Monday, September 02, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #3

August 24, 2019

This A- list mostly television actor who has one more season remaining on a show and frequently cheats on his wife and cheated on his previous wife, in addition to being a serial woman beater has said he will go to jail rather than pay his last wife any spousal support.

Terrence Howard


  1. Thank you for this blind Enty, and for calling out domestic abusers, sex trafficers, etc.
    This man is a walking "red flag." He'll get his wish to go to jail for deliberately not paying court ordered spousal support.

  2. Speaking of scumbags, the show runner for Empire announced that Jussie Smollett has been written out of the last season of the show in a way that it’s absolutely not possible for him to return.

  3. Lock him up with Mel B.

  4. That's some great Jussie news.

  5. i may watch Empire for the first time just to see that happen, lol.

    I hope it's a Sonny Corleone-style death.

  6. It’s already happened. Apparently in the last episode he was in he got married and went on his honeymoon. He’s not coming back. I guess the storyline is that he doesn’t want to be in the family business anymore. I’ve never watched the show and have no intention of ever watching it but that’s the gist.

    1. Flight malfunction on way to honeymoon? That would be more "final".

  7. Maybe he and Jussie can share a cell. Equal Justice. Every time Jussie tries to come onto him....Terrence can beat his ass.....and Terrence is forced to stop abusing women/ getting tang. Seems like equal punishment to me.

  8. I bet the writing team must be having great fun trying to decide how to kill off a such an awful human being as an actor.
    Overdose w dick in mouth?
    Toxic shock from anal bleaching?
    Botox overdose from anal rejuvenation?

  9. Aquagirl, at first I thought you meant writing Jussie out was a scumbag move. Then I figured "no, that can't possibly be right." Brain working slowly.

  10. I actually met him while he was with the ex. He was surprisingly nice and very welcoming... she on the other hand didn’t seem to want people saying hi to him or complimenting him on his acting.

  11. Jussie's character on the show was likable and he had a great voice. Too bad he's stupid.

  12. Empire filmed a scene over a month ago on the exact spot where Jussie was “attacked.” Fake Chicago Police squad cars and a CFD ambo were in the scene. Maybe the Empire writers figured Jussie didn’t go far enough in his scenario reported to police and the MAGA hat wearing brothers kill him with the clothesline “noose” and bleach.

  13. How can anyone sleep with a guy whose penis is so small? He seriously has a microdick.
