Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

September 12, 2019

This showrunner of a now defunct network dramedy obviously hates a certain cast member from that long running show. Hey, it happens when you get sued. Apparently the showrunner has forgotten about the cast member who nearly brought the show to an early halt because of her feud with an A-/B+ list actress all of you know.

Marc Cherry/Desperate Housewives/Nicollette Sheridan/Teri Hatcher bullied Eva Longoria


  1. Remember when we cared? I don't 😄😄

  2. The crickets must care because that's all I'm hearing 😅

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I don’t remember either 🤷🏻‍♀️

  4. Nicolette sued everyone involved in the show because she claims Marc Cherry hit her in the head. So sfter she filed the lawsuit, she was killed off the show.

  5. I was wondering which cast member was bullied Eva Longoria 🤷‍♀️

  6. You'd think Terri would learn her lesson considering she screwed her career by being such a b*tch when she was on Lois & Clark, and then that James Bond movie she did. No one would hire her for years. But, then Dempsey didn't learn his lesson when he got Grey's Anatomy after not being able to get hired for even longer.

    Nic is a piece of work herself, just no sympathy there.

  7. Terri was probably jelly bc Eva was the young hot one getting the hype, movie roles, and dating a basketball star during DH.

  8. I had always read that it was all of the other ladies vs. Teri. Id actually enjoy more details about this one!

  9. teri's cuntiness is real, and it's spectacular.

  10. for newbies, Check out Enty's past reveals on all of these folks

  11. No sympathy for size '00' Eva. She bragged repeatedly about being so skinny it was written into the show.

  12. No doubt Teri was a biotch, but Eva is equally unbearable with her constant narcissism! No wonder Tony Parker cheated on her, she emasculated him every chance she got in the press!

    1. Weird, in SoCal Eva is really just kinda regular. You could go to the local mall and see a ton of better looking women without even making an effort. So.... Not getting the vanity!

    2. she looks damn good. she is 40+ with flawless skin. your comparing her to 20 yearold mall rats. i think not.

  13. How does one go back and check reveals on a certain someone?

    And, more info on Terri Hatcher please.

  14. LOL! I see what you did there @Squirrelmistress.


  15. God I hated that show. So bad.

    Def want to hear more about teri’s Cuntiness. Oh and Eva? Meh.
