Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Your Turn

From a reader

What is your criteria for a celebrity of whom it can be said that they really believe in social justice as opposed to one who uses it as a, "shtick" or just the latest "trendy" thing to do? Apart from all their perceived flaws celebrities are human beings and like most of us in that category aren't they allowed their opinion on the matter since they experience what's around them as the rest of us do? In the extreme case, does a SJW have to become a martyr before they're conferred SJW authenticity?

Are there any celebrities in the opinion of those here who can be considered real SJWs? And who do you think are the worst offenders and your proof that they are such?      


  1. I'll vote for DJ Flume for eating his girlfriend's a$$ on stage at Burning Man 👍

    1. I’ll second this! Hahaha he’s the hero we needed, but don’t deserve!

  2. There's nobody worse then Coke Mom and Milano.

  3. That was a vote for real SJW celeb ;)

  4. They can have their opinion and offer them if they choose to, but I dont really give a rat's ass what they think about anything.

  5. What does a "real" SJW believe? Does that person truly believe that white people are evil?

    White people, black people, latino people, Asians, etc. all are represented by "good" and "bad" individuals.

    "Good" individuals do "good" and "bad" things.

    If white people are simply evil and need canceling, we should consider canceling the inventions and discoveries of Aristotle, Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Watt, Edison, etc.

    Which is nonsense.

    So my take is, the more truly and sincerely someone believes in today's SJW "philosophy," the less nuanced and aware a thinker that person is.

    Wish I had a happier answer.

  6. Does it matter if a commie is a true believer or not if they still ship you to a Gulag??????🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵

  7. Wasnt there a reveal a few years ago that Winona Ryder was flat broke because she gave all her money to charities? And it also revealed that Bono helped her financially because she had no money to live on.

  8. None of them are credible as far as I'm concerned, as all of them have much more $$ than the average person, have much more spare time to spout off than the average person, and most importantly appear to think their celebrity status makes them the arbiters and gatekeepers of what the rest of us should be doing. I usually don't take direction from someone(s) who barely finished high school and memorizes words for a living

  9. Anonymous10:15 AM

    There are no celebrities I would listen or take their advice. They can spew garbage all day it's their right but I wouldn't begin to care.

  10. How about Gary Sinise. He is doing incredible things for vets

  11. Remember when Cher promised to take dreamers into her house?

    That was a funny joke!

  12. When I said "more $$ than the average person" I should have added "and do not have to worry about earning a living week to week like us mere mortals, which gives them an unearned sense of superiority"

  13. I don’t know if it’s considered sjw but Ed Begley JR gets my respect for really living the environmentalist lifestyle. The rest of them just seem to be talking heads.

  14. NO one is worse Then Alyssa Milano. She is a complete fraud. On Monday she is going bankrupt and then on Friday she is stumping for Democrat talking points. And not more talk about bankruptcy I swear she is getting paid to push their crap.

    1. Or “documenting “her emotional trip to a detention center in Florida in a chauffeur driven SUV. Guess the irony was lost on her .. or she didn’t know the paps she called with take that pic too lol. She is heinous.

  15. Gary Sinese is a gem, as is Denis Leary.

    Learning more about Michael Sheen since his weird tweet- he gave a s#!t ton of money to fund the Homeless World Cup (reports vary- all his savings or just a bunch of it), so that's nice.

    Jason Momoa seems to walk the walk, at least as it pertains to his Hawaiian heritage.

    Matt Damon has water.org. Seems to be legit.

    Other "names" I'm not so sure about. DiCaprio, Cumberbatch, McGowan, Midler, Steven Tyler... I don't know.

  16. Hippo-espoused half-prince Harry is a very strong contender, bouncing off four private-jet trips in eleven days with a new "eco-travel" initiative.



  17. "They can have their opinion and offer them if they choose to, but I dont really give a rat's ass what they think about anything."

    If you don't care about celebrities, why are you posting on a celebrity gossip board?

    "There are no celebrities I would listen or take their advice. They can spew garbage all day it's their right but I wouldn't begin to care."

    Again, if you don't care about celebrities, why are you here?

    "I usually don't take direction from someone(s) who barely finished high school and memorizes words for a living"

    Plenty of celebs are college graduates, and I bet they wouldn't take direction from a Trumpster like you who probably thinks homosexuality can be cured through prayer. Studies show that the more educated you are, the more likely you are to support gay rights, gun control, abortion rights, and other liberal causes. "SJW" is just a put down that dumb Republicans use to bash smart liberals.

  18. Florence, you're just darling.

    1. J, I think they churn them out from a factory somewhere. That lovely commenter isn’t a SJW, but a NPC. Lol

  19. The real social justice warriors are the ones doing stuff behind the scenes and doing stuff that doesn't get reported.

  20. oh, bless. Some of us are here for the gossip, not because we actually believe these needy morons who front for entertainment industry corporations who get huge tax breaks, among other breaks, from friendly politicians.

  21. Taking celebs' (or anybody's) public opinions seriously is like shaking hands with the Chuck E Cheese animatronic band members. Grow up, it's all a f*cking show moron ;)

  22. If you have a camera crew following you around to document you handing out "relief," you are fake. Pretty easy to discern.

  23. Absolutely cheesegrater, especially the ones who dont do it for the publicity like Sinise.

  24. I think Mark Ruffalo is the real deal. He is the founder of the Solutions Project which pushes 100% renewable energy and also works with Water Defense. In addition he is active in combating fracking, reducing air pollution and cleaning up Lake Michigan.

  25. Gary Sinise is absolutely the real deal,in every way as stated by others here,in terms of his contributions to vets ,their families and awareness in general.
    Dave Matthews is a remarkable with what he does for Conservation issues around the globe,and for schooling in South Africa where he lived for years. Same with Neil Young and Billy Joel with land conservation /preservation where they are from (Billy basically buys places like Shelter Island to keep from corruption). Both contribute /fund amusic schools and education as well for the underprivileged.

    What’s great (and the common denominator)about those guys is they do it with total humility (and off the radar to a huge extent);which makes it far more-commendable

  26. Any celebrities have a right and in some cases a duty to speak out. Being a hypocrite is easy to spot.Leo,with his yacht and private plane, The Sussexes with their excesses and preaching, money grubing televangelists, the list can go on. We know the difference between right and wrong,and they think we don't notice. And the term SJW is generally used by people who call themselves that, that aren't. We also have a right to not be influenced by them.@Florence Harding,your quotation marks give you away.

  27. Keanu Reeves does a lot of charity work and he doesn't even talk about it. Helps people without attaching his name.

  28. Mark Ruffalo, for example, has three kids.

    Each of those kids will create tons of waste. And each will possibly have more kids.

    Mark Ruffalo, eco warrior, would be helping the world far more by remaining childless, keeping several houses heated to 80 in Winter and cooled to 65 in Summer and driving a '68 GTO on six miles per gallon.

