Friday, September 06, 2019

Blind Item #9

There is a celebrity drug dealer in NYC who caters only to the elite. He has also killed off a few over the years. Apparently he was told to be prepared to bring his best coke tonight for a very VIP guest. She has a lot of partying to make up on.


  1. Welcome to New York,Meghan!

  2. Guess she's got to lose all that faux pregnancy weight.

    1. Or "Meghan" can keep it and later on, when he tries to feign his own death, he can make it look like a fat-related issue

    2. Code word:Roasting chicken 😂🤣

  3. Wait, is the blind saying someone told him to bring his killer coke? 😅

  4. She left the baby at home,thank goodness. Was she ever pretending to breastfeed? Baby only 6 I mean 4 months old. Drat,I have to leave the show!

  5. Anonymous10:54 AM

    yup... meghan flying commercial to nyc

  6. How can you breastfeed a doll? Lol. But yeah it’s Meghan “fatso” Markle!

  7. Careful fatso, customs only allows you to bring 9000 pounds or so across the border.

  8. Sparkles is planning on having a grand ol time.....Mother of the year!!!

  9. Enty knows this because he's a customer. No sober person can think up the nonsense blinds printed here.

  10. Even I felt a bit bad for half-prince Harry when his blimp wife couldn't be bothered to attend Diana's memorial.

  11. @Brayson, this is how OD’s happen. Tolerance will be diminished after a long absence

  12. But of course, had Diana been a responsible mom instead of partying nonstop, there wouldn't be a memorial.

  13. Do Not Lie, I'd be very very surprised if Lardo had no access to cocaine in England.

  14. Maybe the next time Trump comes to the UK, they can send Meghan Markle up alongside the Trump baby blimp/balloon thing. She’s certainly big enough!

  15. The hatred for this one runs deep. I for one say let her live her life and let the family deal with it. We know they eventually do.

    1. Trouble is MM, she’s not living a life. Her only wish is to insert herself into ours. We are stuck with her maniacal thirst for global celebrityhood and money. Just like the Kardashians.

  16. So why do all of these website readers hate Meghan so much? What did she do to you guys?

    1. He's Deep State. He will NEVER be allowed near the president.

    2. If she was only a Kardashian wannbe then who cares. She is intent on taking down the royal family. That’s some international espionage.

  17. Impressive, outdoing Diana when it comes to ignoring her kids to party.

  18. @BayArea, I had a very funny friend die from that after getting clean from heroin for a bit. They never f*cking adjust for lost tolerance. His clean time killed him. Thanks rehab, turning junkies into corpses.

  19. Maybe this is how the RF is planning to ‘Diana’ Sparkles? Another car crash would be a bit too obvious.

  20. If she hadn't hired TMZ, People, DM and oprah's bestys to pretend like she wasn't a used American whore....few would have ever thought about it.
    But she's on Twatter, Instagram, FB....even on my morning news show...being pushed as the darling princess of diversity who isn't a slutty poser who faked a pregnancy.

    She got fat because she had her access to Coke cut off....this mornings news was licking her ass - promoting her extra super duper wonderful supportive friendship visit to see Serena...

  21. The hate for her is weird. Look up Princess Micheal and her disgusting brooch.

    1. No, it's a normal response to horrific animal-people.

  22. @TownPump
    I have been thinking a plane crash....with Harry and "baby" to make it look more believable. Good thing for her she's flying commercial....

  23. She should always fly commercial. They wouldn't take down a whole plane of innocents with her, would they?

    1. You sweet summer child... they’ve been doing that for decades now. Before airplanes they did it with the Titanic. We are nothing to them.

    2. Planes are very safe.
      7/10 crashes are " hits".

  24. Well...that would pass the smell test for a lot more people. Whatever it won't be quiet.
    It would certainly take the pressure off of Andrew....who has canceled a trip to Ireland - I guess out of fear that he might be accosted by investigators...or assassins.

  25. Randy Andy would do well to stay right in his Royal Residence and not be seen by anyone for a year or two. He can be photographed at big Royal events but otherwise, undercover. He is wise to cancel that trip and all future ones.

  26. @Mountain, Yeah too bad his home deliveries will probably come in school buses.

  27. How do I get an invite?

  28. If i can get it, I highly, highly doubt any of the royals ever have trouble getting coke if they want it.

    And jesus christ if this were my dealer talking about my purchases to people who post gossip... yeah we would never do business ever again. I'd think a coke dealer at that level would know how the game works.

