Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blind Item #7

The only time this east coast Housewife cares for her husband is when there is a camera on her. The rest of the time she wants him to go away so she can spend time with her boy toy.


  1. Replies
    1. Not sure the Guidices have been on camera lately tho?

  2. +1 Theresa
    I know NY is filming, but none of them are married 😂

  3. Just like a real trophy wife

  4. is she never late for the party?

  5. She doesn't pay him nearly enough to put him through that. All the money in the world wouldn't be enough.

  6. Definitely Teresa. Doesn’t she realize or care that he’s only with her for money and fame? How do people live like that?

  7. This is Tre but honestly who can blame her? She did jail time because of him and now he is likely going to be deported, which put her in the position of having to choose whether to go back or stay. And going would mean uprooting her girls. I'm shocked she hasn't just filed for divorce at this point.

  8. Teresa, Joe did all he did to please her because she had to have the best

  9. I think this is Nene.

  10. Nene. Atlanta recently finished filming and Nene has some kind of tour going on.