    In other words, and people hate hearing this, if you REALLY want to reduce your footprint, if you REALLY care about future generations, you won't selfishly insist that your own kids are part of those generations, and you won't make them.

    It's very simple math.

  29. I think some people are misunderstanding what the term "SJW" means. It was originally an intra-community term among activists for people who overreacted to small or first-world problems: i.e. a young woman calling an air conditioner sexist or reading too much into a piece of media. It's become weaponized and mis-used but that's the basic claim.

    I'm not a Trumper but I do think a lot of anti-Trump celebs are full of it and seem to think that denouncing him is the end of their social justice activism. I'm more impressed with celebs that give to charity, show up at rallies, make statements rather than just calling Trump an asshole.

  30. It was cool when AOC traveled to a fence in front of an empty parking lot to have her photo taken crying over detained immigrants who weren't actually there.

  31. "Mark Ruffalo, eco warrior, would be helping the world far more by remaining childless, keeping several houses heated to 80 in Winter and cooled to 65 in Summer and driving a '68 GTO on six miles per gallon."

    Conservatives like you use the Bible to attack gays while ignoring Trump's divorces and adultery. Why the hypocrisy?

  32. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Dear Florence bless your heart as my Southern grandma used to say. I'm here to find out what disturbing behavior celebrities have been up to in their personal lives. Its called being entertained. This is an entertainment site. It's certainly far more entertaining than the garbage they put out in their careers. I'm not sure why you are bringing politics into a discussion on an entertainment site. Go visit Daily Kos or Huffy Post. You're also dead wrong about my political and social mores. Now if you want to discuss politics I suggest you visit Daily Kos or Huffy Post.

  33. This comment sections seems very calm and unheated, lol.

  34. Also gays are no problem, divorce is the only sensible option for 80% of the persons stupid enough to get married, and adultery hasn't done me any harm.

  35. Looks like the Trump voters are pissed that I called them out. They are giving themselves away by cheerleading for Sinise, a Republican.

    1. Nobody cares, lunatic. That’s the sad and also amusing thing about your ilk. You think that normal, sane people are upset and “owned” by you spewing your boring boilerplate that a thousand other NPCs have done before you. It’s not new, not original, and definitely not upsetting to anyone. Now, please go seek help for your TDS. And I’m assuming you are an owner of multiple cats (your level of batshit, I’d say at least four) so get checked for toxoplasmosis. You’re welcome! Good day!

    2. hey! Dont lump us crazy cat people in with Flo. She is too crazy to b trusted with an animal. Maybe a few pet rocks but not a living creature

    3. Sorry, butterscotchkitty. There are normal cat people, don’t mean to give the impression they don’t exist.

  36. I love Trump voters like J who parrot right-wing talking points and then try to claim they're not Republican! Almost as funny as the people who claim to hate celebrities while spending all day posting on celebrity boards.

  37. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Dear Florence bless your heart as my Southern grandma used to say. I'm here to find out what disturbing behavior celebrities have been up to in their personal lives. Its called being entertained. This is an entertainment site. It's certainly far more entertaining than the garbage they put out in their careers. I'm not sure why you are bringing politics into a discussion on an entertainment site.

    1. Mmm hmmm and Bless Your Heart for thinking we needed to hear this twice

  38. Politics come up on this site all the time. The question asked is inherently political. I don't get why people clutch their pearls about it.

  39. hayden P for going on that boat to save whales from hunting. dolphin hunt is on right now..love Japan but some traditions need to stop.

    1. That’s true... For animal rights/activism-nobody better than the amazing Ricky Gervais! What he does and the awareness he brings is beautiful. Lisa Vanderpump ,as well.

  40. Quick glance at google suggests Mark Ruffalo has at least three houses. Three kids.

    Just think about all those fossil fuels burning, all those disposable diapers, all those food wrappers thrown away, then his kids getting their own cars, and having their own kids...

    I'm getting dizzy just trying to get my mind around the impact of this world-saver.

  41. like that talk show guy on behalf of 911 responders and the way they are jerked around by the system. colbert??

  42. Giving to charity and being a SJW are not the same. To be an SJW you have to really espouse the ideas of intersectionality, culltural marxism, white privilege, oppressor/oppressed narrative, etc, etc, etc

  43. J probably voted for Trump but attacked Obama for not having enough experience. I can't imagine being such a sociopath that you'd attack someone for having kids.

  44. Milano, AOC, etc are SJWs. Gervais and Keanu are kind people.

  45. Lena Dunham hasnt been named yet

    1. Think it’s because most people try and block her from the collective concsious... out of respect for humanity lol

  46. Didn't vote for Trump. Attack Obama all the time for being elected by a public disgusted by George W. Bush, along with two democratic houses in congress, and pissing that all away by protecting Iraq War criminals, expanding Wall Street bailouts, implementing (in a massively inept way) Mitt Romney's piece of crap health plan, and encouraging the Fed to pump up the stock market at the expense of regular savers.

    Go on, Florence, you're a savant. There's another commenter here you really have to meet!

    1. I’m gonna go out on a limb and claim that this new poster with a fixation on J, is one and the same as that other poster with a fixation on J!


  47. The people who attack AOC are the same ones who support white supremacists, Roy Moore, Steve King, etc.

  48. J is the guy who didn't vote for Trump but just coincidentally uses the same talking points as Trump voters!

  49. AOC has done more for the country than a bunch of fat, lazy Republicans who bash stars based on blinds items they read.

  50. I wonder how big the pile of garbage created by Mark Ruffalo's family today will be?

    I sure hope he doesn't fly in a private jet to all those worldwide filming locations! Although even taking regular planes (in first class, naturally) so much would do a shitload of harm to the planet.

    Speaking of which, it was also classic a few months back when Emma Thompson flew first-class from Los Angeles to London just to have her picture taken saying we should protect the environment. Now that was some hellofimpactful environment-protecting!


  51. But I bet you live in a grass hut, right J? You are perfect, and everyone else is the problem!

  52. No. I have three cars and a few motorcycles. Live in a three-bedroom house. Usually visit Europe twice a year. But don't have kids. So no matter what Mark Ruffalo says, I'm impacting the environment less than he is. Simple math. Physics doesn't care about your feelings, lady.

  53. People (such as Florence) who elevate those who sing songs, do a little dance and act in tv and movies, to stati of demigods, whom we should listen to, even though they are completely detached from reality, live in bubbles, are mostly barely educated, and are surrounded by yes-men, are exactly the ones these celebrities cater to: the lowest common denominator of human intelligence, who can not think for themselves, but have to have others telling them, what to think, how to live and whom to vote for.

    It's tragic.

    The worst offenders currently, in my own humble opinion, are those retards who say borders are racists. I mean, these people live in gated estates, with electric shock fences, armed guards and cameras for fucks sake. Does a reasonably intelligent person leave their front door wide open, so any tom, dick and harry can just march in?

