Monday, September 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #4

August 24, 2019

Our favorite foreign born B+ list actress/singer has several of her exes buying up tickets on her tour to make it look as if more people are attending.

Rita Ora


  1. Whora has enough exes to fill up a 3,000 seat venue just by themselves

  2. That thirsty skank just never gives up on her famewhoring ways.

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    @sandy brook always has the best comments lmao

  4. Bet that morbidly obese, agoraphobic, dissapointment to his disgusting family posts something vindictive about CDANs favorite muzic whora. does it feel to financially breastfeed off your mother as a grown man? What a disappointment to Rob Sr. #boycott.KUWTK

  5. nah she's an independent businesswoman with a body that doesn't quit.

  6. What happened to Rob, to go from fit young reality star, to fat blob Rob? My guess is he figured out he is Rob Rolodan, like his sister Khloe Rolodan, that the two tall ones are the two not the offspring of Munchkin Robert Kardashian.

  7. Prince Harry is buying seats in stadiums? Does Meghan know?

  8. Actually she is super talented

    We are talking Audrey Hepburn or Doris Day levels of talent.

    Not her fault that she works in a business that is structured in an evil way.

  9. I wish they would stop trying to make Rita Ora happen.
