Saturday, September 07, 2019

Blind Item #2

The used to be wants to be gain actress sibling of the permanent A list "singer," sees an opening and started following the singer on social media again. Opportunistic much?


  1. Yep, definitely Jamie Lynn, who is also apparently the inspiration for Brit dying her hair black.

  2. Like watching a family of rabid opossums.

  3. That vid of Brit with the dye job was horrible. The color, the style, her mugging. WTF are they thinking? She looked like shit. I had a theory years ago when I would see women with horrible cuts/styles - they were people I worked with and they spent real money on their "hairdressers" I am convinced these gay men stylists hated these women and wanted them to look bad. Seriously. That's the feeling I get from this horrible rinse job of Brit. Poor tang. Someone said YOU ARE TOTALLY HOT

  4. brit has a history of shaving her head , wearing that koolaid wig and other predictors of a breakdown. at least she is not like Wildenstein and getting nonstop procedures on her face.

  5. worked with a man who would wear different hats during his episodes. he would wear a beret and be soft spoke, baseball hat was loud, obnoxious and no hat was normal.

  6. shes doing some Wildensteining of her face... only a matter of time.

  7. I liked the koolaid wig....

  8. What the fuck does the first phrase of this blind mean

    1. It should read: “This former actress (who wants to start acting again) is the sibling of a permanent, A list “singer.” She saw an opening and started following her sibling on social media again. Opportunistic much?”

  9. @Krissie...I was thinking the same thing. Half the time I don't understand what the hell he is saying in the blinds. They make no sense in English.

  10. Right Pauline, he needs to proofread. Doesn't take but a few seconds

    Thank you Freebird, I was thinking it was something along those lines