    A country without borders is not a country people!

    There are 2 types of walls: those to keep people in, and those to keep people out. The former is wrong, the latter is just common sense.

    I hate SJWs. Most of them are nutters, and thanks to Trump, they have shown this to the world.

    Florence: you defending and listening to a clearly severely mentally ill ex-bartender, who does't know her elbow from her arsehole, and spouts propaganda so vile, Goebbles and Stalin would have approved, says absolutely nothing about Trump voters, yet absolutely everything about you and your sick and deranged state of mind.

    "The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists". Nothing is more true today than this.

  54. But when you visit Europe, you just swim across the Ocean because flying on a plane is evil right? You sure like to feel superior to others, despite the fact that you seem quite dumb.

  55. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Alyssa Milano is the worst offender. It's just so obvious being an SJW is an acting job for her. She's not a good enough actress to be convincing as sincere. I really wish someone would follow the money with her and a few others.

  56. Hmmm....Tricia, you seem to have been replaced as what is disturbing DH today.

    1. Too obvious ,otherwise 😉

    2. Is it really DH, or another poster that got into a minor spat with Tricia and J? Hmmm, now this delightful new addition to this insane asylum of a site, is attacking J! How curious!

  57. The Trumpsters hate Alyssa Milano because she calls out Trump and the other Republicans

  58. Truthfully, I don't really care what you believe if you are genuine about your beliefs. The problem with most SJW celebrities is that they want you to do as they say, not as they do. Coke mom literally for years perched about tolerance for LGBT but now is trying to out and ban conservatives...THE EXACT SSME mentality. Facist Bitch.

    I think there are some genuine great celebrities. Look at Gary Sinise (the guy builds houses for wounded warriors) ...but, he is no SJW.

    1. No-he is a real person,with a good life who gives back because he knows how lucky he is. The other are a bunch of pompous hot air bags... and they are worried about emissions from “cow farts”- damn they should just stop talking,that’ll be way more effective.

  59. Mariah gets a lot of crap on here, but wasn't it revealed she has given millions to charity over the years? I know Bon Jovi has given a lot to the homeless in Philly and NJ and continues to do so. Willie Nelson has been doing Farm Aid for decades now, and yes Gary Sinese is a saint! He gave a handicap accessible home to a veteran in my area, as well as many others! If a lot of these pro-immigrant celebs want to help immigrants, then why don't they start renting out extended stay hotels for months or a year at a time to help? I'm sure they could afford it!

  60. I would also like to point out that nobody forces Florence or her beloved socialist to live in evil western mainly white, non socialist countries. What are you waiting for? Venezuela is your paradise, fuck off please if you hate it so much in the evil west!

    (Just like all those mouthy anti Trump celebrities left for Canada and Spain...........)

  61. No, Florence. Flying on planes is what human beings, who will turn out to be a suicidal species, do in the 21st century. Just like lemmings run off cliffs into water, we burn fuels and expand our population way past sustainability, and (here comes a terrific quote, pay attention) whatever can't go on forever, won't.

    I'm born into this time. I live my life. I can't save humanity, extinction (or really really severe culling) is a sure thing. This century? Next one? A thousand years from now? I don't know, but it's gonna happen. And I don't want to encourage that inevitability. I don't want my (imagined) kids to suffer in such a disaster.

    And here's something else: I'm sure Mark Ruffalo insists on sending his kids to very fine schools and giving them lots of learning resources. Why? Because he wants his kids to succeed, to do better than other kids.

    Everyone on this planet is either exploiting (where did you get your fine clothes, Florence? Make them yourself?) or exploited. All animals live because other animals have died. Criminal or victim, everyone is one or the other. No one is innocent.

    Except the kids who aren't born. That occurred to me and I have acted on it. Selfish Mark Ruffalo is different. The world will benefit from the trash his kids create, no doubt.

    Maybe I'm the SJW here.

    You're a genius, Florence, unpack it all for me.

  62. Hey, "not a libtard" if you right-wingers want to live in a country where abortion is illegal, maybe YOU could move. Too bad all the places that ban abortion are the kind of places Trumpsters like you would label "shitholes"

  63. J- Florence doesn't wear 'fine clothes'. She's a socialist. She wears cheap shmatas, that are churned out in sweat shops by female slaves and children. She's such a good person...

  64. The clothes Florence wears, no matter what they are, are a shitload finer than they would be if not for slaves in Asia making them for her.

  65. Allyssa Milano's husband is a big time agent in Hollywood. She literally has attention because of the MAN she fucked and the same can be said for acting career. For to say she is plowman is a fucking joke.

  66. Tricia, your comments about "cow farts" show that you don't really understand the issues. Perhaps you shouldn't have dropped out of school in the 10th grade.

    TeeHee@U, being gay is not the same thing as being a conservative. Gays aren't hurting people by being gay. You are hurting people by being a right-winger. You don't know what a fascist is, again, you probably shouldn't have dropped out of school in the 10th grade.

  67. I'm actually pro-choice, fiscally conservative, pro-gay rights, including adoption and marriage, but want iron control of borders and immigration.

    I know, I know, this is very hard for your to grasp, since you put labels on people, put them in boxes and think everybody is the same. Your world is either black or white, which is as far removed from reality as possible, but you're primitive, you can't help yourself, you don't see nuances of grey. Only extremes, because you're an extremist.

  68. This comment has been removed by the author.

  69. Gotta love someone who uses the term "libtard" but attacks me for being an "extremist" - only people on the far right use the term "libtard" not anyone who cares about nuances. Your world must be black and white, if you feel the need to attack liberals that way. After all, you claim to be pro-gay and pro-choice so why are you bashing the people who are trying to help gays and keep abortion legal?

  70. Florence, the only fascist is you. But you're too stupid to see this.

    You want everybody to be the same, no difference of opinion allowed NEIN, VERBOTEN!
    Everybody goose step to the same beat fo the drum, or else!
    Dissent is punished, people are threatened, intimidated, insulted, their families attacked, riots in front of their homes, violence, burning college campuses, collective screams of bombing the White House, saying 'trump voter' as if that's something to be ashamed of, denunciations, alliances with the most extremes ideologies on earth, and so much more extremist behaviour. All this, the very essence of a fascist ideology.

    My favourite though is the love for Islam within the left who rants about gay rights! I mean, are you all slow or something? How exactly does Islam respect women's rights and gay rights more than Trump?

    You are all retarded as far as I'm concerned, and I don't give 2 shits what you call me, or what you say. When you march with terrorist supporters, whose pets hang homosexuals by their necks from cranes in public squares and stone women, yet accuse a modern western leader of hating women and gays, then you can't be taken seriously.

  71. "Allyssa Milano's husband is a big time agent in Hollywood."

    She's been famous since she was a tween. Try again.

