Thursday, September 05, 2019

Your Turn

Favorite cereal as a kid. Has it changed as an adult?


  1. cinnamon toast crunch and corn pops.
    sugar upon sugar upon sugar lol

  2. My mother was a co-op kinda hippie and we weren't allowed sugared cereal....except when visiting grandma.
    Apple Jacks at grandmas.
    At home - I was stuck with something equivalent to grapenuts with bananas....and when she turned around, I dumped about 1/2 cup of stolen sugar on it. Just make sure to drink all the mild so there is no sugar sludge in the bottom.

  3. Kix as a kid Raisin Bran now.

  4. Cap'n Crunch; My mother wouldn't let me eat Lucky Charms because I just ate the marshmallows.

  5. Alpha-Bits, Trix

  6. Oh...and now I am more or less back to grape nuts...with a ton of sugar.

  7. Grape-Nuts as a child, shredded wheat with sliced almonds, walnuts and dried apricots with fat-free milk as an adult. No added sugar.

  8. frosted flakes. rarely ate it though. preferred eggs for breakfast.

  9. Cap'n Crunch as a kid, Cheerios now.

  10. Honey Smacks I loved drinking the milk after.

  11. At grandmas house it was grape nuts with seeing’s a lot of people saying grape nuts.

    At home we had multiples. Mine was Cap’n Crunch Berry’s. I’d wished that one day they made only the berries. They eventually did. I never tried it.

  12. I was a weird little kid when it came to food. My favorite cereal was grape nuts. As an adult, I don't eat cereal very often. I prefer an egg dish.

  13. Alpha-bits.

    Another food item I can't have in the house without eating it all :)

  14. Captain Crunch was good but I swear they must have made it with crushed glass. That shit was sharp.

  15. Capn Crunch . I might as well been eating a bowl full of sugary filmy milk

  16. Crispix because I never cared for overly-sugary cereal. Not even sure it exists anymore. Quaker Oatmeal Squares now.

  17. Fruity pebbles now and when I was younger.

    Side note: I haven't been on this site in years. Does Enty still do reveals on Jan 1 and 4th of July? Does Jax still post here?

  18. Frosted Flakes was always a good staple.

  19. Sugar Smacks - I forget the brand.
    They are now known as Golden Oats!

    Also, Shredded Wheat (the big ones) with a dash of hot water to make them soft.

  20. Mooney I was also into Crunch Berries. You had to stop chewing to hear the television if you were up too early.

  21. Life. Still Life.

  22. Never had this cereal at my own home but boy did I fell in love with Froot Loops at my neighbor's house!
    Still love it!

  23. Cookie Crisp, Count Chocula and Peanut Butter Capn Crunch.

    Side eye to my mom for feeding me this stuff!

  24. Kaboom cereal, count chocula and gang

  25. Never really had a favorite. I was a big fan of Boo Berry and Quisp. I loved Alphabets and Apple Jacks. Later I moved into more "healthy" cereals like Grape Nuts and Special K.

    Now, I mostly just eat oatmeal from the dry bin section of the Co-Op. A few blueberries and a tablespoon of brown sugar is an adequate breakfast.

  26. Crunch berries with only the red berries. Better than ice cream.

    As an adult? Raisin Bran because I love the toxic coating on the bran flakes... nummy!

  27. I also liked Grape Nuts as a kid. Haven't had that in years. My current favorite is Banana Cream flavored Frosted Flakes. Mmmmmmmmmmm

  28. Honey Nut Cheerios growing up, but now eggs and bacon.

  29. Captain Crunch with Crunchberries as a kid. Wheaties and Life Cereal as an adult.

  30. Captain Crunch with Crunchberries as a kid and Multi Grain Cheerios now

  31. I dont eat cereal

  32. My favorite as a kid was Cap'n Crunch w/crunchberries, but Id get yelled at for trying to get all of the berries. We usually only got to get a sweet cereal once every few times or if there was an amazing sale...loyalty sometimes fluctuated based on an enclosed prize. Baking soda submarines or some other toy really pulled me in! Occasionally, we'd get the variety pack of mini boxes, and the healthy cereals were always the last to go.

    I dont eat cereal often, but I love Cinnamon Life and Rice Chex.

  33. 🎶 Frosted Lucky Charms, they're magically delicious! 🎶 Still love them, but they're a desert now, not a breakfast.

