Sunday, September 01, 2019

Blind Item #7

Kudos to this permanent A list mostly movie actor for taking a movie that had to delay its premiere because it needed so much work and doing some reshoots he could have blown off per his contract. He made it happen and now the movie is decent. It feels the same as countless other movies which feature the same type premise, but at least it doesn't suck any longer.


  1. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Brad / Ad Astra

  2. Is this the Christmas movie with The Mother of Dragons?

  3. I say Brad Pitt because I had heard that Ad Astra had some problems and was not tracking well. I watched a couple interviews when he was doing Once Upon a Time press tour....and he really is a charming down to earth guy during his interviews. Kudos, Brad.

  4. This sounds like a Keanu "oh I'll just give back $38 mil of my salary if it helps the crew" Reeves good deed to me.

  5. Stallone/Rambo:Last Blood?

  6. brad pitt / ad astra, premiered at VFF a day or so ago I think.

    good for him. the aviron disaster w/him and anne hathaway, yikes - I wonder if they or their teams had the slightest clue that whole 'distributor' is a money laundering front....Global basically just switched names and kept up the dirty money game...

  7. Sounds like Pitt’s Workd War Z. Same thing. It sucked so it was reworked.

  8. @notthisagain

    Your mention of Anne Hathaway brought me too a revelation. I went to her filmography and I could list the good films she's been in on one hand. Good films she's been in that she contributed to the film being good - one - Get Smart.

    Pretty pathetic. I'll have to do a box office study at a future point, but does she do that much that she is still employed?

  9. "to" not "too" lol! Spellcheck can't fix my "phonetic" education.

  10. Yeah, mankind needs saving. Let's rely on the stoner.

  11. Agree with All Pitt Ad Estra guesses. He gets a lot of bad press ala his so called addiction and Angie but I honestly think she was a circus sideshow in how she raised the kids. I'm sure at some point it just got to him. She seems like someone who just does her own thing, to hell with anyone else.

  12. @kiki: correct. a) Angie is an anorexic junkie; b) Angie believes in letting her kids do whatever they want. I have a friend in LA who witnessed them drawing on the walls in someone else’s house. Apparently they did the same at Clooney’s Lake Como place, which is what truly ended their friendship. c) I truly believe that Brad’s ‘I’m an addict interview’, was an agreement to appease AG. Clearly he was a pothead & clearly he drank, but I believe this interview was an agreement that he’d ‘fall on is sword.)

  13. Brad attended Kanye's "church" today.

  14. Jim Carrey/Sonic Movie.
    Bank on it.

    1. He hasnt been A anything in years. Plus, it's sad but, I think he's going mad.

  15. Anonymous9:27 PM

    Wonder if he (Pitt) ever took a ride on Epstein's plane?

  16. Kay, why would Brad be described as a mostly movie actor? I can't think of anything major tv wise or on stage. He s A+ firstly and only really known for movies. Neither this blind or the newer one is him re Kourtney, as if!!! And supposedly he has to go to Kanyes church contractually for sone reason, he doesn't want to go,

  17. I think that all movies should budget in an extra month or so for reworks as it can make a crap film into a good one. Pitt owns Plan B so I think its safe to say he knows what he's doing. Whatever the case, I like him, I always have. He seems like down-to-Earth good guy who has lousy taste in women. If he was scolding Pax/Maddox on that plane, well good! Since Angie doesn't seem to, someone has to. He's always been a pot guy. Never heard that he was drinker until he met that witch. Probably started pounding that stuff to try and get away from her and quite possibly their unruly kids. A herd of unruly kids would best anyone to go insane.

    @Samantha the 1st - That's hilarious and true, lol. Nice guy Keanu, love that non-aging dude.

  18. @Hummingbird7008 - Brad did FRIENDS once, maybe Enty is counting that since it was a big thing for him to be on TV, and of course that show.



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