Saturday, September 07, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

August 27, 2019

Video Music Awards

At least a half dozen times last night, one of the spies heard people asking about the foreign born permanent A+ list model/producer/mogul. When they were told who she was, they had never heard of her. How times have changed.

Heidi Klum


  1. this happens to every generation and it always will. and pop culture in general

    everybody is young, everybody gets old, the cycle is rinse and repeat.

    *shrug* its life. we're all subject to it

  2. It's pretty ignorant considering she's been on TV for god knows how many years.

  3. This is an outrage!

  4. What I've always loved about HK is the fact that even though she has really spread it around over the course of her career but always managed to remain fairly wholesome. Not an easy thing to do!

  5. They've never heard of Heidi Klum?

    I am so fucking jealous!

  6. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Considering that she must have known Project Runway was just a cover for Harvey Weinstein to bang models and it went on for years then maybe obscurity is what Heidi Klum deserves.
    She can take her money and new rock star boy toy husband and go away.

  7. Wait what? People were asking about someone they’ve never heard of?

  8. Nobody's heard of Halloween?

  9. Are you *really* permanent A list if nobody knows who you are?

  10. Let's be honest, even Karl Largerfeld said he never heard of her......"Who is she, she never walked my runway,I never saw her anywhere, her face is not for magazines, she is not a supermodel" ...or word to that effect.

  11. It is what it is. That's what happens with age.
