Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Your Turn

The most recent text on your phone.


  1. Free corn dog at Sonic

  2. cousin: are you ok?
    me: fine nothing happened here, just a tropical storm

  3. Nasty joke photo from my buddy in Ohio. Then a thank-you from my cell phone company for autopaying the bill.

  4. "Shall we play a game?" Yikes, that can't be good ;)

  5. Ok.

    That's it. That's the text.

  6. That's unacceptable.

  7. Spa Confirmation for Ayurvedic massage Friday🤟🙏
    Is it Friday yet lol?

  8. Mine was okay. Unless you count the BOGO at Quick Chek for pumpkin spice coffee.

  9. LeBron can tm kiss my fucking ass

  10. Get toilet paper.

  11. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Physician's office coordinating dates and times for specialized tests needed before my appt next week. Boring crap.

  12. "I read that in robot voice"

  13. Flight is on time, see you soon.

  14. To me: "I'm just saying put on ______ and breathe heavy for a few minutes. That's it."
    From me: *video of our toddler swept up in the Devil Hour between coming home from nursery school and dinner*
    To me: "ah"

  15. We need to get wine up in here!

  16. This is literally a Dateline Episode waiting to happen, break up with him already...

  17. “Please thank again for coming to the rescue. Sorry to wreck your night. Goodnight”

    Context of text: we had a big hard rainstorm last night that triggered a mudslide and flash flood along the collegiate peaks mtn system. We are ok, but the property we have been staying at is flooded from all the water and mud coming off the mountains.

  18. Me: That arsehole! He was trying to physically bully me! by manspreading and pushing and nudging my arm. He made himself look like a real dickhead xxx

    Mi esposo: Yeah he had a real attitude problem. Such a prick! You handled it so well my love xxx

  19. Good luck finding a neighbor who won’t grill.

  20. Me: holy shit, it was a matter of time.

    Her: yeah.

  21. "They are all good the storm never hit them, thank u God..."

    (Of course Dorian related)

  22. I was looking at the program and Danny and Patty the cheerleader are married in real life.


  23. We’re ready for y’all if the need arises. Dorian related from my daughter who lives in the Blue Ridge. I will run out tomorrow a.m. for gas. We are close to the oceanfront and will definitely lose power. Other than that, we’re older and over-insured.

  24. Oh wait, bobcats don't have long tails. Maybe it was a mountain lion.

  25. Update


  26. A BJ POV pic of "Miss Candace" helping me enjoy the night air. Though now that I look at it in sober light I don't think she's a "Miss". Oooops.

  27. Sound like something you should tell your doctor about

  28. I had sent a pic of 2 of my cousins who live in Slovakia who are coming to NY next week. One was wearing a traditional shirt and a hat. I said ‘I wonder if he’s bringing the red-trimmed shirt.’ Her response ‘So Tyrolean.’

    1. *Sent a pic to a friend

    2. Ahhhhh Slovakia! Loved Bratislava when we went ❤️ Best damn blood sausage I’ve ever had. Hope y’all have a good time and they enjoy their visit.

  29. ""Where are you?! We are here!!"

  30. We're almost ready for you at the genius bar. Please let a specialist know when your here.
    - Two and a half hour wait to be told my laptop is on it's way out.

  31. “You’re right. She’s alive but her papers aren’t in order and they won’t let her back in the US”


  32. Today is mamas birthday call her and wish her a happy birthday.

  33. To hubs “I’m just finishing up with getting the beets in, then going to till under the south field. Won’t be much longer, I HOPE.”

    1. If there is someone out there who is willing to teach me to make beets, I’d be forever grateful! I can travel or we could do it online. Seriously, this is a life goal for me. I love them but am so clueless.

  34. Ok, I'll send you some later.

  35. I don't have a cellphone. Never have :)
    You wanna get me, use the rotary dial lol

  36. (From me; response yet to be received): "Would you like vegetarian nachos or butter chicken for dinner?"

  37. I can save$32,000 on my mortgage if I refinance.

    Should I do it?

  38. Anonymous5:58 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. All together because she forgot to press send for the first thing

    "TRAVOLTA is coming down here for Supanova??"
    [Link to a video of Jack Nicholson too high to deliver his acceptance speech so he gets Robin Williams to do it]

  40. “Did you get the mail?” repeated four times.

    And yes I did get the mail. Scintillating, I know.

  41. I don’t have a cellphone. 👍🏻

  42. "Oh great," from my husband, when I told him everybody at work wants his cabbage rolls for Christmas this year. (They are REALLY good, and I say this as someone who hates cabbage rolls.)