    "The clothes Florence wears, no matter what they are, are a shitload finer than they would be if not for slaves in Asia making them for her."

    Using that logic....slaves in Asia are making your clothes, too.

  72. lol that Ilhan Omar wants to go to Israel so badly. Maybe the only country in the region where her adultery won't get her lashed or stoned.

  73. LOL @Florence I have a graduate degree from a top, LIBERAL university. But, whatever, you are brainwashed and probably think Debra Messing is a genius. Trying to ruin someone's life for what they are and believe is the exact same concept.

    I bet you have a lot of friends...said no one ever.

  74. you help nobody, you turd

    If I were a gay man, I'd rather live in the US, or Europe than anywhere else.

    You wanna 'help'? Piss off to where gay men are dragged by their feet behind motorcycles or thrown from roof tops.

    All you are is a loud mouth, mentally ill coward. In the US nobody is going to kill you for your deranged opinions.But why don't you try screaming your shit in the Middle East, in Muslim countries, which your beloved AOC loves so much? See how far that gets you.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. Yes, Florence. Indeed they are. And they'll make Mark Ruffalo's kids' clothes too. And their kids' too -- unless the slaving center moves to another region.

    But slaves won't make my kids' clothes.

    Again, Mark Ruffalo can say whatever the hell he wants, but I'm doing less damage to the environment than he is, and my actions will result in a lower amount of human misery.

    He's cuter, though, so I'm sure that factors into your private non-Newtonian calculus, right Florence?

  77. Are you new to this site???

    Allyssa fucked her way to STAY relevant. Look at her past. She was so busy fucking and being irresponsible she had to have 2 abortion in ONE YEAR. Her words.....

    And, now she is using her agent husband she is FUCKING to remain relevant.

  78. Given that there is not a lot of downside in proclaiming SJW status in celeb/hollywood world(as long as progressive/lib), hard to tell who is 'real' one but most probably are although I'm sure some PR posers out there too. Kapernick probably best example of someone that has suffered negative consequences for their SJW work. There are also just a few crazies like Kathy Griffin that are apparently so unlikable that downside has hurt. Not sure if it makes them a 'real' SJW but seems like anyone in hollywood that proclaims they are conservative probably really is and really is taking a chance and has the most to lose which is probably why not too many are doing it. Sinise seems like the real deal but he's more focused on vets and the sacrifice of military service than conservative politics so even most liberals have respect for him.

  79. Ah yes, Ilhan Omar! I call her 'the gift'.

    Trump doesn't even need to fight as hard as he did in 2016, all he has to do is point towards the newest female democratic recruits, for any sane person to put him back into the White House.

    The best of the dems: a mentally ill ex bartender who loves Venezuela and thinks airplanes should, like stop flying, like you know... And a lying, cheating, stealing, racist and anti semitic terrorist supporting muslima.

    You just can't make this shit up.

    1. Nope.”Florence,Angela,plot” the name it’s going today doesn’t recall their earlier statement about AOC doing more for the country than most🙄-Her New Green Deal-hence the cow fart commentary is the most ludicrous thing to ever be spoken about in a modern political platform. Both sides of the aisle know that. Guess they didn’t get the reference. Thankfully though they still retain that illuminating wit/World awareness that states people that don’t agree with them
      Have 10th grade educations... I guess 10 grade is the new Highly Educated🤷‍♀️

    2. Tricia, even if you did have only a 10th grade education, you’re obviously doing quite well for yourself and I’m sure many highly educated super geniuses that are living in rathole apartments in vile big cities, paying off their student loans, working in some crappy office with assholes, would give up that piece of paper in a heartbeat to switch places with you.

    3. I know that it may sound crazy to you that out of BILLIONS of people on this planet that there can surely only be ONE who doesn't care for your mean girl antics.
      There's far more that would speak up, except they're worried you'll doxxx them. (rip Kristen's life)

      Trust, there's more than one, precious.

    4. Astra that could be... I do t judge them,cause I don’t care enough too.
      “Rosie” mean girl? Lol. That’s rich. If being a mean girl means standing up for myself after largely ignoring abuse here and being doxxed 10x/ per year for 6years by deranged people...Wow(*slow golf clap)... okey dokey ,dude. I’ll wear that title,precious.

    5. Not worth judging anyone over their life choices, they have to live with them. I’d say it’s sad that they seem to be so viciously miserable about them, though. I can understand, imagine being told that you’re doing everything “right”, only to be miserable and repellent to the opposite (or same) sex, etc. No wonder they snap! Oh well lol I hope you’re having a kick ass time on your tropical island, anyway 😆👍🏻

  80. TeeHee, if you bash celebs based on unproven blind items, then there is no hope for you. And I thought you were pro-choice? So why are you bashing her for having abortions? Btw, you know nothing about her marriage. You only think you do.

    j, if you don't have kids it's probably not a choice and more likely because you're so repulsive that no one wants to have a child with you.

    1. Cats aren’t children. Toxoplasmosis is real!

  81. haha @notalibtard ....spot on. Truth really is stranger than fiction. And, Trump's rallies are packed while barely anyone is showing up to the demoncrap contenders.

    Truthfully, I want him to go up against a huge socialist. Trump's base will show up while moderates and non socialists on the left will not show up to vote.

    The economy and jobs speak for itself with Trump.

  82. Florence, don't disappoint me. You're brilliant, argue my points. Instead of your unseemly and unsubstantiated ad hominem.

    I don't think you're a piece of shit person, Florence... don't let me down... tell me how Mark Ruffalo and his decisions are better for the planet and all those slaves in Asia than mine are.

  83. LOL Florence and congratulations you are an official member of the "you are Derek Harvey" club.
    Crazy how she spends 8 hours a day obsessing over the people she feels are so beneath her. Yet has no job and makes no income for herself and does nothing to make the world a better place. One time she claimed she was helping "rebuild homes" on the island she is deserted on-she must be scheduled on overnights for that cause she is not not here in a daze of lies and delusion.

  84. * not not here in a daze of lies and delusion full-time 50 hours a week. Clock in dem hours, babe.

  85. I am 100% PRO LIFE. Always have been and always will be. Unplanned is about the best movie I have seen in ages and actually had me showing up to the theaters.

    And...yah I do. She is only relevant and showing up to these events because her husband's agency is marketing it for her. It is how the world works. If this chick is your idol, then the problem is with you not me and there is no hope for you. Oh well, we will vote it out come 2020. I am feeling pretty confident.

    1. Yep TeeHee. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. People can twist themselves into contortions to try and justify it, but it’s murder. If that makes me “uneducated” to believe that, to KNOW that, oh well. That’s fine.

  86. @TeeHeeU-didn’t we go through HS together?! I loved taking Home Ec with ya😂

  87. I would vote for Keanu Reeves for president, trust him more than most of the politicians.

  88. Florence sez: "to sum up my arguments, you are ugly."

    Now that's real empowerment.

