Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Blind Item #8

Don't believe the hype. This East Coast Housewife drinks booze all of the time.


  1. Luanne de Lesseps

  2. For sure Lu, I am not certain how she passes the court ordered tests and how she manages to cheek the medication she is ordered to take in front of medical personnel but I do not doubt for a moment that she drinks like a fish on the regular.

  3. Who watches this crap?

  4. I watch this crap. It is very entertaining. These people have big egos and don't realize how ridiculous they appear on the shows. They want the viewers to envy their lives but watching them makes us regular people happy about our more normal lives. I like the shows where they are nuts and act out. If it gets too angry and vindictive (such as New Jersey or Atlanta) I tune out. Also, the Beverly Hills franchise women are so carefully guarded that it is just an infomercial for their lifestyle, so it is beyond boring. I am done with Beverly Hills. Orange County and New York bring the crazy and I'm here for it. Dallas is pretty crazy, too. The shows make me laugh and I need it. As for Luann, poor dear. If she is still losing control with alcohol it is not going to end well. She actually mentioned Moderation Management early on one episode. She should really try that and get it under control and I wish she would. Alcohol is toxic when too much is consumed- especially for women.

  5. shouldn't you be off reading shakespeare or something?

    this is a gossip site. everything here is crap. we're ALL reading crap.
    i do love when someone shows up who watches 'the bachelorette' but sticks their nose in the air over 'housewives' or 'teen mom' with an air of superiority.

  6. I just think wow, there could be real tv shows on instead of this crap.

  7. It's all f*cking scripted, it's not even real reality tv, it's like watching a sh!tty play with crappy actors.

  8. Why is this even a blind?

  9. Yeah Bryason87 I wish there was a really good show on like "Seinfeld" or "The Mary Tyler Moore" show (back in the day) but there isn't! Scripted TV is crap and "Reality TV" is cheaper to produce. I also like "Survivor" but that is a whole other genre of reality TV.

  10. @MountainMama she revealed in August of this year that she completed probation, so she doesn't get tested anymore. We all knew once she stopped getting tested she was going to be right back to drinking.

  11. To those complaining about Housewives blinds- I live for the Housewives and other Bravo TV blinds and also the Markle blinds. I don't ever complain about the rappers I've never heard of blinds or the Kardashian blinds or the Teen Mom blinds. I scroll through more blinds of topics I have no interest than those I do, but I just move on. I don't criticize those who enjoy those other topics.

  12. @Snuggz, Have you noticed there have been less rapper blinds over time? We're trying to do the same thing to your precious Housewives and other Bravo blinds 😈

  13. I am also here for Housewives blinds, Snuggz. I love those delusional bitches. Exploring their various personality disorders is fun.

  14. We get it...Luanne is still a boozer. How long and how many blinds are we going to get about this??

  15. She's probably the calmest one too. Or coolest. Or gets the best sleep.
    Idk because I don't watch this but I do know drinking helps

  16. @Brayson87 No I have not noticed a reduction in rapper blinds. Seems like there are a few every day- rappers from 20 years ago and new rappers. I'm not interested.

    @Thorne Yes- they sure are delusional and watching them is entertaining.

    @Hannah- We will keep reading blinds until Luann gets boozed up and hits another cop and lands in prison for real.

  17. Thank you Miss Peach! I am usually on top of what these crazy bitches have to do or not do. Totally was in the dark on that so of course she is back to drinking. In her defense she usually handled her booze fairly well. I do not call falling in the bush on vacation a flaw. Smacking and hitting a cop, huge flaw. Maybe the embarrassment of that will keep her from ever being that wasted outside her home, or a foreign country again.



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