Thursday, September 05, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 26, 2019

Instead of attending a wedding, this alliterate former actress turned international celebrity is going to have a ladies weekend which will probably end up costing taxpayers a cool $1M.

Meghan Markle/Cressida Bonas' wedding


  1. A cool million being spent on Big Macs's

  2. Don't much blame her for not going, although the ladies' weekend is a bit much.

    Never did care for Cressida. Always looked rode hard and put away wet. Or maybe that was Chelsea Davies. Whatever. All Hot Harry's girlfriends looked the same til MM showed up.

    1. Yeah, Meghan is quite the young man, isn't he?

    2. Public girlfriends Zebra. Public.

  3. Must be UK taxpayers, Americans only pay Markle for sex.

  4. Milk it honey. For all it is worth.

  5. Hungry hippo Markle can drop a million in three or four In-and-Out runs.


  7. I still dont get how a woman is bigger after giving birth than when she was about to pop.
    there is no way she gave birth

    1. You are correct. He did not give birth. Anatomical impossibility.

  8. If the British Royals cannot or will not rein in their crazy horse, seems the UK citizenry might. They are fed up from what I've been reading. Come on, how many every day ordinary working people would think it's a good idea for someone to spend one million dollars for a weekend party?

  9. Anonymous12:36 PM

    @JL I've been hearing some whispers about Harry's sex life.

    1. Ann, so what are they? Please share!

  10. UK we will take Meghan back if you take Trump off our hands. Make him a little Lord or something.

  11. MM reallllly does her self no favors. And, I hate the fake cry of "racism." People dislike you for your entitlement and preaching about the environment then take countless private jets in a small amount of time...that and publicly hating on your brother and sister in law for have 3 kids because of the "environment."

    I have said it once and said it again....she needs to get out of the lime light for a couple years and come back gracious and act aka lie about how it was hard adjustment adapting to the royal lifestyle but I have grown a lot over the last couple years out of the spotlight...yada yada yada, BS, BS, BS. But, a lot of people would buy it.

    But, she won' she strikes again by refusing to go on holiday with the queen/ William and Kate because she does not want to travel...yet was with Elton John a few weeks before. Such BS.

  12. Anonymous2:16 PM

    @TeeHee even worse Meghan was a no show at the Princess Diana memorial event last weekend. William and Harry had lunch together and then Kate joined them. Harry had no one for support. I felt sorry for Harry and I'm no longer a fan. They are meant to leave for Africa like Sept 21? and I'm waiting to see if they even bother to send Meghan to Africa for a photo op or if they will release her to LA with some flimsy excuse about needing a vacation. The marriage is over.

  13. Cressida just doesn’t have 30 empty seats to clear around Megatron and her ego.

  14. So if they split can Meghan bring the kid back with her to the states or does the queen own the kid too?

  15. Exactly, TeeHee. Seems more racist to expect people to be exempt from any criticism because of their skin color, doesn’t it?

  16. Exactly! My problem with Prick as well. Too me it is just an intimidation tactic so people will be too afraid to criticize character that deserves to be called out, REGARDLESS of skin color. Truthfully, it makes it worse when she a does it. MM has had to have ignored ALL good PR advice. She cannot answer for her actions so she is just like OH, WELL....if you disagree with me...then RACIST, SEXIST! Ugh.. I feel like people are finally starting to wise up to name calling to shut people up though.

    I am a female and if a Latino. black/ asian male criticized me for not doing my duties I would not scream SEXIST!!

  17. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Brayson... I think the Queen IS the legal guardian. I forgot where I read that, but I believe its true.

  18. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Brayson... I think the Queen IS the legal guardian. I forgot where I read that, but I believe its true.

  19. whoa that is scandalous if true! mm would never leave her baybay... the plot thickens!

    1. I think she will. MM is only concerned for herself, kids are a means to an end for her.

  20. See how quiet and peaceful it is when Team Markle doesn't come to start fights?

  21. It is widely believed MM is being detained somewhere and therefor all her "no-shows" are actually calculated to make her look bad. We'll see.

    If she WAS anywhere, why do we never see her?

  22. Anonymous5:52 PM

    @Brayson what I've heard is the kid has Harry's DNA but not Meghan's. Of course they still don't have actual custody of the baby. So yes the Queen will have custody of the baby if and when they ever get legal custody. The surrogate has refused to hand over the baby and there's not much they can do legally. In England the baby legally belongs to the surrogate even if the sperm and egg were harvested from both parents. In Meghan/Harry's case only Harry's sperm was used. England really needs to update their archaic surrogacy laws.