  29. Was the brooch disgusting, or the alleged intent behind the wearing of the brooch? I thought it was pretty and I fail to see how a piece of jewelry that happens to represent a black king (I believe those brooches are referring to one of the Three Wise Men) is racist. Sure if it was a stereotypical depiction of a black person, that would be racist. But it was a piece of jewelry that simply happens to show a black king in a Christian story. Would it be better to whitewash it and make the black king, white, so that nobody is offended? But that would cause more offense. There doesn’t seem to be any way to win. And I’m not talking about this particular situation, although many people that know Princess Michael defended her. Who knows. I’m just saying, this hive mind of “everything is racist” is getting kind of ridiculous. But even questioning it makes you a racist as well lol 🤷🏼‍♀️

    1. Wearing a a piece of fine jewelry depicting a Magi at Christmas! If there was any intent at a diss it was more apt to be the Magi part than the African part given that MeAgain has been accused of practicing the dark arts a la Epstein.

  30. @MeliticusBee - Could be. Especially given the amount of ‘plane talk’ surrounding these two lately. They could even try to blame the public for shaming the poor dears into flying in “unsafe” conditions.

    “All Hazza wanted was for his family to be safe, you terrible racists!”

  31. Unfortunately there is plenty of coke to be had in the UK, and if she is a user MM would have had no problem getting it. I’m not going to make fun of her weight, but I hate her hypocrisy and spouting off about how people need to live their lives. Dim Harry has abandoned many of his old charities dealing with mental illness, a major cause of suicide of many young people in favour of MM’s pet projects. She is also doing everything she can to avoid having to meet with the Queen who is still as sharp as a tack and will want answers from MM.

  32. A lot of defense for Sparkles here lately, SS must be working already.

  33. I know people think Harry is dim, but what if he married her as a big old F you to the royal family, American, actress, previously married etc

  34. It would leave my opinion of his limited mental capacity unchanged.

  35. @early, Occam's razor teaches us that he most likely married her due to the no-holds-barred yachter sex she was serving up.

  36. Serena’s coach isn’t too pleased about Markle turning up for the match.

    This is supposed to be Serena’s big moment, tying Margaret Court’s record for the most Grand Slam titles.

    Meghan is a totally unnecessary distraction.

    1. NF more of Meghan’s NPD at work

  37. Oh, thanks Brayson!

  38. Meghan ( I hope she isn't breastfeeding) Markle.

  39. The duchess of Dope it is!
    We will see the weight later ss once she replenishes her supply

  40. So this is Heath Ledger and PSH’s drug dealer then?

  41. Please God let someone, anyone smuggle footage and pics out of her doing a line (or whatever she's taking). Her take down has taken way too long.

  42. @Astra, per the brooch -

    She knows how to work the media (Princess Micheal). Read any of her interviews - she's seriously good at spin. Someone as smart as her knew what the brooch would conjure up.

  43. @ J: Lardo is a good name. So is Lardass, and Tub of Lard.

  44. To avoid complications, she never kept the same address, in conversations, she spoke just like the baroness. She’s a killer queen, dynamite with a laser beam, guaranteed to blow your mind....

  45. Who is Deep State?

  46. She's fat, she's overweight, she's ugly...

    Sure, but, hey, ladies, it's time for you to post pictures of your wafer-thin and gorgeous selves, because we have a lot of women who must look better than that cow Meghan...
    That's right, isn't it?

    1. Ayyye howdy, and don't you you know it!
      This same thing was said the other day.
      CDAN's finest came out to let me know that they are, indeed, Skinnier and Prettier than MM. Not only that... but they are all independently wealthy with giant homes (no mortgage of course) and have the luxury of traveling around the world, selflessly supporting parents in the twilight years, homeschooling the most brilliant children who are on track for early entry into college and Mensa awards, all whilst having the MOST AMAZING SEX EVA with their gorgeous husband's who are hung like Zeus himself.
      Because, of course.

  47. Just because those of us that aren't frothing at the mouth with hate for someone who really seems kind of "simple" occasionally note how much frothing goes on here about MM doesn't mean we're fucking like undercover spies or something lol. It's just an (obvious) observation.

  48. y'all who say that the coke thing isn't happening because anybody can get coke in the UK....
    No shit - "anybody" who is "nobody" can...but someone like MeAgain with the Queen's dogs on her ass...ain't gonna be able to go slummin' - and the dealer can't come to the back door.

    HRHQE already sic'd the dogs on Sparkles. her UK supply is non-existent. That is why she gained weight AFTER she "had" the "baby"...not while she was supposedly pregnant with a shifting belly, thin ankles and 5 inch heels. AFTER the "birth"....two MONTHS after the "birth" she had gained so much weight, she was busting out of that high-dollar dress when she went to the Lion "slobber over Beyonce" King premier. It isn't about is about narcissistic-whore-shaming.

