Friday, September 06, 2019

Blind Item #12

The permanent A list "singer" has no idea how things are going to go from bad to worse if this latest move is approved.



    "Jamie Spears Asks to Step Down as Conservator ... At Least Temporarily"


  3. I'm just wondering when she will have made enough money or if they're just going to work her until she dies? Like a family horse or something, when does she get her pasture?

  4. What a life this poor girl has. No one to trust. If her father abused his grandchildren, what did he do to her as a child and continues to do? This makes me so sad. @Brayson87 is so right with his analogy.

  5. Who is Jodi Montgomery?
    The Dad’s girlfriend?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. In the south you get your ass whipped for an eye roll. Just saying. If children don't respect elders we are lost. Seriously.

    1. Agreed, momo. Doesn’t seem like the “self esteem building, all children are special snowflakes” approach to parenting, is churning out likable or capable children that turn into useful and productive adults. Seems like it’s creating a generation of spoiled and nasty shit head psychopaths that are as useless as they are unpleasant. Better your parent jerks a knot in your ass than you get out into the real world and are a cocky shit head and you get a real and harsh wake up call by someone that doesn’t love you, doesn’t care about you, and would as soon kill you as look at you.

  8. This is like the episode of "Black Mirror" with Miley Cyrus.

  9. Lynn should write another parenting book

  10. I don’t understand why they can’t “split the baby” and dissolve the conservatorship over the person & let Jamie stay on as conservator over the Estate. That Britney can decides whether to work & Jamie can protect her money from Lynne & Sam Lutfi

  11. It sounds like he can't do the drama while fighting his illness. I think the incident was exaggerated for whatever reason and he needs a break

  12. Anonymous1:38 PM

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  13. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Before people brand him a child abuser, they should wait for the facts, but the bottom line is Brit needs to have some say over who looks after her money.

  14. You definitely shouldn't ever do it, but most 13-yr-olds seem like they could use a good smack when they misbehave.

  15. Bayareagirl-- you mentioned the very problem I fear most! Please, oh, please, let Jamie's resignation not leave a chink in the armor that would allow Lutfi to worm his way back! I think there's a restraining order still, but I wouldn't doubt his ability to operate as a puppetmaster of someone else until he can get his mitts in there outright.

    Im sure he's made some mistakes along the way, but I hope that cast of characters give Jamie the credit he deserves for rescuing Brit out of an awful situation, and keeping the wheels on the cart for a pretty long time.

  16. Lynne Spears "reconnected" with Britney during the whole "free Britney" social debacle - which she essentially precipitated by posting vague posts implying Britney was held against her will (which were proven false). That is concerning because it's so manipulative.

    Now she's fighting in court to force herself to be part of all Britney's medical care. While I do think Jamie's relapsed with alcohol ("spontaneous intestinal rupture" is one side effect of chronic alcohol abuse), Britney has said her parents do not get along since the day she was born they fought, and I don't think it's healthy for her to be around her parents together. Not sure what the right answer is - but I don't think it's having her mom and dad fighting over her again like they did when they were married.That's going to revisit trauma and stress on Britney.

  17. It has been insinuated in reports that Lynne was very much a collaborator in the abuse her daughters experienced in “ Children’s” TV.
    We now have Jordan Pruitt coming forward and finally naming Disney and a director in her abuse.
    I hope Bieber can come out and let all the toxins out. He was a kid, it was not his fault. But secrets cause the mental illness and depression. Like Aaron Carter- help this kids d- he should not have access to guns! He needs to face his dementia bs as well. I wish they would all come tell their stories together- that would be powerful
    Poor Britney, like Amanda Byrnes- the people who failed in protecting them as children, or worse, allowing abuse, are now proposed “guardians”

  18. People trust Kevin Federline in this situation?! Dude defines skeezy gold digger 🤯

    1. I think that’s one of the sad facets of this situation, TwoDots - KFed is actually one of the more reliable people in that dumpster fire.

  19. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I cannot stand Lynne Spears... or ANY stage parent, who signs their child's life over to some television studio full of lecherous men.
    Who would do this?
    Where would Britney be now, if her parents had protected her better?
    Britney, please hang in there. You are a good hearted and beautiful person.

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  21. I agree! The whole conservatorship is nuts. Her parents hypersexualized her as a child, then threw her to the wolves, yet the court still lets them have control. Brit needs is a good lawyer.

  22. My heart breaks for Britney. Just let her retire to Louisiana in peace.

  23. What I want to know is why is she being referred to as "singer" by Enty? Doesn't she sing? or is it alluding to her being worked like a dog for others to benefit from? She needs a move out of the US and away from those who are abusing and controlling her

  24. @Unknown - "singer" because of autotunes and all of the lip syncing.

  25. I really feel for her because this isnt fun to watch.. her music and visuals and pop icon status make me thank her for the impact she had but its not acceptable what is happening to her

  26. She needs to get out of the business, get off social media and retire on a nice plot of land somewhere. She isn't stable and does need someone to look after her but she can regain some health if she just gets away from the limelight. Being almost forty with a severe mental illness dancing around like a lunatic for instagram likes will end up in another meltdown.



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