Monday, September 09, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 30, 2019

The only thing not revealed from that lengthy interview with the permanent A++? list mostly movie actor were his hookups with the permanent A++ list celebrity. He wanted to keep those quiet because he didn't think they were relevant.

Marlon Brando/Michael Jackson


  1. Maybe he put a red flag behind Jacko's ear to make him look like a mailbox.

  2. Erp.

    Too early for this

  3. As Q said, Marlon would f*** anybody.

  4. I think I just lost my appetite forever.

  5. Dear Lord I think I just had a stroke.

  6. @longtimereader Yeah, but would Michael? Brando seems a bit out of his age range.

  7. Supposedly Brando son is Blankets father. He looks a lot like him, where Prince and Paris share the same jaw

  8. @Do Tell, Well I don't think Jacko was trying to put a ring on it like that one boy he married, maybe doing Brando was just sport-f*cking.

  9. What, so that makes it better. This is how the cycle gets started.

  10. The horror, the horror.

  11. gross. watch 400 pound man grind on 120 pound twink. MB in the meantime was impregnating his maid. sleeping with your naked nanny as a child really screwed him up.

  12. You come to me on the day of my daughter's wedding and say "Woo hoo! Shamone! I'm bad!".

  13. Brayson-- the mailbox comments always get meπŸ˜‚

  14. Not a pleasant visual....

  15. Michael Jackson and sex in the same sentence is vomit-inducing.

  16. @Vita, I swear it might be one of the best interviews ever, the mailbox comment and how the Beatles were the worst musicians in the world 🀣

    "[Marlon] Brando used to go cha-cha dancing with us. He could dance his ass off. He was the most charming motherfucker you ever met. He’d fuck anything. Anything! He’d fuck a mailbox. James Baldwin. Richard Pryor. Marvin Gaye."

  17. this site is gay all day

  18. No Ronald, it is fabulous all day πŸ˜…

  19. wombat - lord help me i laughed !

  20. I dont know what s worse ....

    That I was having dinner when I read this ... or

    THAT I was listening to BOHEMIAN RAPSODY now this shxxx will haunt me everytime I listen to QUEEN ...

  21. Brayson-- I remember the buzz, but thanks for the actual link! 😁 Now, THAT'S an interview! More celebs need to just blab!

  22. Did you know there is a class of faggots with tiny dicks and huge beer bellies that are shirtless and wear suspenders and have rabbinical beards and are very popular with other faggots for BJ purposes and taking in all that skank stink that musky yeasty men excrete because faggots can be more disgusting than you precious little prarie wrens can ever imagine? Yes, fat faggot Marlon being blown by twinkie self-hating faggot Jacko is not a stretch in the faggot world. I ain't no faggot but I live in faggot Mecca and you just eventually find out about these things.

  23. Why is no one asking what interview Enty is talking about? Am I the only one who doesn't know?

  24. @GentleBreeze, don't feel bad; I am high as fuck reading this blind and @wombat's scenario is some funny shit..

  25. This is probably one of the most disgusting things I've ever read. Here come the nightmares....
