Wednesday, September 04, 2019

Blind Item #1

Almost 3 years ago, many reports surfaced about this A-list YouTuber getting pictures from underage fans.  Somehow he was able to continue his career and avoid being charged for child porn.  Very recently, a victim has come forward alleging child sex abuse by this YouTuber, starting in her early teens.


  1. Pewdepie, or however that is spelled?

  2. Maybe Onision? A couple of years ago, he was soliciting pics from underage girls to "rate their bodies" to help them lose weight.

    And him and his wife also had a polyamourous relationship with a girl who may have been underage when they first started being together.

  3. There was also this guy Austin Jones, who got caught in 2017.

  4. @L Jones is serving a 10 year sentence

  5. Came forward to the police, or come forward to gossip bloggers?

  6. I'm only seeing Headlines for Austin Jones and ProJared

  7. It's Onision, whoever the hell that is.

  8. +1 gauloise Checked KiwiFarms (I know) and things dropped yesterday afternoon. This dude has always been scummy. Maybe now Metokur or TRO will put him on blast as the hammer falls.

    1. Kiwi Farms is great, why are you hating on them?? They’re no SASS (RIP the best forum ever) but they have fascinating content. I can’t help myself, I follow the Amberlynn Reid saga, and a few others (Fit vegan ginger, the Slatons, Kailyn, etc). It’s like a sociological study.

  9. An Open Secret (Gabe Hoffman)'s Twitter is all over this--its the Onionion guy. What a disgusting slimeball this perv is

  10. ... yup! Pewdepie recently married up for a reason. The wedding was too shall we say "scripted"?

  11. Yeah there have been rumors about Onision for a while.

  12. @Thia @Me

    What in the holy fuck are you talking about? Felix being a creep/pedophile? Literally what - the - fuck?! What kinda drugs you boomers are taking these days? He's a good guy, even a muthaphucking retard would see that.

    Is this big brain time here?

  13. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Felix is not a Pedo. People just desperately want him to be one and if that's not good enough accuse him based on ZERO evidence because they perceive him to be less than their standard of Liberal. It's all perception since he never even mentions politics.
    This is how sick Liberalism is. They would have destroyed the guy based on nothing if they could have. They tried.

  14. Its not politics, its his viewcount. Established media cant compete, so they write hit pieces and people just accept what they hear without even watching the guy.

    There are a lot of creeps on youtube, but Pewds is one of the good guys.

    1. Enty had PewDiePie raping and pillaging years ago. This is just a do-over blind.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Libtards think they can just wave their hands around, spout some garbage and make it so. It ain't so....those days are over.

    Sauce it or STFU.

  17. Anonymous12:57 PM

    @gauloise Oh definitely the view count is the major part of it. They just tried to use the "Nazi" thing to take him down. I think with PewDiePie it was perceived as a "twofer" they would take him down and oh well he's a "Fascist" anyway.
    YouTube is either censoring out of existence or outright suspending people not because of what they do or say, but because mainstream people want their content.
    Jimmy Fallon or some other hack would simply love to have a segment playing Minecraft, or testing products on their cat or dog or trying makeup or doing any of the other interesting, original things that YouTube creators came up with and even made a living or even occasionally got very rich from doing.
    I can't see YouTube even existing in a few years as anything but a place to watch videos from already "established" stars. There will be very few original content creators left.

  18. People guess Pewdiepie only because it's the only YouTube creator they know. But Onionion or whatever his name is seems to be the answer. I only know him because of the scandal prior.

  19. @Miss Davie,they(YouTube) have changed the algorithm so suggestions are changed. I o la from reading comments that I'm not the only one getting suggestions I wouldn't want. A lot of YouTube creators have seen income disappear overnight. Don't be surprised when they have to pay to be on instead of getting paid.

