Thursday, September 12, 2019

Blind Item #4

It can't be a regular charity gig to get the alliterate celebrity out of the house. She likes it when only people who are upper crust like herself will be there. Plus, she managed to grab something she has always wanted and won't give that up in the divorce.


  1. Replies
    1. Wearing Princess Diana’s earrings.

  2. Yeah.. upper crust who look down their noses at her

  3. Fat Markle is pure scum

  4. I doubt she’ll be allowed to keep Diana’s earrings. She probably had knockoffs made like she’s done with everything else. (See Meghan’s Mirror.)

  5. Enty must be in their royal circle to know this.
    Let's just take the vote now.

  6. Thanks for saving the planet by flying your obese ass transatlantic to curse your "friend's" tennis match.

  7. Lol @ Brits paying for trampy Diana's jewelry, now pilfered by the pork panther.

  8. That half prince sure does make sound decisions.👏👏

  9. if she were white, she'd be white trash.

  10. It's funny that she thinks she's upper crust now. When she passes in a toilet plunger "accident" they'll say it's a family curse.

  11. i highly doubt she has Diana's jewelry. Probably the source for this 'insider' gossip is Markles the grifter, herself. She's tried insinuating that the Queen gifted her some earrings, only for the Queen to come out and wear them. She gets cheap replicas made. She probably got it from Claires. the only thing she's getting is a boot in the behind and probably [in my opinion] some vd from all of the yachting she has [or hasn't] done.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. +1000% Hahahahahaha

    3. @Coffee: Yes, you’re right. Everything is replicas.

  12. She's a princess you jealous peasants!

    1. +1 absolutely true.
      it's about time you say something worth reading.

  13. Wow. All these comments about her weight. I bet you guys would have more excuses than having a baby if you were overweight. You can say whatever else you like, but I think it's tacky to talk about her weight. To be honest, I think what you really want to say is about her race.

    1. Couldn’t agree more! She’s a attention seeking grifter, but I wouldn’t say she’s fat!

  14. Yeah, everything everywhere is racism 100% of the time.

    So insightful.

  15. she never put on any fat when she was supposedly pregnant, then supposedly puts some on afterwards. Very odd. That wig she is wearing is horrible. Can't someone help her with that? Also the bronzed face and pale hands and scalp looks very weird.

    Oh, and she is fat.

    1. With my last son I gained only 13 lbs during pregnancy. So I was 155lbs at most when I was due. After I had birth I gained weight. I was 176 by the time my son was 3 months. So don't say ppl only gain weight while preggg

  16. +1 Mischi, Seemed odd she blimped up right after the pregnancy. Then again:
    Why Am I Gaining Weight After Giving Birth?

    Although I'm guessing it's because she cut back on the coke.

  17. Maybe that's why Harry looks like he wants to trade up, his foxy yachter became the Pillsbury Doughboy and she's not poppin' fresh. You got punk'd son!

    1. He can’t trade up. No one in the upper crust will marry him.

  18. So weird that this happened to a shrewd mastermind like Fifty-Percent.

  19. Must be breastfeeding and thus stopping the columbian imports.

    Maybe 'arry an' her can be columbian trad ambassadors?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I didn't lose any weight when I breastfed my first child and I did it for a year. I thought I was going to be fat the rest of my life. Then I got pregnant again and he was 10 pounds ten ounces again breastfeeding til I couldn't keep up with him. I lost 70 pounds when I quit breastfeeding. People thought I had a drug problem it came off so fast. That's just my experience.

    1. Ellen said she fed Archie so maybe she's got milk too?

  22. Tatler, its glossy pages the gossipy voice for the 'to the manor born' set, crowned her Social Climber of the Year, 'nough said. So yeah, totally laughing AT MM.

  23. What "upper crust?" They're all various forms of pervy cheating otherwise useless grifters. Markle has found her people.

  24. Hahahaha J! Your comments are killing me! And yeah she’s fat. I’d be more sympathetic but she’s so unlikable that I just don’t care. Condescending and smarmy and utterly unlikable. I wonder how anyone can like her. What do they see? I just see a bad actress and a lucky lucky grifter.

  25. Upper crust as in the the scummy skin that rises to the top when pudding or hot chocolate are left out?
    Upper crust in her mind could be MM's new designation.

  26. That’s easy...she won’t give up her title!! She enjoys the “her royal highness” business way to much!! She also probably won’t give up any of Diana’s jewelry!

    1. She doesn’t have any of Diana’s jewelry. Just knockoffs. She’s a lying grifter.

      And she has no choice as to whether to give up her title upon divorce.

    2. Of course but she clearly wrote this blind so she wants us peasants to this she has a choice ;-)

  27. @Kansa Nobody gives a flying fuck about her race. She's just pure evil. We can all smell it on her. The real question is, why can't you?

    1. Her hypocritical virtue signaling and narcissistic personality are repulsive.

  28. She’ll keep her Duchess title until Harry marries again. The Duchess of York is still using her’s because Randy Andy never remarried.

  29. I don't think anything will change after the divorce. I want it to, but there has to be an enforceable disciplinary action, and there isn't. (As far as I am aware.)

    She'll get her hands on replica tiaras and other jewelry, and wear them pretending that they are real and that they were either loaned or given to her. There is nothing to stop it.

    Using BRF money, she has created a cult of personality, on purpose, that is fire proof. (BTW, a death would make her a martyr, and a very bad idea.)

    It's interesting, QE II had Uncle David and Aunt Wallis to put up with, and now William will have his brother and Markle to weather.

  30. I was in a patient's room today and they had on the Hallmark Channel. I looked at the TV screen and there was Meghan! She was so clearly trying to channel Julia Roberts with her acting. It was painful to see. Absolutely nothing special about her acting talent, although to be fair, all I've ever seen of her professional TV work was this last 10 minutes of a sappy romantic movie.

  31. More proof Enty’s on the take from. SMegwhore.. is this all? Why not post fact SMegwhore stole the name Smart Set from the Reitmans she used to rep a clothing line for, Reitmans owns the copyright of the name Smart Set here’s a scan of the proof also, SMegwhore didn’t design those pieces nor did Misstooge NooNoo, seriously, a white blouse? And every H&M piece was already for sale in their stores all this year. You didn’t even mention the fact that SMegwhore’s Sussex Royal foundation is registered as a for profit NOT a charity. Little if any money will go for charitable purposes. It’s set up as an LLC which means they don’t have to disclose any finances which means it’s a fraud. How much is SMegwhore’s pimps paying you?

  32. The Tub of Lard Markle is not taking any royal jewelry with her post divorce.

  33. @Royal Fan... the thing is, the QUEEN owns the title & can take it from her at will. I’m sure Farkle will not go down without a huge, nasty< undignified fight... they should encourage Harry to divorce now while Andy is under the microscope...



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