Friday, September 13, 2019

Blind Item #2

Speaking o f cheating, this foreign born one named A list singer was told by her ex that he was working on not cheating on the singer any longer and wanted to save their relationship. Not so much. I mean, the guy picks up women saying he is the significant other of the singer.


  1. Rihanna's bf is a billionaire, he doesn't need to mention her name to pick up women. He's good looking, young and has money!

  2. Adele,finally pulling the trigger on the divorce.

  3. +1 Adele
    Her husband would NEED to name drop everywhere he goes.
    Rihanna's bf has problems w panties NOT dropping everywhere he goes.

  4. At least she'll get another good album out of the fiasco.

  5. Adele-- This guy is an idiot. And, if I may scold an element of my's pretty gross if you consider the guy dropping his wife's name a hot pick-up line. In the words of NeNe and Astra W (hey, Astra!), "Close your legs to married men!"

  6. @Vita, Sh!t the girls start hitting on you more when they see a ring, I've known guys who wore fake rings just to get more P at the bar. I won't theorize the reasons for this, but none of them are good.

  7. Brayson- that's just much the "do not covet" stuff

  8. Rhianna's boyfriend is not attractive AT ALL. His money is but he certainly isn't.