  34. Then- Rice Krispies
    Now - Special K

  35. Kellogg's Frosted Flakes. It has changed for the worse. I also loved Golden Grahams, Fruity Pebbles, Corn Chex, and Kix.

  36. Sugar Coated Jets. I'm a high functioning alkie so I don't have a sweet tooth but as a kid sugar coated everything paved the way. One morning I opened the kitchen cabinet and the box of Jets was black with a swarm of ants. Switched to Frosted Flakes after that.

  37. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Corn Pops as a kid. I loved that cereal. I don't eat much cereal as an adult. The only cereal we keep is Nature's Path Heritage Flakes.

  38. Alpen original muesli

  39. Lol literally the only thing I like about subD is that he's a high functioning alkie.
    Props for that.

  40. BucWheats -no longer made

  41. @jw12
    Jax doesn't post anymore-unless under a new name I don't know about. She is on Twitter @Jaxsaid.

    If you haven't been here in years, the site went through a format change in 2016-17? and almost everyone left because it was so terribly formatted and loaded with ads-even with an excellent ad blocker.

    Himmmm is gone because too many people tried to out him even though there are four Himmmm's! Although he did write up another Kate Beckingsale blind that was posted elsewhere.

    Tricia13 is everyone's favorite poster because she is usually first and correct. And there is a total wack job out there who tires to insult her every few days they go off their meds. Enty tried moderating comments for a few weeks but I think we are back to the normal insults again.

    Oh and Boo Hearne died. : (

    Welcome back!

  42. @jw17--I haven't seen Jax in quite awhile. Also, Enty reveals are still Jan 1 and July 4. Welcome back!

  43. My favorite cereal as a kid was the one my parental-unit remembered to buy.

  44. Captain Crunch. With coffee.

  45. Thanks Aris and Donna! I forgot about Himmm!!

  46. Thanks Donna! I flaked on the reveals!

  47. Cap-n crunch with meth berries 😂 nothing like getting that 100 mph sugar rush "going out to play mom back when i come down"

  48. Wait I thought Himmmm started looking like a fraud and we found Boo Hearne still posting on another site.🤔

  49. Yeah here's the blind where Two Dots found her:

    Yup, still kicking as of 9 days ago.

  50. I didn’t really like cereal much as a kid, but I absolutely hated all other breakfast food, so sometimes cereal was all I could choke down. I could eat Product 19, and Crispix, and occasionally, Kix. But I never ate breakfast EVER before school, ever. So it was rare I’d eat anything like cereal except maybe at the beach. Cereal is like my husband's favorite food lol. He likes King Vitaman 😂

  51. Fruit Loops as a kid. Now I make Swiss meusili where you soak oats and almonds overnight in milk, then in the morning add chopped fruit and some yogurt. Or else a green smoothie.

  52. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Cinnamon Life cereal... now and then

  53. Sugar-Coated Sugar Bombs

  54. trix and rice krispie treats cereal, nope it hasn't changed

  55. At school we had porridge in winter and in summer it was Weetabix or occasionally muesli, both with milk but no sugar. The muesli wasn’t the nutty, fruity toasted granola type, it was this awful dry powdery unsweetened stuff with hardly a nut or raisin in it. At home we had a cooked breakfast. I still love a big English or Irish breakfast occasionally but normally it’s eggs, or yoghurt and fruit at the hospital canteen.

  56. Boo's daughter came on CDAN with her user name to tell us that she had passed. I seriously doubt that was made up. Boo was popular anyone could be using that name-including her daughter.

  57. My poor mother was a true housewife, so I always had a prepared breakfast every morning.
    It's been so long ago, but I remember Wheeties then Alphabits and the sugar laden Sugar Pops which made your actual urine smell like sugar. Good times!
    Now I'm trying to be healthy with shredded wheat, fruit, milk and honey.or Siggi 4%yogurt with fruit. Eggs and bacon are a love, but damn cholesterol!

  58. Rice Crispies with whole milk and tons of sugar. I loved the taste and loved to watch them dissolve. I don't eat cereal anymore.

  59. Golden Grahams. Got a craving for them right now.

  60. Capn Crunch is always a stoner's favorite. Close second were Crispy Critters, if anyone remembers that cereal...

  61. Rice Krispies. I loved to listen to the snap, crackle and pop.

  62. Freakies cereal with the awesome Freakies finger puppets!



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