Saturday, September 21, 2019

Blind Items Revealed #1

September 9, 2019

First it was coming out of the bathroom with what looked like coke all over his pants, and now he was asked to stop talking and yelling during a movie. It has been a busy week for the A- list actor who went from hit cable show to Oscar winner.

Rami Malek


  1. Not even a year and nobody cares that he won an Oscar.

  2. its downhill for him from here. he's never gonna get another lead role in a movie again post-BoRhap. he's always gonna be a costar, never the main star. his fake gf/possible beard is getting the most out of the contract relationship while he looks more and more like a douche.
    also, his behavior with his fans in the past 6 months has been pretty rude & ungrateful. multiple ppl on SM have talked about how he's changed for the worse.

  3. Can't believe he's trashed his rep in the six months since the Oscar. All I hear now is what an asshole he is now when people encounter him and how fame went to his head.

    When you search for news about him it's all about his stupid blonde girlfriend yelling about how she wants privacy, but them talking about him in those same interviews because she wants the fame that comes from him. She's telling elaborate stories about how she doesn't get enough attention from people when with him (the one about fans pushing her and her mom out of the way to get to Rami is cracking me up because no one is fucking pushing people out of the way to get to him, he's not that famous and she's not as famous as she thinks. What an over the top lie she told just to try and get some sympathy).

    BoRhap and Mr. Robot were his big exceptions. He could've kept the momentum going but he's lost fans and respect and seems more interested in being tabloid fodder than a serious actor. He should fire his team for letting him sink his career so quickly after winning an Oscar.

  4. i think caulking said this dude eats babies on twitter... satanist scum

  5. Bowie and Queen were/are my personal rock gods so naturally I saw Bohemian Rhapsody. MR was decent in it but that film is so sanitised that it seemed more like a Movie-of-the-week biopic than an Oscar-winning film. Freddie was a Wild Child and was as shocking as Bowie though in a different way. It is well-known that scumbags rise to the top in L.A. (in all professions) but if you are in the entertainment biz, you had better learn to play nice for the plebs or down the ABCDZ List you go!

  6. Mr. Robot is a well acted and written show. Great representation of mental illness. He's fucked up though. Bohemian Rhapsody was shit.

    1. Meh, it went in the toilet after the first season.

  7. I can hear the downward spiral...

  8. BR was really good actually. I think it was definitely Oscar material. But Rami is too fucking weird looking to land any more lead roles.

  9. There's always Broadway and a Tony.

  10. He’s such an over-rated douche bag and so undeserving of an Oscar. I can’t wait to see him fail.

  11. How dare an actor enjoy the spoils of his success? according to himmmm, he's well respected and has a good attitude towards his fans.

  12. @longtimereader

    pretty sure you havent been paying attention to what many fans have been reporting post-oscar win.
    and how is yelling/talking during a movie warranted bc he's 'enjoying the spoils of his success' - being rude is being rude, point blank.

    honestly, him tapdancing around the truth to get his trophies was enough for me to say good riddance. he sold his soul & I am going to enjoy watching him fade away. he's always been a good liar, until award season proved he wasnt so good at it...

  13. I cant stand him.

  14. @notthisagain: Yeah, he's proved over the past year that he's good at lying. In response to longtimereader's posts, I've never seen anyone claim he was rude when interacting with a fan until maybe a month ago when he made multiple people ask his beard/girlfriend for permission to take photos. I have heard SO many people say she's rude and mean when interacting with fans who don't want her photo but want his.

    But Rami has definitely been showing his true colors. I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt for awhile, but he kind of lost a bunch of respect from me when he claimed that the heart of a movie about a queer man of color was a straight, white blonde girl. So tone deaf and disrespectful.

  15. Maybe its because he gets his ass kissed for 'winning' an award for a boring ass, over hyped movie. Just a guess.