  89. And Alyssa Milano has done more for American baseball players than anyone. Granted most of it was on her back but she gave her all! ⚾✋

    1. She breathed new life into America’s Favoriye Pastime😉


  90. "I am 100% PRO LIFE. Always have been and always will be. Unplanned is about the best movie I have seen in ages and actually had me showing up to the theaters."

    Unplanned: Abby Johnson becomes the youngest clinic director in the history of Planned Parenthood, then a life-changing experience turns her into an anti-abortion activist.

    I have a feeling that movie played in "select theaters" in "select" trailer parks everywhere.

  91. "If this chick is your idol, then the problem is with you not me and there is no hope for you."

    When did I say she was my idol? I just think she's a better person than Republicans like you. Your idol is probably Mike Pence, a guy who thinks homosexuality can be cured through prayer or Trump, a guy who laughs about grabbing women by the pussy and panders to the religious crowd despite the fact that he can't even name a passage from the Bible and cheats on his wife with porn stars

    "The economy and jobs speak for itself with Trump."

    Maybe you aren't aware that unemployment was going down before he was elected. And the economy was improving before he was elected. Thanks to Obama. A guy you probably think is a "socialist" because you don't know what socialism is.

    "Her New Green Deal-hence the cow fart commentary is the most ludicrous thing to ever be spoken about in a modern political platform."

    I guess you haven't heard ANYTHING that has come out of Trump's mouth. You know, the guy who thinks violent video games cause mass shootings.

    "You want everybody to be the same, no difference of opinion allowed NEIN, VERBOTEN!"

    Criticizing someone isn't taking away their opinion. Republicans like you are not bright enough to understand this because you think freedom of speech means freedom from criticism. You are the one who wants people to be the same. You belong to a party that wanted to throw people out of the military for having homosexual thoughts.

  92. Mark Ruffalo lives in a farmhouse in Catskills NY. It is his only home. He also drives a BMW i3 which is an electric car. You should follow him on Twitter or Facebook to see all the good he is doing personally in addition to raising awareness to small changes you can make.

    You might be doing less than him, but he is attempting to make a difference by tweeting about change on different platforms every couple days or so. Additionally he has 6 million followers so at least he’s trying.

    I totally agree with your point, but there are many celebrities way worse.

  93. Gary Sinese and Keanu Reeves are the best examples of truly good person doing good for others. Bad examples are Alyssa Milano and Oprah Winfrey.

  94. I'm not sure what enty was thinking, asking this question.

  95. Hi Aris

    He needs to get his wikipedia page straight:

    "Ruffalo and his family live in Manhattan.[43] He also owns a house in Sullivan County, New York, describing the Catskill Mountains as his 'home'.[44]"

    And $10mm is quite a house:


    And here's his old LA house (I'm taking a leap and assuming he has a place there now). Not too shabby!


    And NO DOUBT many many public figures are worse. Ruffalo seems like a nice enough guy. But the point is, if you're really really serious about helping the planet... if you're really, really serious about a future in which you're neither responsible for exploiting people nor having your progeny exploited, having zero kids is absolutely necessary.

    In the Ruffalo family, five people do multiples more environmental damage than a husband and wife alone would. Don't blame me... I didn't invent math.

  96. Why do we GAF about Mark Ruffalo? He played the Hulk, cool, I'm still not taking life lessons from him.

  97. No one wants to be Peg Bundy stuck on Gilligan Island with no financial personal savings accounts to rely on when their husband ends up in prison (which we all know he will)

  98. @Tricia, Breathed new life, there wasn't a slump she couldn't bust 😅

    1. Nope.. or a bench she couldn’t “warm”🔥

  99. Tricia is very cool. Eager participant here, doesn't start shit with anyone.

    Been fond of her (insofar as I care about strangers on the internet, which isn't much) since I first arrived to elevate this site.

  100. GAF or not, Mark Ruffalo is a good example of a celebrity who uses his publicity to endorse behavior his own life choices contradict.

    I liked him in Zodiac.

  101. Umpires in LA were like "this looks like a spitball, but smells like a tuna sandwich."

  102. I don't look to celebrities to be SJWs. It would be nice if everyone lived by The Golden Rule (do unto others as you would have them do unto you), but we're human. We're all flawed.

  103. With all the shit being flung here I'd like to know why one of my somewhat-but-not-too incendiary comments was deleted

  104. Not sure, E.

    Usually these days Derek or Rosie goes off the deep end and Enty deletes 80% of the comments in a thread. Single-comment deletion sounds more like a glitch.


    1. They sure seem like the same person ,of late. So-odd......🙄

    2. Busted. We're the same person.

  105. I do not even know how to respond to the reader comment/blind OP in this topic.

    It seems they are offended that some celebs have been labeled fake "SJW" (social justice warriors, for those not up on internet slang. Used online as pejorative, to mean someone who is only pretending to care, for the attention.)

    It is too vague to reply to in any concrete way. But I see the topic went to other conversations so I will save this topic for the next bout of insomnia.

  106. Yeah, being as objective as I can be, and only paying attention for maybe the last two years, the abuse of Tricia by (seemingly) one fucking nutcase is far and away the worst behavior in this comment section.

    What's really pathetic is that poster said at at least one point that he/she "didn't want to ruin the comments section for everyone."

    What a bunch of bullshit that was. Dude/lady/Derek/whoever, your obsession is a huge pain in the ass for a lot of people. Please stop or at least limit yourself somehow, maybe one day a week.

  107. No, Tricia, I'm specifically not talking about Rosie here. She's been a bit crazy lately, but I hope that's temporary.

    We disagree, but I wouldn't say she's a malignant presence here. The other one, Derek/whatever... that's just some fucked up shit. I applaud Enty for not turning over everything into permanent moderation, which must be a tempting idea, and all because one person can't give it a fucking rest.

  108. By "we disagree" I mean Rosie seems to find my opinions horrible and wants to fight about them a lot. I don't mean you (Tricia) and I disagree. Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't, but you can have your opinions. It's normal interaction.

    1. I don't mind that you have opinions. I just think you're everything wrong with the male species.
      Wait ... Trisha and Samantha, can I say "male" here? Or is that pejorative?

  109. So much for not wanting to ruin it for everyone.

  110. <3 Brayson's 1st comment HAHAHAHA!!! Also cannot agree more with Mark Andy's comment.

  111. haha ENTY is sooo greedy. He knew this question would get him a lot of clicks and comments.

    People you are allowed to disagree and not take things so personal.

    @Tricia haha we did! But...we both know I could bake the best pie and Iron the best! ;P I best be putting that tenderloin in the oven now and greet my husband with a drink and kiss when he arrives!! Oh and of course a back massage! He works so hard!! (hahah that would be a fantasy he would never get!)