  20. @Miss Davie also now corporations are setting up fake "authentic" plant accounts prob in cahoots in w youtube . Petty Paige just did a great video on the drama channel Spill. They pretended to be a writer and artist who started the channel and it just blew up, but its a really a big corp who has loads of other channels. Then there is this "girl who lives in a van" who got over a million subs with one video, with tons of people subbed automatically and she already has tons of product placement -- but she is just one girl! Sure... I agree the fun is being sucked dry and it is just going to be as thrilling as watching TV soon. They are killing what made it interesting. A lot of the banned people have jumped to bitchute.

  21. People who think its PewDiePie (Felix) have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. These are extremely serious charges that will involve prison time. PDP has been in a very long committed relationship with an Italian lady named Marzia. They've been together for over 8 years, have lived together the entire time in Sweden, Italy, and now Brighton, England. They're CLEARLY devoted to each other. They were married on August 18/19th (forgot which day). Their marriage was in no way "scripted". What a ridiculous charge. They're close friends with other "good people" YTers who would never put up with someone who could be doing such disgusting wrong. How do I know this? I've been watching PDP for a very long time, and Marzia when she was on YT. Marzia is a very nice and pure-hearted individual. You cannot fake who she is and would have zero reason to believe otherwise. PDP isn't anything what the fake MSM tried very hard to portray him to be. They tried to take him down using his words out of context (except for the N word, he did say that, apologized a million-fold, recognized how immature and terrible that was, and lost so much because of it) and also because he wouldn't play along with the censoring, demonetizing monster that's YouTube. The same week he married Marzia he hit 100 MILLION subscribers. That's right, 100M. If this is true, you don't think that any of those 100M people would come forth and publicly bring these charges to light? PDP is not racist nor a Nazi. Anyone who watches him know this as fact.

    The "cancel culture" needs to go away NOW. I CANNOT even believe that such a thing exists, its maddening. People digging thru social media 10 years plus to find ANYTHING that could be negative and raise arms to get these people fired thus destroying their name and livelihood need to be strung by their feet. As if they're perfect and have never done anything wrong, said something you regret, etc in their lives. You aren't detectives, you aren't the law, you're people hellbent on destroying innocent people.

    1. All due respect bliss boo, can't this passionate speech apply to many who are demonized here?

  22. An A-List Youtuber...I can only think of Shane Dawson who has a weird obsession with children's toys, games and culture. He has a lot of young fans too. But I don't think he would abuse a kid...
    But I do think it's Onision.
    Onision is a no brainer because he made videos on the back of photos he asked people to send so he can assess how hot they were. There was controversy surrounding these images because many of these images clearly came from underaged kids.... I didnt realise he is considered an A-list YouTuber tho...

  23. Onison or one of the Pauls
    Prob onison... even if it is a blind about someone else, Onison

  24. Yeah, it's Onision. He's been scummy since the start. First with Billie, now with Sarah.

  25. The purpose of Onision is to promote the left's narrative openly. His channel is/was shut down to create a premise for Google/Youtube that "we are trying to police our services as diligently as possible".

    Google/Youtube has censored more conservatives or so called conservatives than they have promoters of the left's agenda. Google/Youtube can quietly clean up Disney/Marvel videos attracting children to online pedophiles while playing a game between censoring say conservative Crowder and reasonable leftist Onison.

    Pewdepie pushes kids into things like Minecraft, etc. Could Pewdepie's handle translate to "Kneel before the Pedophile Information Exchange"? Once a kid logs in and views Onion, Pewdepie, etc... they are in full view of those who could possibly target children.

    Pewdepie's marriage was as scripted as any wedding in a romantic comedy.

    Evil people love to wag their tails in the faces of their targets. It is a concerted effort to mock the ignorance of fools.

  26. @astra No hate for what Kiwi Farms is. Just that it is mostly speculation and hyperbole. Like a more active CDAN's with naughty words.

  27. Lol at people saying “the Paul brothers” & “pewdiepie” because they’re the only youtubers they know. Do a little research before you blindly throw someone’s name into the ring. This one is 100% Onision. He’s been known to be a creep for quite some time now.

  28. Both pewdiepie and the paul brothers would be considered A+list youtubers, as pathetic as that sounds. Don't know who this is but it's none of them.



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