    I keep hearing that Meghan and Harry have been separated since the polo match where Meghan pretended to be having a breakdown. That stunt pissed Harry off so much that he disappeared for three days. When he came back they separated and haven't been together since. It shouldn't be much longer until we get verification because it doesn't look like they plan to send her to Africa. My guess is Meghan will be so homesick Harry will gift her with a trip back to visit Doria in LA instead. It won't be long until we know for sure.

  23. The Queen can not be legal guardian of a latex doll.
    The surrogate didn't hand over the baby after it was born.
    The baby didn't have either of MM or PH's DNA, so they were left empty handed, a day late and a dollar short.
    PH and MM are still together because PH is still drinking the koolaid. Lecturing the rest of us about travel is absolute arrogance and stupidity.

  24. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Astra I don't understand your question. Could you elaborate please.

  25. @Ann: I heard the opposite—that the DNA was MM’s, not Harry’s. Makes more sense because she probably did it behind Harry’s back given that he said he didn’t want kids right away. And she supposedly had frozen her eggs. Apparently the surrogate still has the baby.

  26. this is major tea if true in any sense. splitting, moving to LA, surrogate, no baby released, queen owns baby, not both DNA in baby. many stories i wish were facts. maybe MM is the sacrificial lamb - to get heat off pedo-andy... love it

  27. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Aquagirl at least we both heard similar stories. Frogmore Cottage is still dead. I follow someone who lives by Frogmore and she still is reporting no one living at the house. The fact that Meghan failed to show up Saturday to support Harry for Diana's anniversary event is a major red flag. She was expected to attend this event. This is something that William and Harry have done every year. They meet and have lunch together just the two boys. Talk about their memories of Diana. Then Kate (and now Meghan) join them to tour the grounds. Meghan was a no show. This is the hardest day of the year for Harry and Meghan can't be bothered to show up and support her husband?

  28. Ann, you said you had heard stuff about Harry’s sex life, I just wondered what you heard?

  29. Ann, thx for the scoop! juicy. something's up. Her inner control-freak would never forfeit a chance to publicly demonstrate her inclusion in Diana's anniversary. And, turning down the Queen's invite to Balmoral, contradicts her desperate attempts to quench her thirst. Unless she is in a coma, 'any' of her past or future PR team would have insisted she attend both. love it.

  30. Never forget with surrogacy.....10-15% of the DNA is the surrogate. It will never be 50/50 whatever egg/ sperm done.

    (Yeah, SCIENCE! YEAH, MR. WHITE! ;P )

  31. so-called BBC seems to find someone's lack of showing up unremarkleable.

  32. Lol. Maybe Meghan told Harry she'd join the memorial event once she'd "finished" eating lunch.

  33. Anonymous8:23 AM

    @Astra Harry is bi and MM is quite aware of this fact. Half the royal family is gay or bi so it shouldn't be an issue. Rumors about Charles being bi have been floated for decades. Charles romps with his butlers are well known. Uncle Edward being gay is also common knowledge. It's a given on the Mountbatten side. One great uncle on the Mountbatten side divorced his wife and is engaged to a male flight attendant. DM ust had an article about him. So I don't understand why Harry is so concerned with the news being made public. I think this is one of the areas MM has threatened him over.

    If you get bored read MM's Twitter account. PEOPLE do not go and harrass her. I love to read her posts and I want her to keep her account public. The life she leads in her own head is hysterical. She's always posting photos of things she's done or what she's preparing to eat. If you check the metadata on the photos they all come from PBS's photo account. So leave the crazy lady alone and just read her posts knowing it's all in her head.

  34. @Ann can you post the link to MM twitter account? I remember reading that account but I don’t know whether its hers as it had about 16 followers. But the postings were odd and childish so I stopped reading the account and now have forgotten the link. I think it was m_mw???

  35. @Ann can you leave a link for MM Twitter? I remember it was m_mw or something like that with 16 followers. I don’t think it is her as the posts are odd and childish. I read it once but don’t remember the account.

  36. When trash marries royalty, aren't they still trash? Back in the day Princess Grace was a huge ho - but money cures all.

  37. Anonymous7:13 PM

    @Finnique she had to change the name of her Twitter account because people went and harrassed her after I posted it last time. Please people please don't harass her. Just read and laugh and know the woman lives her life entirely in her head. It's much more entertaining that way.



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