    1. Girl I got Tollhouse in the oven.. kids are stoked . Not as good as home made but...😂

  112. Ricky Gervais seems to be a good guy. No kids..just pets. I'm with the poster way up above...if you want to be green/eco friendly don't make more humans...The whole planet needs to be thinned (1 billion or less)...The planet will someday (?) clean house either thru a super volcano (yellowstone), a space rock, an ice age or some sort of plague/virus (man made?)..resource wars will hit soon enough and should kill off many (oil/gas/coal is all slowly being used up)... Mad Max is where we are headed.

  113. Ugh, it's just so old, it's always the same formula.
    1. Complain about Tricia guessing first a lot.
    2. Complain about Tricia not getting every blind.
    3. Complain about Tricia spending time on the site.
    4. Complain about Tricia complaining about you.

    Always the same thing, half the time I'm not even sure it's a real person. Unless she stole your futon or ran over your fisherman uncle last summer why waste so much time and effort?

    1. More like-thunder,Bray😉💨

  114. Look, Florence is a troll who likes to parrot left wing talking points to make herself seem smarter because she doesn't have an original thought. You know you've won the argument with a liberal as soon as they start calling you racist, homophobic or stupid. Stop feeding the trolls and maybe she will go back into the underbelly of polite society where she belongs.

  115. Anyone who stoops to name calling or implying someone’s lack of education simply because their opinion differs from yours is displaying your own lack of intelligence.

  116. It isn't the word but how it's used.

    Not that that was a sincere question, although it might've been...a rhetorical one.

    Why won't you spell Tricia's name as it appears on her comments though? Rhetorical, since you didn't answer her when she asked either.

    "Wait ... Trisha and Samantha, can I say "male" here? Or is that pejorative?"

  117. Rosie - Misogynists often use "females" with a sneering tone to it, and reversing that equation doesn't really work, since it's a bit of a stretch to argue the two genders are "at parity" in most/any society.

  118. Off the deep end. Oh well, I've tried empathy. Now's the time to just laugh.

  119. "I'm not sure what enty was thinking, asking this question." _Unknown

    I asked the question. Enty was kind enough to post it and I take the opportunity here to thank him for it.

    Whether Ruffalo, Sinise, Begley and others, the point is about being able to make a statement about the world we live in and here in the U.S. that's protected by the 1st Amendment. Right here in all these comments one can see that at play.

    Errors in judgment, plans gone awry, even the not-so-white lie now and then, even if 'SJW' is a disposable term, etc., celebrities are as subject to those as many of the participants here in their own affairs and declarations from time to time. As the poster 'Shakey' noted: "We're all flawed". Then again, there are those who will never admit to that along with thinking they are 'chosen' and 'stable geniuses'.

    Florence, you're right re your previous reply of, "You are the one who wants people to be the same." That's been in the Republican/Right play-book for some time now - as long as they don't have to abide by it. Call it the, 'alternative', version of the 1st amendment. In short, if this country had not had a free press nor free speech as again shown in these commentaries it would have been tanked long ago by those who care more for the bottom line than a 'perfect union'. America is a work in progress, regression is not an option.

    "It is too vague to reply to in any concrete way. But I see the topic went to other conversations.."_ Samantha the 1st.

    Interesting, isn't it? At this rate I'm expecting someone to condemn Cookie Monster for being the junkie on Sesame Street.

    An aside to Tricia13: Is this some kind of 'poster' envy that people have against you?

    Anyway, thanks to everyone for answering the question. Some are illustrative, some are bumps under the carpet. It's a wonderful world. :-)

  120. Hi Del

    What, in your opinion, is the environmental impact of creating a new child? Compared to, say, committing to recycling or driving a Volt?

    I don't think this is a partisan question. Physics, CO2 concentrations, ocean levels... those aren't partisan.

  121. @Del, Well you can't deny that Cookie Monster obviously had some sort of eating disorder or metabolic issue. 🍪🤔 ;)

  122. Because I wouldn't want to conclude that the point is feeling good and saying the right things, as opposed to materially having maximum impact on our societal and environmental problems. So I'm very curious to get your thoughts, Del.

  123. And Oscar the Grouch has a fetish for rubbish.

  124. I will say I believe in Eric Reid's kneeling (I don't necessarily agree with it) but he has family in the service and does not make a big deal out of it, nor does he receive any compensation regarding it.
    I 100% disagree with Kap because it comes across, to me, as keeping his name in the limelight and indirectly he does receive compensation for it.

  125. To J

    Most people will clearly see your point on this, myself included. More people, more use of resources, etc.

    But how many people in this country do you think will abide by a government decree - or even law if it got to that - to curtail procreation for the purpose of establishing a family? And let's be honest, that type of a law could come from either party if the situation really got out of hand population-wise.

    That's a tough one and it leaves me wondering if there can be a solution for a country that's expected to hit 400 million people not so many years from now. Do we want to end up in a situation where we're running on fumes? Child or car, it's all in the numbers and the space available.

    Here's another angle on it: If the simple question about SJWs can elicit such reactions 'in text'. What do you think overpopulation will elicit in real time in terms of social attitudes? Are we going to have situations where a woman walking by with a new-born infant is going to be looked at askance or verbally criticized? I know, sounds impossible, but nowadays the line between impossible and possible is a little wobbly.

  126. You think the U. S. is "over populated," Del?

    Still a lot of unused land, and resources have never really been evenly distributed in human history.

  127. I think it's highly possible/probable at some time in the future when there's not enough food.

    I think 300/400 million people in the US is a completely irrelevant statistic. Air is worldwide, energy resources ultimately are worldwide. I'm not talking about you, but I'm sort of shocked by the number of people who are putatively "anti-racist" yet frame these questions around US population. If Americans had fewer kids, there'd be more resources (on average) for kids in Senegal. I think that's a good thing, full stop.

    Of course it would be great if people in Senegal and everywhere else had fewer kids civilization might have some chance of going on for a long time. But that won't happen.

    As far as government regulation, I'm not calling for that. I believe it's a moral choice. And I'm very sad to see how many people are incapable of simple multiplication, thinking that driving a Prius with stick figures of two parents, four kids, and a dog indicates righteous behavior.

    As I've said, the die is cast. Things will fall apart, probably in the next 100 years, and it will be horrible. In the mean time, believing that saying the right things is what really counts... sure, why not?

  128. Samantha, finish telling us about Henry VIII's six beheaded wives. That story was a hoot!

  129. Oh FFS, eventually the antibiotics and vaccines won't work anymore, population problem solved just like in olden times. It's not like the US was empty when the Europeans first showed up, it and everywhere else can get emptied out again.

    On a side note, could the rest of the world stop sending the US all your weird mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases? That would be swell, thanks.

  130. Brayson, you shouldn't H8. Not even mosquitoes.

  131. to Samantha the 1st.

