Friday, September 27, 2019

Blind Item #7

This murderer turned escort is now charging almost triple what she used to charge because people have read these blinds and the demand for her services has sky rocketed.


  1. Congrats Enty, you're helping child murderers save for their retirement 👍😔

    1. LoL@brayson.bitch will be 40 in no time. thinks she looks like Cindy with blond hair

  2. Of course they have. Everything on this site should be taken as gospel.

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Even if its made up i wouldnt put it past her

  4. Anonymous8:48 AM

    She may be famous, but she has to deliver the kitty to make her customers happy. I'm not talking about nice decent christian missionary sex either. She needs to deliver a really unique experience for her customers to cum again and again.

  5. Lol, you think THESE BLINDS have suddenly woken people up to the light of Casey Anthony, who was one of the most famous women in the country for a while? Really???

  6. Lol OKAAYY Enty. We believe you boo

  7. Unknown, are you talking Markle-level degradation?

  8. It is possible that people didn't know her services were available, it's not like she's an IG model or something. Who knew you could pay to f*ck a murderer? Probably got added to a few people's bucket lists.

    @Unknown, I imagine a lot of hate f*cking. Or going the other way maybe she waterboards the clients a little bit danger to get to the next level.

  9. Nobody that is after her reads this blog. Half of them can't read period.

  10. "Unknown said...
    She may be famous, but she has to deliver the kitty to make her customers happy. I'm not talking about nice decent christian missionary sex either. She needs to deliver a really unique experience for her customers to cum again and again."

    The infamous and nerve shattering string job?

  11. I guess it's a similar appeal as there is (for some people) in autoerotic asphixiation. The "Look Mother, I'm Playing With Danger" thing.

  12. Gross as gross can be living next door to Pat McKenna her enabler on Cortez.

  13. Come on readers one of you has to be connected to law enforcement in Florida. Please someone go in undercover and bust her for prostitution. These freaks are rewarding her for murdering a sweet innocent little girl so she could party.

    On top of destroying her parents lives to save her own ass.

    1. florida law enforcement only arrests ugly toothless over 40 prostitutes bcuz they are bad for tourism....

  14. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Any kind of fame or infamy will get you $ for services it seems. Casey Anthony.
    What she did to the child and her parents is unforgivable. She's crazy AF. I'm surprised she's been able to live on her own this long without incident.

  15. @timebob, Why would they, so another Floridian "jury of her peers" can set her free again? If anything they're probably hoping one of her johns gets rough and murders her.

  16. this type of girl is a dime a dozen down here in neighbor told me she and all the girls she knew were prostitutes when they were younger 35 years ago...i was horrified...i remember my brother had the hots for anthony when she was on TV...i thought my mother was going to cry

  17. Kikibunny@1:23-- lol!

  18. No no Kikibunny, that’s peninsula madness, east of the Suwannee is like crazy town. Maybe it really is the water.

    1. panama city, pensacola doesnt qualify for crazy town? tallahassee? cmon! fuck, tally is vying for murder capital of FL...they rape people in broad daylight on the beach in panama city during spring break...

  19. Let those sleaze bag men take a good look at the helpless toddler she brutally MURDERED, her 2 year old daughter, Caylee. Let those creeps look at the amount of DUCT TAPE she wrapped around her child's HEAD, so much that the head remained attached to the corpse, even after it was SUBMERGED after a tropical storm. If that's what they want after looking at that EVIDENCE of MURDER, then they are SOCIOPATHS, no better than her. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE.

  20. Yeah, she's a sociopath. Just kill her.

  21. Didn't she used to be a photographer in Universal Studios, Orlando?
    I'm sure I saw her there in uniform before she hit the 'big time'.

  22. @Unknown: Casey Anthony LIED about having a job at Universal Studios. She lied all the way up to the point of taking the police to Universal, going down a hall to her "office", and having to admit she made the whole thing up. She's a pathological liar, sociopathic murderess.

  23. wow, n.fla sure getting dragged here. 'course it's really



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