Thursday, September 19, 2019

Blind Item #12

According to Bani, this foreign born model who used to beard for an A+ lister recently got the highest amount ever for one night of yachting.


  1. Replies
    1. Shank? Like a tool in prison lol

  2. Damn, BCoop was holding her back! Either that or her customers are turned on that she used to sleep with a gay man.

  3. Grammar police come out when someone's not first :)

  4. Iron Shark always makes the money, Miranda Kerr be damned! 😅

  5. Ride the Iron Shark! Apparently it still pays to beard A listers.

  6. Lol means joking, bad grammar is what built CDAN 😂

  7. She must have a vag that can peel a banana.

  8. to be different, what about one of Leo's exes?

  9. Anonymous12:08 PM

    TBH I doubt she’s celebrating. Being someone’s beard sounds fabulous to me, you mean I get to marry a famous rich and sought-after Hollywood star that gives me nice checks, pimps my lifestyle and my career, plus I don’t even need to sleep with him cos he likes cock?? And she’s the new face of Paco Rabanne?? Sign me up!!

  10. Anonymous12:16 PM

    I have a question, has Enty ever had any evidence to support his claim that Cooper is closeted? Somehow Bradly Cooper does not strike me as the type that would care.

    1. It as WILL ruin his career if that information is proven and goes mainstream. Most straight guys don't want to watch gay guys, and his huge female fanbase would largely evaporate.

  11. Shayk. Cooper. Middle East client.

    Weird though. Doesn't she knock down millions per year doing legit modeling??

  12. @LadySabre, Cooper is a leading man,and does "guy flicks" like the Hangover movies. Of course he cares. Someone like Jake G I can see not caring,but he keeps getting pushed back in. The Cooper rumors go way back to his Alias days.

  13. @Clark Green, so did Miranda Kerr, and there is public proof of her yachting. And one feeds off the other,modeling gets rich client,rich client invests in company,bigger modeling jobs,higher yachting fee. These days they don't even hide it.

  14. @Clark, Legit modeling hahahaha 😂🤣. I knew a model in NYC, even some of the photographers expected blow jobs.

    1. I know a Chanel model who hasn't been so much as propositioned. But that's not to say it won't happen. It may simply be a matter of being blatantly OPEN to that kind of "opportunity". Let's face it, some of these women don't hide the fact that they are pigs willing to do anything for fame and a buck.

    2. You would give your left nut to fuck one of these women. If you're a woman, you'd give your left tit.

      And your Chanel friend is being propositioned and would not be working for Chanel if she wasn't doing exactly what the "pigs" are doing.

      Reality works best.

  15. @Lady Sabre--BCoop may not care who knows but the producers who hire him do so if he wants to work...

  16. LadySabre: No, there has never been any proof. I've noticed on various sites that each time a person is asked for proof of their claims, they always mention blind items as their proof. No one ever has any legit info. I really think these rumors were started by gay men and their wishful thinking.

  17. Who or what is Bani?

  18. @Dani....Bani is a middleman/broker for yacht girls and clients.

  19. I wonder what she was paid. Got to be serious coin if it is the most ever.

  20. Maybe BCoop taught her some new tricks.

  21. Somehow, someway Cooper slept with her at least once because that baby is the spitting image of him. And she most definitely was not planned. Sometimes things are not so black and white. I think Bradley cared about her and certainly loves his little girl.

  22. Donna: Considering how awkward they were with each other in public, it's hard to believe they ever touched each other behind closed doors. LOL Maybe they were just 2 straight people in a PR relationship.

  23. I see more attractive women at TJMaxx on a Tues afternoon. Someone overpaid..even if she does have a mouth like a shopvac.

  24. @ Donna no way this wasn't IVF. "She slept with him at least once" - ahem you don't necessarily get pregnant after ONE screw. This was all scientific intervention. Plus guys the other folks show said her price was solid/went up for 'sleeping with a gay man' - again, ahem, don't think so. HER PRICE WENT UP FOR HER EXPOSURE AND HER HIGH PROFILE. It was clear she was NO Cooper used goods. it was clear she was gorgeous and good enough to warrant being MOMMY to an Aplus celeb's kid etc etc.

  25. Bradley Cooper's first part was a gay man in Wet Hot American Summer. He even missed graduation day to be in that film, and he's talked a lot about the discussions he had with Michael Ian Black over their sex scene. For someone who doesn't want to be outed as gay, he sure has no issues playing a gay character (provided he wears tube socks).

  26. Angela: Doesn't the fact that he chose to play that role prove that he doesn't care about the rumors? He also played gay characters twice after that movie.

  27. “...highest amount ever for one night of yachting”

    Who is keeping track? Do they all have the same accountant??

  28. I know 2 legit models. Both daughters of friends. One is 18 and based in Italy this year, I can guarantee you she is not giving out any sexual favors. The other, she is 22 and was in NY then Miami now her agency has her in LA. She works nights as a hostess at several clubs, I know Hyde at Sunset is one and the Forum. She is part of the Mizani Texture Squad, has walked NYFW and will be at Paris FW. Though she is in a relationship, I could see her taking the cash. She loves her designer bags and clothes. Her name is Sianna Renee, though I know she has never yachter. If I was her, I would. I mean why not.

  29. There’s two ‘Donna’s’ now? FML

    1. are u DDonna or derekdonna? on another note, Ms Shayk is drop dead gorgeous and making as much money before she ages out. she will probably marry some elderly rich man before 40 hits.

  30. @Truthseeker - Did you mean to give us enough info to track down your friend's daughter, give us enough things to approach & talk with her, while also letting us know she may be available for purchase?

    Are you a babyboomer? Because that is some straight boomer thinking. There are actual nutcases on Derek & that other one that's also probably Derek.

  31. There is without a doubt a huge gay fan base blind gossip caters too. I have never found BCoop attractive so I don't care.....but, as above mentioned...women flock from gay dudes because it ruins the breaks the 4th wall when you know you cannot fantasize about said character when they dislike you sexually based on sex. I'd feel bad but 99% of actors do not work at a given time and a majority of those would not lie about they who they are.....why do gay men,honey coupled with opportunity and tripled with fame and reverie...EVEN if they hate to admit the last part.

  32. Speaking of Chanel....Kstew models for Chanel for whatever the fuck reason (same as Cara..."inclusiveness BS) models..... the same thing Honest Trailer mocks her for in her acting: is constantly having her mouth open...IN ALL OF HER CHANEL poses. Chanel Travesty. She looked liked a late 20s Bella ... "mouth breather."

    CHANEL PEOPLE! haha. ; .P ..

  33. Also....invitro would leave medical paper trail.... aka blackmail later on. To assume a "gay man" could not have sex and impregnate a straight woman is asinine.

  34. Irina looks a million times better in real life than she does in pics. She's very sensual and 'juicy' looking.
    If I were a billionaire guy, I'd pay for her!

    Bradley is gay as fuck, not that there's anything wrong with it.

    Knowing and having worked with plenty of models myself, let me tell you naive folks that prostitution and/or sexual favours for jobs are as common in modelling as Meghan Markle's nose job.

  35. Anonymous8:29 AM

    It seems that yachting is just a part of modeling now from the highest end Vogue models to the local appliance store models.

  36. As I said before, no one ever has actual proof of Bradley being gay.

  37. Must have the ability to hold a pen and write in cursive. That's quim worth dying for.
