Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Blind Item #6

As I told you would happen, the A+ list mostly movie actress ex of this abusing former A- list actor has been subpoenaed in a trial to talk about the overall a-holiness of the former A- lister.


  1. Phillipe and Witherspoon

  2. Reese Witherspoon and Ryan Phillipe

  3. Sounds good to me.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Good. There is no reason her testimony shouldn't be allowed.

  6. Well we've seen her acting, but we've also seen her drunkenly interact with officers of the law, that testimony should be interesting.

  7. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Im still DYING to see that video clip of Ryan slapping the hell out of Reese’s buttocks @ the golden globes!

  8. I was searching the buttocks slapping in youtube, but couldnt find it! Any suggestions where I can find the video?

  9. Reese Witherspoon has been subtly man bashing with Oprah for years. I am not saying Mr. Phillipe is a super nice guy but they need to maintain the presumption of feminine innocence in the media for a multitude of reasons. The entire legal system is built upon the disenfranchisement of men.

    If Ryan Phillipe is what these gals say he is then each woman should have brought their own individual cases before the courts. Eventually, the trend would be exposed. Dog piling a man in the end merely opens the doors to groups of women setting a single man up with here-say.

    This is why a woman should press charges and defend herself from the onset.

  10. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I hope Ryan Phillipe saved his money because he's not going to be working again. He will still pull in as much pussy as he wants and abuse as many women as he wants based on his name and good looks though. He needs to focus on marrying an older woman who loves his abuse.

  11. Anonymous10:27 AM

    @Me is right. He could just be an asshole boyfriend. We don't know. Career ending abuse needs to be proven.

  12. @Rosemary: I’d also love to see it. (I almost typed ‘me too’, but caught myself in time.)

  13. If he had laid a hand on her, I couldn't imagine her not retaliating ... I think she's a fiery woman if you get on the wrong side of her (just a feeling I have). I imagine she'll do everything she can not to have to appear in Court. I guess we'll see.

  14. In whose world is Ryan Phillipe A+? He's more C class than anything.

  15. Reese is A+, Ryan is former A-list in this blind.

  16. To be fair, Reese is hardly A+. We need a new chart for these rankings.
