central Texas is now becoming one endless summer of 100 degree heat, give me the cool, crisp smell of fall air!

  17. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I live in Dallas so we really do not get a spring so my vote is totally for Crisp Fall Air. Waiting for it now actually!

  18. I like both!
    But, since Las Vegas only has two weeks of spring and fall, you try to enjoy the weather change as much as possible.

  19. The first hint of fall air at the end of August. It even smells different.

  20. Crisp fall air!

  21. The warmth after winter. I crave it hot as hell because it feels good on my bones,

  22. Both. There's something comforting about Fall to me, and when I feel that first warm breeze I feel the tension leaving my shoulders.

  23. Warmth after a long winter - definitely...

  24. Fall. I don't like summer

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I love both, but probably the crisp fall air. Im finding summer heat and glaring sun less and less charming.

  27. Fall y’all. Sweaters, jeans and the crunch of the leaves under your boots. The beautiful fall leaves, the smell of the wood smoke from the chimneys and pumpkins on the front porch steps. The air is crystal clear. I live in a swamp fest of humidity during summer. I hate it. Also, the beach is best late September through mid-October.

  28. Fall...the answer is always fall

  29. Crisp fall air, because it's such a relief from the mosquito hell that is a northern Minnesota summer.

    After a long cold winter (last year we saw -40F), the first hint of summer warmth is always welcome, but we know we have about 4 weeks till the flying blood suckers arrive, so there's that to look forward to.

    Mosquitoes ARE the Minnesota state bird, after all.

  30. I love that first night you can sleep with the window open. So Spring it is.

  31. Fall!! Colored leaves, cool air, sweatshirts! Soup and chili and the smell of burning leaves. I wish it was fall all year long!

  32. Fall !! I made chili last night and it was heaven.

  33. Spring! I live in Canada and pray for warmth.

  34. Depends on the pollen. I used to cough and sneeze for one week (the last week of May), but now it’s both spring & fall. Either way, I like the change of seasons (spring & fall). My friends and I call it ‘jacket weather’. I actually wore boots for the first time tonight (chilly & rainy.) Very comfy. I probably own more coats, and even more scarves, than anything else. I take the idea of ‘layering’ to an extreme. Anything from light silk to heavy wool when it comes to scarves. And of course, various colors. Easy to dress in grey/black and use pops of color with accessories.

  35. Crisp autumn air after a summer of 35-45 degree days and nights in the high 20s. New air-conditioning this year, Hallelujah!

  36. Both! To everything there is a season... all seasons are great!

  37. The warmth of spring. I hate being cold. It makes my arthritis hurt so bad.



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