Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Blind Item #5

Don't believe the hype. This permanent A list "singer" is not using coke or other hard drugs. After the last rehab stay, they have no chance of getting near her.


  1. Good for Britney! 👍

  2. Give the girl a break

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Hopefully. That’d be the first good thing her conservatorship has done for her

  4. Yeah but the scrips she's taking do a number on her anyway. She's a mess.

  5. DEMI LOVATO. And, B is not "a mess." She is dealing with something none of you turds could handle. The usual suspects - rushing to post. Do you ever do anything else?

  6. @Unknown, when "singer" is used in the description it's always Britney. Demi can definitely sing. Please backhand yourself in silence.

  7. Maybe Brit isn't doing hard illegal drugs, but the scrips she is on makes her look vacant and a shell of her former self. Not saying there is much of an alternative since she is mentally ill, but I think at this point she should just retire and go live a quiet life somewhere outside of LA.

  8. enty is the hype lol

  9. @MissPeach - She would LOVE to retire and just be with her kids I'm sure. The c-ship is the problem. Also the cocktail of meds they have her on, THEY put her on. She stopped taking them because she hated how they made her feel and they put her in a mental instituion. Wake up people1

  10. Judging from her instagram account, hard drugs are not needed. Brit's been in another dimension for several years now. Her instagram video clips start to appear a bit "off" around the time she picked up this newest boy toy of hers....Also, whoever it is typing Britney's insta captions ought to go straight back to grammar school (or be fired) for horrendous and offensive use of improper punctuation marks. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200. ✌

  11. I don't live here in this inbred, stupid clique of shit-mongers, Brayson. Britney does not have a mental illness. DID is something imposed on her by programming. You smart-aleck cunts make so many grammatical mistakes it's mind-boggling, and you're pointing fingers at someone's instagram posts? You all live here, and have no lives. Life is a banquet you pigs, and most poor suckers are starving to death. Get off your fat asses and leave your precious club alone for a day - bet you can't do it.

    1. Holy crap dude or dudette you have some serious issues you may want to have addressed by a professional.
      Britney is 100% bipolar. However she has been overmedicated for control for years. Watching her outfit change videos on IG is painful. I honestly think she still believes it is the 90s

    2. @Unknown, I am genuinely baffled by your post. You declared Britney to be 100% free of mental illnesses, but then turned around in follow-up by claiming she has DID/multiple personality disorder. Please clarify your position.

      Also, that was very naughty of you to insult everyone on this forum for pointing out that Sam Asghat - or whoever in Britney's security detail handles the typing of her instagram captions - clearly should have attended summer school this year instead of jetsetting! ☝️ I said what I said, and I STAND by what I said. Those randomly spaced exclamation points in Brit's posts? Abominations!

      If statements like mine bother you, please do us all a favor and take a deeeeep breath...then, please go over to the nearest sink and proceed to swiftly spray ALL of the sand out of your ladybits at once! No one is insulting Britbot here. We all feel sorry for her, kidding aside.

  12. You say she doesn't have a mental illness...then you say she has DID. Which is it? No matter how it's acquired mental illness is still mental illness

  13. Unknown, you realise how silly and hypocritical you sound after that post, right? Calling people out on here while you're writing novels? We get it, you like Britney. It's fine. You don't need to get so upset.

  14. For your edification, DID is not the same as "mental illness." There may be comorbidity with DID, however DID is a disorder, not an illness. Glad to be of service. http://reflectd.co/2013/04/17/personality-disorders-vs-clinical-syndromes/

  15. @Yummy Boggers: you need to re-read your post, or have an adult read it for you, and correct your numerous grammatical errors. Hint: elipses are used only to substitute for missing words, they are not punctuation.

  16. Grammar is last refuge of scoundrels.

  17. @Thot, I thought Lisa Simpson said prayer was the last refuge 😅

  18. @Unknown, DID is indeed a mental illness as it is both defined and given diagnostic criteria within the DSM-V (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition). Nice try, darling! 😘

    Also, it's MADAME YUMMYBOOGERS for you! Respect your elders, child.

  19. DID is s disorder, not an illness. Yes, it is in the faux 'bible' of mental diagnoses, the DSM-V. However, there is NO MEDICATION FOR A DISORDER.

  20. There most certainly is. Antipsychotics.

  21. Bloggybutt Before her conservatorship, before "they" put her on medication, she was out of control. She had to be treated somehow. Just because someone doesn't like how they feel on medication doesn't mean they go off them when the alternative is shaving your head and running crazy around town.



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