  43. "Get a sitter and come sit on my face"

  44. My cell phone completely died on me nearly two weeks ago. My beloved Pug Mochi recently passed away and I'm grieving pretty hard so getting a new cell hasn't been on my mind's priority list. Messenger is fine for me on my laptop, but admittedly its weird (you feel "naked") and a PITA when you need "it" whatever it is (calls, text, alarm, etc). You don't feel secure. If something could go wrong, you worry about not being able to call someone. The funny thing is, I went thru the years of no cell phones and we did just fine back then, lol. Going to the library to research things and then being pissed off because the cards in the files were out of order, lol. Remember those days ol'timers? The Dewey Decimal System? I truly miss those days. When people actually paid attention to the road and to others. We actually talked to each other (GASP! I know) face-to-face. We went to concerts and everyone was paying attention and not recording crappy video that makes zero sense when you're there live and not experiencing what you could be experiencing. Yep...I miss those days.

    p.s. @Tricia13 - You mind FWing your text to me? Friday you say? See you then! :)
    To the peeps who had to endure the potential fright and those that actually dealt with the terrible things that happened, I'm glad y'all are okay. Things can be replaced, you cannot. Even if we bicker here, we should all care about each other since we're CDAN "family". I was sad when Boo Hearne passed away, and I don't even know her. It would be sad to hear of any other. Take care friends.

  45. Text from daughter letting me know her train would be in, in 20 minutes (earlier this evening)

  46. Reminder: American Airlines flight 850 from DFW to LAX will depart at 7:12a: from gate C24 in terminal C. Reply stop to unsubscribe.

  47. @Astra: Awww, thanks. I literally have about 100 relatives in Slovakia. They live in a very small town (cows walking in the streets) and my great grandparents and grandparents were from there so there are tons of relatives. My sister has created a family tree but it constantly changes. The saddest thing is, when we visit, the two sides of the family (grandmother’s & grandfather’s) are in competition for our attention, which is a shame. But for them, it’s an honor to have you in their home, hence the separate visits. And it’s a competition as to who hosts you. They literally will sleep on the floor and give you their bedrooms. But, luckily, that welcoming vibe has trickled down to my immediate family. Anyone is welcome. My mother taught us that at a very young age—especially on holidays. If you have a friend who is going to be alone, invite them along. I remember when I was in my first apt. in NY, 7 of my relatives spent the night @ my apt. due to a blizzard. (Plus I did their laundry!)

    I was planning to go to sleep hours ago, but there was
    a glitch in plans with the upcoming trip so we fixed it. I can’t wait! Thanks again for your well wishes! x

  48. From my husband: "I can't wait to lick your p...y at lunchtime Babe".

    (Context: We meet for a sexy lunchtime rendevoux at home a few times a week, while our little boy is at créche.)

    Hehe, come ONNNN 13h00!!!

  49. @Sophia: yay you! I literally think that you won the internet for the day. I was just telling my sister last night that I wished my name was Sophie (my grandmother’s name) or Sophia. I have a stupid American name but thankfully have my other grand- Mother’s name as my middle name: Frances. Enjoy
    Your encounters!

  50. Wow Aquagirl, I’m so jealous! I wish I had family in Slovakia. One trip isn’t enough! It’s such a beautiful place.

    As for beets, there are a couple good recipes. One, you can roast them in the oven til they’re soft, slice and put some goat cheese on them. Oh and a little sprig of dill. Delicious and even people who hate beets, like this. You could also make borscht, a Russian soup, with them. There are a couple different recipes online, depends on if you want meat in them or not. And lastly, for canned beets, you can make Harvard beets, it’s canned beets with sugar and I think vinegar, in the crock pot (or stove). There are recipes online for all of here and they’re easy! Foolproof, if I can do it, anyone can. I haven’t grown any in my garden for a while (they’re a winter veg here anyway) so I haven’t made anything with beets lately. I’m the only one who likes them lol. My family are a bunch of picky eaters 🙄.

  51. I did receive the PSA. 9.1 is a great deal.

  52. You just got your first 1 Point from The Reverse Orangutan!

  53. Talking about Joe "Left Eye" Biden :)

  54. I just went to look & realized that last night I accidentally sent a video to the wrong person. 🙈
    It was of my niece, with a mud mask on, singing Baby Shark (she’s 30, btw), while grimacing, because she’s trying to keep her injured foot in an ice bath for a few minutes. She looked ridiculous, so I filmed her & sent it to “her,” for laughs. Oops.

    I sent it to the manager of my storage units. 😂 I just had to text her a lengthy explanation. 🙈

  55. Me: "Happy Birthday with Elaine Dancing the Elaine Dance."
    Friend: "Thank you!!! Hysterical"

  56. Freebird: Maybe you’ll get a discount on your storage unit!

  57. @Aquagirl: Thank you, we sure do! The best part is coming back to the office at 2 with flushed cheeks and bedhair, and no-one's the wiser!!! Hehe.

  58. do you want this free breast pump? lmao



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