    Look at the situations we're experiencing now with the current numbers. Think of what it would take to make 'unused' land usable. Add to that the economic premise that would have to be in place to facilitate not only that but other aspects of effective and manageable communities. Devil in the details, and all that.

    By the way, I just heard from a reliable source that the attorneys for Cookie Monster and Grouch have issued a cease and desist to Enty. I apologize, Enty, I didn't think it would get this litigious. :-)

    1. Love it. First lawsuit I can get on board with. Leave the puppets alone!

  132. to J.

    "I think 300/400 million people in the US is a completely irrelevant statistic."

    If things keep going the way they do it will be very relevant. I haven't been to LA in quite some time but it was relevant enough to see some images of what downtown looks like with all the tents and cardboard condos. How soon before that goes exponential just in the city itself? What will the "wall" for something like that look like?

    In the meantime, believing that saying the right things is what really counts..."

    Let us hope we 'do' rather than merely say - for the sake of everyone.

  133. It's gonna look like the favelas outside Rio, I assume.

    Guardian's pretty woke, so I'll link to their review of Mike Davis' insightful book.


    (no idea why the link ends in "shopping.society")

  134. Your comment makes no sense J.

    "Samantha, finish telling us about Henry VIII's six beheaded wives. That story was a hoot!"

    You work way too hard to troll. Attention seeking much??

  135. I never said he had SIX beheaded wives btw, so you also lie. I didn't name any specific number of "beheadings" that I can recall, and I'm not sure why you keep twisting what I did say.

    If memory serves, two were beheaded: Anne Boleyn and Catherine Howard.

  136. Well dang. ;)

    "By the way, I just heard from a reliable source that the attorneys for Cookie Monster and Grouch have issued a cease and desist to Enty. I apologize, Enty, I didn't think it would get this litigious. :-)"

    As for equitable use of resources i'ts more to do with priorities and/or greed and too serious imo (FOR ME), on this site; I come here to have some harmless (imo) fun.

    It won't make a bit of difference what I say on any of that, anyway; I'm not in charge.

  137. Children in themselves aren't a huge impact on the enviroment...especially if you go cloth diapers/used clothes...they don't eat much/etc...its when they grow up and want Girbaud and Guess and a car, and fast food and hooker boots and crotchless panties...then they need a house..then they want kids of their own...and then vacations on 300 day cruises...then 2nd houses in the mountains and ski lodges in Bhutan... If we all lived homeless in megacities and left alone most of the planet mother nature wouldn't get so angy at us and swarm us with killer bees and killer solar flares.

    1. That’s called Agenda 21 and they want to push everyone into mega cities. Conspiracy theory, or fact? You be the judge.

  138. I leave you guys alone for a few hours and I'm left with almost 200,comments and almost as many " ".😵 Although,thanks for the free for all,we hadn't done one in a while.

  139. err, J?
    All of your comments, regardless of the topic, read as, "I haven't touched a pussy IN YEARS!"

    And, why are u picking on the new girl? Does she talk too much for your liking? She seems nice enough to me.

    Lastly, citing wikipedia as your source, repeatedly, makes you look simple. Maybe research them a little bit...without using wikipedia.

  140. Thanks for the input, hairydawg. I'll change my ways stat.

  141. @Florence: Yasss queen. Look at them sucking down their redpills and gaslighting just because you used your free speech to call them and their fucked up positions on the internet. Already crying their predictable and boring little'if you don't respect what I promote, you're a brainwashed celeb-worshipping fascist libtard w/ no friendsies! Waah! I can't be racist or misogynistic, you're just victimizing ME by pointing it out, meanie!' routine. A lot of messy Depends that I wouldn't want to have to change in these comments tonight. No wonder why these elephant-riders are so dependent on Enty to feed them 'truths' about strangers they dislike.

  142. WORSE: Taylor Swift, Lena Dunham, Beyoncé, Jay Z, Oprah, Meryl Streep,

    The ones who grab the attention but seem to have good intention and act on their words: Miley Cyrus, M.I.A, Cara Delevingne, RDJ, Keanu Reeves, Rihanna, Shakira, Susan Sarandon

  143. "Just shut up and dribble." That's all that is acceptable?
    Too bad. Trump is a massive train wreck as POTUS, and, even celebrities notice and call him out on his daily disasters, such as tweeting out a classified military photograph, totally incompetent.

    Trump came from the celebrity world. He should have been busted years ago. He was nothing but a multiple bankruptcies businessman who no US bank would loan $1, until NBC and Mark Burnett unconscionably "recast" this egomaniac as a wildly successful businessman. He used that FAKE reality show as a springboard to the Presidency. Kudos to EVERYONE calling him out, including celebrities. They have a right to their opinion.

  144. Why hasn't this come up before here? How in the world did "Count J" get in the Pentagon and was able to address the Pentagon? What happened to allow THAT? WHY did that happen, who OK'd it?

  145. "You belong to a party that wanted to throw people out of the military for having homosexual thoughts."

    Firstly, that is ludicrous, and secondly, that's still better than belonging to a parry that finances, defends and supports those who throws homosexuals off high rooftops.

  146. Del, I don't remember Republicans burning down college campuses when the vote didn't go their way. They accepted it. So how do they want everybody to be the same exactly? There were no marches, screaming for violence, no never-ending rants by celebrities haunting and threatening and absolutely no shaming people in public for expression their opinion and right to vote for whomever they believed in.

    At this point, I'm afraid, anyone who agrees with Florence, who is very clearly suffering from severe mental issues, can not be taken seriously.

  147. anyone who uses 'yassss queen' to communicate agreement with somebody, has the IQ of a fruit fly

  148. @AstraWorthington.....agreed on abortion. I have researched, listened to horror stories at Pro-Life rallies about these women regret it and were tricked into at their most vulnerable states it is JUST awful if you listen to these women's stories. Those rallies are as about as pro-women as you can get.

    I think all the money planned parenthood takes in (they have a $300 million surplus last time I checked) should donate free birth control. The Hyde amendment prevents any federal tax money in the US from going towards abortion. Problem is all the money donated to PP can be spent how they see fit. Why in the heck are they not giving out free BC?!?! Because PP is a business at the end of the day, pure and simple

    I actually consider myself a moderate on most things, but, will straight up NEVER, EVER, EVER vote for anyone who thinks it is ok to murder a baby at 9 months in the womb. That is infanticide. I don't agree with abortion ever, but, a child that can live outside the womb (6.5/ 7months is the age of viability) and you still want to kill it. I hope there is a hell so those who support this can burn in it. You are straight supporting murdering BABIES.

    I am nursing my baby right now (my first) and I just cannot believe that the left is ok with murdering a child at 8 months in the womb.....a freaking pre mature baby.

    You guys are just awful people in the regard to abortion.

  149. I also want to make it very clear....I would NEVER advocate hurting someone you disagree with...there are loonies on both sides.

    coughantifacough....and there masked faces...no different than the evil KKK.