    Until she started shoving her bullshit in my face on morning TV...I had no idea who the bitch was. Unfortunately, I have to see her diversity hire...on a regular basis.

  49. @Rosie
    Don't forget the part where our goddesses would never organize their life five hours every day of the year, checking desperately the site on the hour, then on the quarter, on the half and on three quarters, just to be the first to post that it's Lindsay Lohan or Meghan Markle.

  50. The one thing sadder than making disparaging remarks about Meghan is doing the same to commenters on a gossip blog. Those you know nothing about. Well,except for the ones @Angela doxxes. Who is the commenter here that has been here 12 plus years that writes pages of insults to Enty, or any poster that he finds disagreeable? Everyone knows something is up with Meghan and the baby. If there wasn't ,she could put a stop to this. She wants attention.She prefers the negative attention,to none.

    1. Lol it’s par for the course with those two. I always love it when people complain about others spending too much time on this site, like they aren’t right here along with them. They think others brag about their great lives? I’d rather hear that than see multiple paragraphs bitching about how terrible this site is, how dumb everyone is for commenting here and allegedly believing it (because you can’t read something and not believe it), and how much smarter and better and more intelligent they are than everyone else. Yet again, here they are, every single day, complaining endlessly and acting like they’re above it all. 🤔🤔🤔

  51. The Markle curse strikes again. Serena lost.

    Oh, dear.

  52. not a fan, not a foe. just hate to be lectured at. imho she looks softer, younger and healthier with the extra 10 pounds (more like Doria). but she's digging herself quite the grave.

    if baby was hers there's NO WAY she wouldnt bring. babies are 'the' golden ticket in HW. Money shot of the century with Serena & child.

    i bet they forbade her taking baby out of the country. maybe they dont trust her not to kidnap it or maybe not her baby.

  53. a real mother would not leave her 4 month old in another country.
    a real mother would bring baby to bond with her friends, their kids and her family.
    a HW mom would never miss a photo op with a person higher on the totem pole
    a control freak would not allow her meal ticket to be taken care of by some nanny

    ok it is def not her kid

  54. Someone here is taking crazy pills.

    How is it doxxing? It just takes passing here once a day and reading the comments to notice that the very same commenter posted in the very few seconds after most of the items posted (for instance) at 8:30 AM, 8:45 AM, 9:00 AM, 9:15 AM, etc. That means organizing one own's schedule and life every day of the year around the automated posts of a blog, just to be ready to refresh a browser page, be the first one to read some blind item, and post on it, as if it were extremely important to humanity. And that's something to revere?

    In Dante's Inferno, there are many descriptions of the worst forms of torture, like Sisyphus' Boulder. But they pale compared to what some people inflict to themselves.

  55. You people are evil. Entyties, you are too.

  56. I think even dumber!Nut-Meg gives a whole new meaning to Narcissistic personality?? Serena... should not allow her to come to next match.🤫2 losses in a row where Dutchess wrecking of Banana Kiligigraphery, shows up 😮? NOT GOOD...

  57. A Blackamoor brooch is not in any way intending to depict one of the Magi, or a Christian theme, or any of the bullshit indicated above. It's a fetishized, sexualized, stereotyped depiction and that royal hag wore it for that reason.

  58. 3 of the pilots left, because she would have them go to grab her drug runs under the guise of "food". It is well known that Harry is high af all the time. Just look at him, one minute he looks clean, next minute like a homeless hoe bag.

    Also there is a blind item of a certain grandchild taking the bills with granny's pic of her, rolling it and snorting. Some say it is Beatrice, others Hazmat who was getting his stash from Soho, the place where Megain Sparkles is currently living and Had and her were "hooking up from"

  59. SS is hard at work!

  60. those of you who want to believe she did not give birth, Purleese! did you see her face at the photo call with the baby? She has had the baby.

  61. So, did anyone actually see markle stuffing her nose?

  62. @MeliticusBee:

    Not a follower of the Firm, or even much of this blog, I did wonder why MM looked so slim in the face until after the baby was born, then why she suddenly had a moon face, like her mother.

    I assumed the birth date to be off by up to months, but it never occurred to me that there never was a baby, just coke.

    "...her UK supply is non-existent. That is why she gained weight AFTER she "had" the "baby"...not while she was supposedly pregnant with a shifting belly, thin ankles and 5 inch heels. AFTER the "birth"....two MONTHS after the "birth" she had gained so much weight..."

    All the snowy-white pieces are falling into place. Coke would explain MM's horrendous temper tantrums, too, not to mention her previous far-too-skinny frame. She wasn't thin; she was coked.



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