Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Blind Item #3

Even if I don't agree with a word she says and her PR people are cringing and I'm guessing she wouldn't leave her children in the hands of this disgraced director for babysitting duties, at least she didn't give some mealy answer. She decided she thinks the victim is lying and has chosen the side of the disgraced director. People should call out the A list mostly movie actress who has a franchise as often as they can.


  1. Scarlett Johansson??

  2. Singer and someone from X men?

  3. Or Zoe Saldana/James Gunn

  4. Black Widow/Woody

  5. Anonymous7:53 AM

    definitely Scarlett Johansson and Woody Allen. She's awful and other than the Avengers, I haven't gone to see one of her movies in ages and don't plan to any time soon.

  6. MD nailed it

  7. I guess this means there's still money to be made from associating with him.

  8. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Scarlett is such a POS

  9. Scarlett Johansson/ saying Woody is innocent. Ok gurl...

  10. Scarlett is and always will be ridiculous

  11. Scarlett lost the hot a few years ago. It's not coming back.

  12. especially since she decided to go Ben Affleck on her back, no more hotty.

  13. Scarlett is an overall atrocity. She has great bod/lips/boobs and ZERO talent or range but gets put in everything. Absolute cardboard actress with huge career and NOW she is defending A-holes. Just lowers her even further. So did she cast couch her own roles and is defending to cover overall? Girl is like the worst actress since Jessica Alba so she must suck a mean c*ck with that pouty mouth since Jessica couldn't salvage her lame career and lack of talent with her looks alone.

  14. Good for her, at least she's not fake. All the people who disowned Allen did it for PR purposes andto maintain their PC image. And to kiki71, thank you for proving once again that women can be just misogynistic as any man.

  15. I believe him too and I'm a feminist.

  16. Pretty sure even Mickey Rourke said she was a sh!t actress, he never identified who he was talking about but it was right after Iron Man 2. She played a "duh" person in Lost in Translation, which everyone thought was great acting, but actually she was playing herself. Some cosmetic work and we've all been suffering from her bad acting ever since. Also supposedly one of Harvey's girls for years.

  17. Then again maybe Woody was one of the few douche bags who didn't try to couch her because she wasn't young enough.

  18. Here's the main story:

  19. It's like she only knows how to memorize lines, there's no reading comprehension. Maybe that's why her dialogue is such sh!t and the inflection is off. She should really try reading sometime, if only to improve her literacy.

    33-page decision from New York Supreme Court Justice Elliott Wilk in Woody Allen’s 1992 custody suit


    Full version:

  20. This place just continues to get more off putting by the day. If it's not PEDO PEDO PEDO it's Satanists or the daily Two Minutes' Hate for Meghan Markle.

    Does every post have to be so hateful, and filled with commenters who never, ever disagree? PEDO PEDO PEDO PEDO PEDO SATAN PEDO PEDO SATAN MEGHAN PEDO.

    1. If it’s so upsetting and awful, why are you here? Not trying to be confrontational or rude, just honestly curious.

  21. Scarlet Johannson is the only Disney/Marvel actor allowed to negotiate her fee prior to each movie. I wonder how she earns such a benefit?

    JoJo Rabbit... the Nazi parody coming out soon by Thor director Taika Waititi is really a coded message for someone.

  22. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I don't believe Allen abused his daughter. The entire Soon-Yi thing is smarmy but they are still married and by all accounts happy and she was an adult.
    I believe Allen is probably the most over-rated filmmaker of all time, but I don't believe he's a Pedo.

  23. @Krab
    not sure if you were serious or not...
    I have always thought that Woody Allen was a creepy little worm who married his very young, albeit adult stepdaughter... and wouldn't put extreme voyeurism out of his range but actual rapeyness...IDK
    If it were just a matter of Mia accuses Woody - I'd believe him in a hot minute. She is fucking batshit crazy but the stuff I saw from Dylan....she looked credible when talking about it. She could, I guess, have planted memories - because again...Mia is a fucking loon and nothing is out of reach for her...but Dylan believes what she says.

    No matter what #MeToo can't believe EVERY woman because some of them are liars.

  24. M.Bee

    Either way both Woody/Mia are playing the game and ScarJo is either glad-handing for profits or exonerating Woody out of appreciation.

    Sprinkle in all the CDaN posts regarding pedophile directors and then apply logic.

  25. "Sprinkle in all the CDaN posts regarding pedophile directors and then apply logic."

    And then you get mad, because basically everyone and their sister has been submitting blind items to the site to incriminate some director they hated.
    Logic is what you DON'T need to assemble all the blind items about pedophiles.

    Take James Gunn, for instance. For a guy on whom the federals have a long file, according to a blind item, he has no issues finding work even outside of Marvel. The most ludicrous blind item however was the one about several of his ex-girlfriends contacting various news outlets to tell their story, which was that he asked them to act like underage girls during sex.
    Outside of the fact that they never found any outlet willing to publish their story (while far right publications would have been happy to do it), there's one small issue, which is that a wealthy guy with such a fantasy would have paid instead hookers to role-play this kind of stuff. That's a major side business in L.A. Just read the biography of Don Simpson, who was a big client of Heidi Fleiss' girls at some point, they were paid a premium for some of his fetishes and keeping their mouths shut.
    Well, maybe not during some particular acts.
    But afterwards.

    Ditto for the Kubrick blind item, about how he had supposedly raped Sue Lyons, who had been cast as Lolita, for years, even after production had been completed, using her as a scoot for other underage girls. Problem is that Kubrick was already living in England (where Lolita was shot), while Lyons had returned to the US, and even married the future screenwriter of Blade Runner a few months later. They kept a correspondance, and the Instagram account for Stanley Kubrick even posted one of her letters, which was full of kind words.
    Then, there's the second story about Kubrick raping and filming the rape of various 6 or 7-year-old kids who had been brought on the set of 2001 as friends of her daughter. Kubrick is mostly known for two details during shooting. He had extreme OCD and he would do dozens of takes (sometimes more than a hundred) of any shot. Does anyone really think that he would have let kids roam in the middle of a set with their dirty hands and use a camera knowing that he wouldn't be able to do a second take?

  26. Angela

    You are aware a legal case for slander exists right? It is the sheer volume of this stuff that is the problem. People mirror this behavior and it becomes normalized. Don't oversimplify it. Amplify it.

  27. You're really a magnet for rumor-mongers, while most of the content posted here is either mere conjunction (when there's an incident involving something with a history of substance abuse, it's an easy guess to write that it's drugs-related) or just lie.
    I've shown you why two different blind items couldn't be true. In Kubrick's case, it's not just deduction, there are established facts. Kubrick and his supposed victim were living in two different continents, something that the source for the blind item simply didn't know.
    And yet, you're happy to "amplify" it rather than examining it. Frankly, the thing you'd need to amplify first would be your IQ score. 80 would already be a positive step.

  28. Angela... I don't not care nor do I have any power over what is and isn't true in Hollywood or the music industry. All I care about is for the normalization of pedophilia to stop and for the system that disenfranchises men to end.

    You know about as much as I do. I go with what they print. How many articles have seen advertised at the supermarket checkout regarding who is doing whom?

    That crap all rubs off downhill and THEY get paid to do it! Then they travel the world in style while the rest of us live paycheck to paycheck.

  29. Scarlett is such a stupid ass. I hope Black Widow bombs.

  30. @MissDavie +1 to everything

  31. Isn't her nickname "mattress"?



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