Thursday, September 12, 2019

Your Turn

Do you decorate for Halloween?


  1. Yes !!! Halloween is the best.

  2. I did when I first moved into my house but haven't in a long time.

    I mean, you put the decorations up, then you have to take them down a week later.

    And the guy down the street had a whole haunted house thing going on in his front yard and on his roof, I can't compete with that!

  3. I don’t decorate but I enjoy seeing everyone else’s work. Yes I pass out candy. I’ve always wanted to make and give them popcorn balls like the old lady did for us up the street. Two bites and back to the Reese’s.

  4. My favorite holiday & the only one I decorate for.

  5. Sure except for that one year the skeletons were real. ;)

  6. I have a couple skeletons and crows on my bookshelf, but they are there year-round, so I guess not really...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.


    1. Yes ... preferably -Depends where we are. Last year we were on an island that didn’t celebrate /recognize it. This year yes for sure ! Home always

  8. Pumpkins on the porch and inside I have several Department 56 Halloween houses. But never until October 1.

  9. Hell no. Lights out no one home.

  10. Yes! I have more decorations for Halloween than I do for Christmas!

  11. We are rural now no trick or treaters, but when my children were young we were serious about it. For some reason I loved dressing up and scaring the hell out of children. It still baffles me. My husband took ours out and I stayed home on the porch dressed like a scary old woman with THE THE DUSK playing really loud. Don't ask me to explain. It set a mood. lol

  12. Absolutely! And I'm thinking of extending the Halloween decorations into Christmas for a nightmare before Christmas motif.

  13. I don't decorate for anything.

  14. No, I live in a rural area, and there’s no trick or treating here. I do notice there’s a lot of Halloween decorations nowadays though. Within the last ten or fifteen years, it’s really exploded. I don’t really like Halloween much anyway. It was fun as a kid but now I’m grown and I’m over it 🤷🏼‍♀️

  15. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Absolutely. This holiday is big for me although I miss the kids. Living in a unique neighborhood we have never had a tricker treater in almost two decades. So I decorate for the neighbors and myself.

  16. Halloween is like the last real dark holiday. Christians stole all the other big pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter, but didn't touch Halloween much on this side of the border.

  17. This year I will because we have 4 little grandchildren. The decorations will be a little boy ghost and a little girl ghost with trick or treat bags - nothing scary.

    The dining room and front door are decorated for Fall but on Nov. 1st, Christmas decorating will begin in the rest of the house.

  18. No. I don't do any seasonal holiday decorating.

  19. Momo: Love, love, love anything by The The. Would like to have seen your place on Halloween.

  20. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Yes and we have a whole haunted yard, graveyard ,ghosts, inflatables and animatronics, a haunted house on our porch, we go big. It’s my favorite, our neighborhood loves and looks forward to it. My daughter and her little buddies loves it bc her bday is close to it...

  21. No, not such a big thing here.

  22. No, my wife does that.

  23. I recently moved into an old Victorian, and had my first Halloween there last year. I made a "graveyard" of a bunch of styrofoam tombstones in my front yard, then scattered some bones and skulls around (um, plastic ones, that is...). Then got a lightning strobe light and played the classic Disney "Haunted House" record from the 60's. I scared many, many small children away: Adult Life Goal achieved!!!

  24. I have a plastic jack o lantern with a light I put in the window. Unfortunately, the new generation of kids are too lazy to walk up a flight of stairs to my unit. I just end up pigging out on left over candy for the next few days.

  25. Anonymous12:37 PM

    No. I hate Halloween. I love the Fall/Autumn though but still don't decorate for anything other than Christmas.

  26. When my daughter was still at home, we had a goofy scarecrow we would hang on our front door. At age 4, my daughter named him "Happy". Alas, poor Happy is no more. And now I live in complex with close to zero kids - no decorations, and no trick-or-treaters either. I miss them.

  27. We just took down all the Fall and Halloween decoration from the attic last week and when I have time I will begin decorating. We go big and add more each year. It is coming close to my Christmas decorations (and I have 17 trees that I put up). Oh and we live out in the country and get zero trick or treaters, but it is my husband's favorite holiday and we typically have an adults only party.

  28. I do...mainly pumpkins, spiderwebs, lights (some fun blinking eyeballs that look like things might be peeking through the iron fence)...I've kept my mom's tradition of making small goody bags of candy & stuff, but hardly anyone comes anymore! The Community Center has a free party, and the one church has a Trunk or Treat in their parking lot, so I guess the new thing is to tailgate for treats. I cant imagine not doing a little decorating for holidays, though...time seems to go too fast to me, otherwise.

  29. Sometimes. Not last year and probably not this year though.

  30. @Unknown, How can you hate Halloween? Even people with eating disorders like Halloween. Is it like a Gremlins thing where one year they found your father's body stuck in a giant pumpkin dead from a heart attack?

  31. We don't even celebrate it.

  32. We don't even celebrate it.

  33. Anonymous3:08 PM

    No, I don't care for it. I don't acknowledge holidays anymore. They were all created by long-dead Romans, or long-dead Presidents. Christmas is not Christ's birthday; it started as a pagan Celtic ritual. Thanksgiving is a nauseating 'celebration' of the US genocide of entire tribes of native Americans. No,thanks. My group celebrates many joys all year, with hikes and special meals, but no holidays.

  34. Yes, but only inside. I don’t pass out candy or decorate outside.

  35. Yes. Especially since my son was born.

  36. No, and all the lights are turned off, and no door answered.

  37. Absolutely, but fall y’all, not so much Halloween. At my old house, we actually built a shed to house my Christmas decorations. Ididn’t Buy this Craftsman for nothing. Unknown 17 trees?!!!! That sounds exhausting but I’ll bet it’s beautiful. I thought my daughter was crazy with her five trees.

  38. Very lamely. At the last minute.

  39. Oh yeah- we're THAT house.

  40. Just the basics, jack-o-lanterns (to ward off those evil spirits yo.) some fake webs and purple lights.

  41. No. I don’t like children.



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