Friday, September 06, 2019

Blind Item #1

The odds just went up that a certain A-list YouTuber will be getting a visit from the police, due to new child sex abuse allegations.  Another A-list YouTuber went after him hard, and interviewed the victim.  Still another A-list YouTuber piled on - he was the one responsible for finally getting the police to arrest another A-list YouTuber first discussed on this site, for sexual abuse of an underage actress. 


  1. Replies
    1. Anonymous8:12 AM

      Can’t be him. He’s YouTube A++.

  2. They also should arrest him for making so much money just for being dumb and broadcast it.

  3. Onision and Miss Blaire White.

  4. Oh shit, if the police get involved some commenters will be very vertigo upset.

  5. Here is a link to Blair White’s video.

  6. Blair White is a politically incorrect trans woman. She is becoming the You Tube pedo hunter.

  7. Even in the Youtube world, is Onision still A list?

    1. Anonymous8:13 AM

      Not in my opinion.

  8. +1 Dane, good link, she calls him the R Kelly of youtube:

  9. PewDiePie seems like one of the few good ones. I don't think its him.

  10. PewDiePie has done some crappy things but I gtg, even tho I just see how much reddit is obsessed with him and dont watch his videos, he SEEMS to have grown and realized how a lot of the things like the antisemtiicsm were wrong tbh, I REALLY dont think he's a predator. he's just made so stupid decisions 'for the lulz' with words. he's seem to grown up and actually does good things now.

    the paul brothers, however, are evil and shouldnt exist.

    1. Done some crappy things? So I guess he's just human like everyone else, who would have thought!

  11. @dane

    didnt see your post before. yep you got it.

    youtuber Miss Blaire White exposing youtuber predator Onision
    (I have no idea who these ppl are, but good for her. & wow, that onision guy is really creepy looking)

  12. @eoiny

    thats a pretty broad brush you paint with in life.

    yes, many humans do crappy things, but the stuff with anti-semiticism was particularly awful and no, it should not be seen as normal to do that bc 'just human'. Im glad he's learned from it tho. ppl can grow, but it doesnt make what he did right in the first place just bc he's a human and makes mistakes.

  13. @notthisagain It was not anti-semetism it was dark humour. He went on fivrr and hired people to do something that is so awful to see if they would actually do it or turn it down. So he paid people to make a sign and say "kill the J...s"

    maybe not the best skit idea, but 10 years ago, it would have been standard humour. He is not anti-semetic, he was making a point about the gig economy and how degrading it is to people.

  14. This is 100% Onision and Blaire White. I watched the video yesterday. Onion is shady AF and the You Tube community has been trying to get action on this alleged groomer/paedophile for years. Blaire is a conservative Trans activist and has been sounding the alarm bell against this freak for years. Go to You Tube and watch the video. If the police do not act of this, then we know that the fix is in.

  15. I mean she interviewed a teen that he groomed and f*cked with his partner. Sounds like Kai or whatever was the main procurer.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. PewdiePie's staged wedding photos could make a Hallmark Card designer puke...

  18. God I love internet famous drama. I'll scroll right past the reality/housewife stuff because this is my jam. Also, stop hip firing Pewdiepie for these. There are so many worse "stars" on the interwebs.

  19. @Me
    Aye, aye - you got problem retard? What's your problem? I'm a "conspiracy theorist", but you're just a retard. What staged and fake retard, c'mon tell me!

  20. @Royakuss, Oh are you talking about Zoe Quinn and Alec Holowka?

  21. "Blaire White" is not a woman.

  22. @Guesser - "Blair White is a politically incorrect trans woman." - A circus person.
    "She is becoming the You Tube pedo hunter." - Lol - Is this another controlled opp. b.s. one like (((Seaman)))? there to muddy the waters and attack anyone they want to silence?

  23. It's Onision,he should have been removed from YT years ago. He is the most messed up and toxic sick guy.

  24. I can’t believe YouTube personalities are now a part of blinds. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  25. it's onision, the other a- lister youtuber who got the interview with blaire white. greg (onision) has been known as a predator, pedo, & narcissist for a LOOOOOONG TIME i can't believe it took this long for legal action to take place honestly. his wife is totally brainwashed too & became a predator like him. i can't believe they have kids. i hope to God those kinds are safe

  26. Gen, you're basically doing what you accuse him of doing. Good job, hypocrite.
