Monday, September 02, 2019

Blind Item #3

This permanent A list mostly movie actor is taking a break from blonde UK reality stars to hook up with this alliterate A- list reality star here in the US.


  1. Replies
    1. And a Kardashian!
      Gotta be Kourtney(the Kanye church connection)

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. If it was Khloe,then that would be one of the items Enty used to post called “Strange Hook Ups “lol

    4. This is stranger than jim carrey and arianba grande! At least the drugs would explain that one. ..lok

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. If a K girl... prob Kourtney - church/Kanye and she is only sis who marries/dates white guys, it seems.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Brad Pitt and Kourtney Kardashian’s??

  4. more importantly the current season of the affair is super crappy.

  5. Brad Pitt (obvi) and Stassi to be different

    1. Stassi is happily newly engaged. Or was this a joke?

  6. How would it be Kendall? That is not alliterate.

  7. I’m thinking Kourtney, Brad was at Kanye’s service this weekend.

  8. oh god.thats terrible news. Kourtney whines and is not very nice, allegedly to hired help. her personality sucks

  9. If Brad Pitt dates ANY Kardashian, I will hunt him down just to punch him in the face and make him snap out of whatever the fuck he is doing. Come ON, Brad. NO!

  10. Isn’t Brad Pitt A+ at a minimum?

  11. Yes, Brad Pitt is A+ but Enty isn't always exact w his rating system. The part that makes this Brad is the "taking a break from blonde UK reality stars"

    1. uk reality show ladies have the worst implants and lip jobs i have ever seen. hello mid life crisis

  12. @Parissucks - I will join you. Road trip to smack some smarts into Brad.

  13. wow, his standards have really plummeted. Is he mentally well????

  14. Wouldn’t Lord Disick throw a fit if Kourtney was really dating Brad?
    Or had his baby??
    Still, I call B.S.

  15. What kan a Kartrashian offer that's new a d different in any way? Lord knows any hole they have available has been pushed to the limit from overuse. And since I don't think scintillating conversation is an option either, what's the draw?

    Certainly not Kanye--he's a joke except to the goofballs that follow that group

  16. Brad Pitt but I just can't believe he is dumb enough to date a Kardashian. They will get pregnant for sure. PMK wouldn't miss that gravy train!

  17. Maybe we need to draw up a list of people that are acceptable for Brad to date. He doesn’t seem to be doing very well on his own.

  18. Fine aquagirl. I will do it.

    I will take one for the team and date Brad.

  19. That’s why he was at Kanye’s church, but you’d think he’d at least hook up with Kim. He’s getting weirder by the day.

  20. Brad has always been obsessed with kids, and Kourtney has whole brood of them. It's disgusting that an A-lister would associate with this scummy family, though.

  21. @Parissucks and @Thia--I'll help finance your travel costs!

  22. LOL@Mischief Girl. We will definitely need road trip snacks.

    I'm not one to have a celebrity crush, but I actually like Brad Pitt and a few others. What has happened to him? It's sad. Maybe he and Brit need to form a support group.

  23. Kourtney is actually kind of lumpy and mushy, if you've seen the untouched shots of her on a boat. It would be hard to see Pitt going for that.

  24. Omg, if brad hooks up with kourtney. Nooooooo! FFS Brad! No.

    He was really good in once upon a time in Hollywood.

  25. Dont these men worry that their dicks will fall off? Some holes are meant to stay empty. Ick!

  26. Exactly, lol. Stay far, far away from the Kardashian lowlifes!

  27. Aquagirl--lol!

    Parissucks, Thia and Mischief Girl-- priceless! I'll volunteer to drive and contribute snacks.

    The boy clearly has lost his way, this is a humanitarian mission.

  28. Brad isn't picky. He's got a constant craving.

  29. @Thia: Maybe Britney should marry Brad. Then she would be Brit Pitt.

  30. Brit Pitt...thank you. I needed that for some reason.

  31. Sometimes the mindset of some people here scares me. What has to do with being a good actor and someone a little "politicized" about who to date? No one looking for wants someone like you and the same "standards" This is relative and it has nothing to do with attraction, accept and cry lol

  32. I didn't understand what you said here:

    "What has to do with being a good actor and someone a little "politicized" about who to date? No one looking for wants someone like you and the same "standards" This is relative and it has nothing to do with attraction, accept and cry lol"

    Rework some syntax maybe?

  33. I'm gonna go with Lilo, just to be different. Maybe Brad thinks he can "fix" her. You know what humanitarians he and his former wife are.

  34. I’ll join you in punching him in the nuts if he’s banging a kartrashian.

  35. If that's true I think his balls will jump up and punch himself in the face in disgust!

  36. Mel Pas-- not entirely clear what you tried to write there, but in no way does politics or thinking Id be his alternative choice enter into things! I enjoy him as an actor, but he needs some better mating radar. Getting sucked into the K vortex is not something that has served anyone well.

  37. I'm on board for the road trip to Brad. He'll rue the day. We're both mid-westerners and he will have no excuse.

  38. Please let it be dumb Brad Pitt and one of the K hoes!! Angelina is chopped liver compared to what these women do to men!! Buckle up!

  39. No no no no, I rebuke this blind in the name of Jesus.

  40. If this os Brad Pitt and ANY Kardashian I will personally apologize to Angie for ever doubting anything she accused Brad of.

  41. Brad and a Kardashian?!?! I'm joining the caravan to stop this craziness!!!

  42. I want to say Khloe K and Brad Pitt.. she has named him as one of the only white guys she'd hook up with.

  43. Brad was THE Adonis back in his day. Women would have crawled miles thru glass to be with this man (me included). Another one that Jolie destroyed. This blind makes me weep. Come back to the light Brad!

  44. "If Brad Pitt dates ANY Kardashian, I will hunt him down just to punch him in the face and make him snap out of whatever the fuck he is doing. Come ON, Brad. NO!" SAME

  45. @parissucks I'll join you. I literally cannot handle the publicity.
