Friday, September 06, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 27, 2019

Video Music Awards

At an after party, this one named A- list singer was complaining how her boyfriend always wants her to to pleasure him in every way possible other than actual sex. Umm, how about because females are not his number one choice?



  1. Homie is fluid and she's fug.

  2. So he's anti-front door then?

  3. Or maybe she makes really good sandwiches? 🤔

  4. I'D throw it to her.

  5. I always warn women about guys that are only gonzo about the oral and anal, they don't need to stick with women for that and often don't.

  6. Lol, just googled the twat. There's no way in hell he's straight. I'm surprised he's "dating" a woman at all.

  7. Why do these girls fall for such stupidity?

  8. @RJ, Probably their ability to change their perception of reality to fit what they want to believe.

  9. I can’t imagine wanting to be with a man that’s into other men. That’s a great way to get HIV. Statistics are what they are, and people can do what they want with whomever, but ew.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. THAT was your takeaway from this scenario? Are you insane?

    3. Go ahead and sleep with whomever you want. Your body your choice. Or is that only applicable to the “good people” that think murdering an unborn baby is a choice?

      I also wouldn’t sleep with a meth addict and I don’t think I’ve ever met or known one in real life. When it comes to being potentially exposed to a deadly or at least life altering disease, I don’t really give a shit if anyone approves of the choices I make. But you can also fuck off if you don’t like it. Either way, no great loss to me, “Gerbil S Sac”. Byeeeee

    4. Wow so you throw in abortion tot he mix too alongside HIV? Just for the hell of it? Because a celebrity's boyfriend might be more into dudes?

      If you need a platform for this lunacy, go find one, any one, somewhere far far away from a celebrity gossip blog.

  10. @Astra, Yeah I don't think women are allowed to donate blood if they've gotten with a bi guy in the last year. That's got to be rough, being in the same category as drug addicts or visiting Africa.

    1. Brayson, the statistics on diseases spread by men having sex with men (MSM) are really bad. Lots of diseases. Idk if you remember my link:

      There’s a lot of this going on. Lots of the drug resistant bacteria we have now were started in gay areas. It isn’t PC or nice nor does it fit with the official “good person” opinion on that community, but those are the stats and the facts. I didn’t make them, I just report them.

      I’d rather people’s precious feelings be hurt, than people’s actual lives and health endangered. That probably makes me literally worse than Hitler though!

      I’ll also say I don’t care what people do, as long as it isn’t endangering others. People flip out about vaccines and demand that those people stop endangering others with their choices, but here’s another example of choices causing real world harm, and we are supposed to ignore this.

    2. Drug resistant bacteria are now the fault of THE GAYS too? Wow. Who knew such a medical expert lurked don these pages. Such a heavyweight of rational, factual thought.

      Meanwhile the link you posted only identifies the people most likely to GET drug resistant shigella (yes, THE GAYS but also international travellers and immune deficient people), not the CAUSE of drug resistance, which is usually from over-administering of antibiotics.

      A little reading comprehension goes a long way you hysterical loon.

    3. Thanks for proving my point. Your mentality is what gets people killed. Engage in all the risky behavior your heart desires. Please. Since you can’t refute any of my comments, don’t waste my, or your, time any further. Bye bye 👋🏻

  11. @Astra, Nah you'd probably sleep with your favorite guy even if he was a meth addict, they usually smoke it, it's the needle sh!t that's the issue. 😅

    1. Well I’ve been married for ten years and I know my husband isn’t an addict I won’t have to worry about it 🤔😆 but I’m not judging what others choose to do, just “raising awareness” lol.

  12. Aw boo hoo for murdering fetuses. I say kill them all, there's billions of grown ones that exist already. The world's going to catch fire soon enough so we'll all die anyway

  13. I’ll comment here and wherever else I please, and say what I’d like. You aren’t in charge of jack shit and I’m sure that burns you up. You can continue to piss and moan about it, or you can get the fuck over it. Either way, I don’t care.

    Wow Krissie. Ok then 🤔

  14. All I can say is that he’s got a seriously punchable face. 👊

  15. @Astra - 100% agree. I used to hang out at the gay clubs in my town because they served underage kids and the decadence is shocking. It was insane how many of these men bragged about barebacking and laughed at the idea of condoms. 'Well, I can't exactly get pregnant, huh huh huh!' But you can catch a horrible disease and spread it shamelessly to people whose names you don't even know in club bathrooms. Yeah, that's responsibility right there.

    That's the number one reason I wouldn't have dated a bi guy when I was single. The second is that the idea of my man, my protector taking it up the shitter is honestly just disgusting to me. Call me old-fashioned or whatever but I like MEN for being MEN. I don't care that there are some 'bears' that go to the gym or whatever, it still isn't masculine to me and NOTHING turns me off quicker than the thought of my partner taking a D!ck up the pooper.