  150. teehee - I didn't even realise THAT sort of abortion was up for discussion.

    As I said before, I am pro choice, but not after 12 weeks. After that a person must be seriously sick in the head to consider vacuum out a baby. And 9 months? The description 'deranged psychotic satanic killer' springs to mind.

    What the fuck is going on? 9 months is not abortion, it is indeed infanticide and people who consider doing this, defend this, do this, perform this or whatnot, are fucking monsters.

    Also I'd like to point out that abortion isn't birth control. It should never be a decision taken lightly because you're a woke progressive slut who gets drunk and fucks around with multiple guys every weekend, cause 'guys do it too'. I don't think a lot of lefties understand this.

  151. To 'not a libtard'.

    Having experienced several political administrations in past decades I will say that Republicans did not burn down campuses and such but the current administration is something other than 'Republican". Many Republicans have left the party, google that and you'll get plenty of names and that's not counting the many regular people in the population with no political popularity, fame, etc.

    What we have with Trump is more of an attempted coup - 2020 will show the extent of the coup - on the system as we have known it especially in regard to the Constitution and the rule of law. Trump cares nothing about the Constitution, about Republicans or Democrats, or even his "base" which in actuality was merely an untapped market he exploited and continues to exploit. Roving dog-waggers like Bannon and others have done this and it was no surprise that he was on board after realizing he couldn't make it as a Hollywood player. Read up on it.

    All that Trump cares about is Trump, it was always thus and will be so till he dies. If you want an example of Trump's real character then I refer you to the article, "This guy doesn’t know anything: the inside story of Trump’s shambolic transition team."


    This is not a 'fake' article, Chris Christie and Steve Bannon were both present at this meeting and neither have denied it. Scroll down to the 7th paragraph and you'll see this quote (I've added the asterisks as a courtesy): "Fu*k the law. I don’t give a fu*k about the law. I want my fu**ing money." That's the real Trump in less than 25 words. For those of us old enough to have known of Trump since his early days it is not a surprise since from the beginning it's been a series of lies, deals, bankruptcies, tax cheating and of course lawyers to help him get out of the messy diapers he left in his wake. Is the name, Roy Cohn familiar to you? Trump considered him his best lawyer and friend. That says a lot right there.

    I could go on and on but CDAN is not particularly the type of website for this. As the poster 'Samantha the 1st' said, she just comes here for some harmless fun. I can understand that. But Trump is not about harmless fun, he's already done some damage and drained the swamp to make it a sewer. He cares nothing about a 'wall', immigrants', he doesn't even care about what Hillary did or did not do. All he ever cared about was his money, his 'brand' and of course, his base which are nothing more than clients he has to keep satisfied with his red-meat tweets, rallies, and anything else he can sucker them into. Remember, Trump is thinking ahead to newer ventures and if 'Trump TV' is one of them as has been reported, well, the demographic for that will already be in place. Meanwhile, increasingly many of the base keep bending over for Trump and when they wonder why their butts hurt so much Trump tells them it's the Democrats or anyone who doesn't agree with him that's sticking it to them. Many have gotten wise to this, many continue bending over. In short, for his base after this is over in one way or another is going to be quite a doozy of a hangover and all they'll have to show for it is a $25 golf cap (along with the regular cap) with some slogan that meant nothing more than extra revenue for the guy who even cheats at golf.

    Of course, as always time will tell what was and wasn't. Personally, I know where this poker game is going. And you know what? I don't even need a side bet for insurance. I'm not betting all the chips, and may I suggest to you, 'not a libtard', that neither should you. Take that as some friendly Vegas advice from someone sitting on the other side of the table. Better for both of us to leave the game with something rather than nothing.

  152. Yeah Del......you're wrong. So very wrong.

    The reason you say that the current republicans aren't real republicans, but something else, is because you do not see, neither do you accept that is in fact the democrats who are not democrats any longer. Nothing about them is 'democratic'. They have lost their ways, their values, their sense.

    They even loudly advertise themselves as socialism-lovers, embrace the far left and all the extremes that go with it. They embrace radical Islam, defend it, support it, and turn a big fat blind eye to all the extreme violence, racism, oppression and persecution that goes with it.

    Democrats have become unelectable. Completely unelectable.

    Watch Trump walk into the White House in 2020, like he's strolling through a golfing ground this time around.

    And try to wake the fuck up.

  153. As a liberal, I agree with not a libtard here.

    Tell me, what did Obama do that was "progressive" and required energy? He was a black president and he presents himself intelligently. That's great. But what did he accomplish, what did he give to those on America's left? Gay marriage, which is great, is the only thing I can think of. Otherwise he was there for the war party, he was there for Wall Street, he was there for big/toxic healthcare. Oh, and he took selfies with Beyonce.

    And how in fuck's name can any "liberal" say good things about Islam? Democrats line up to do so nowadays.

    Del, with all due respect, if you're reading thoughtful insight into Samantha's meatheaded plot-redivivus comments, you're probably not going to give very useful answers to my questions here.

  154. @Del Ivers,the attempted coup is from those who are trying to force an elected President out of office. This is coming from the left in denouncing the electoral college,and the right,who is using insiders to keep the war machine going. I would like to know your intent with the meaning of SJW? A lot of people use it to make themselves look more "woke" than others while doing nothing. The right uses it to mock people. Do you consider people who own 10,000 square foot homes but retweet anti Trump comments to be on a higher moral ground than say me in my 1000 square foot home with three other people and who has recycled,reused,etc for years. I do not look to celebrities or politicians to guide me. Do you believe the exposure of human trafficking would have happened with Hillary Clinton as President.

  155. @J,Gay marriage was legalized by a right leaning Supreme Court, which is as it should be. It is a constitutional issue, and is correct. The problem with left leaning courts is they are activist,not constitutionalists.

  156. To 'not a libtard'.

    The fact that you rely on the same recycled talking points: 'Democrats', 'socialism-lovers', 'far left extremes', radical Islam, and so on, shows me I'm wide awake and like others have not lost my way, values or sense. Even Trump himself doesn't care about any of those talking points except if they hurt his 'ratings'.

    You and others keep falling for Trump telling you to focus on the right hand and not on the left while he does his crappy magic. The emperor has no clothes. Wake up to that.

    Confirmation of bias is a tough monkey to shake off. But sooner or later the monkey's gotta go.

    Anyway, we'll see on November 3, 2020. I leave it at that for this topic. :-)

  157. Guesser, without getting into the nuts and bolts of particular events, I've tried to think of anything which would be considered a concession or reward given to America's left during Obama's eight years, and gay marriage is the only one I can think of.

    We can take up judicial tendencies another time, if that's ok with you.

  158. Not a libtard, I fucking love you. Agree with all the points you wrote here 🙏

  159. Jesus christ this is so stupid



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