Monday, September 16, 2019

Blind Item #12

What do you do when the relationship with the A+ list actor/recovering alcoholic/serial cheater doesn't work out? Well, if you are this writer, you find an A/A- list actor/recovering alcoholic/cheater to be your new boyfriend. I'm sure it will work out just fine.


  1. Replies
    1. And someone with Shia Laboeuf?

    2. I’d say Shookus but she’s a producer I think?

  2. Lindsay shookus and jon hamm

  3. Isn’t Garner dating a businessman—Jon Miller?

  4. If it’s Shookus she’s trading up

  5. Oh, my hell - that lady needs to go up into the mountains away from tard pan syndrome boys.

  6. If it’s Shookus, who can blame her? A man would likely have to be very very drunk to look at her face. Yikes! She’s like Kevin Bacon in a wig (although he’s far better looking). Maybe a mix of Bacon and Danny Cooksey. Either way, yikes!

    1. Kevin Bacon 🥓 in a wig lol

  7. Sounds perfectly reasonable 😣

  8. Now this is weird. In my experience, women who hook up with assholes one time never make that mistake again.

  9. @banazalea got it -

  10. This is another case of once someone gets celeb dating approval/press, then they seem to enter that particular dating pool. Hoping she's not seeking long term.

  11. I knew this would be on here after I saw it online. Really Entry, your source is Us weekly? Must be a slow day.

  12. Hammaconda! 😂

  13. @J, You must know some well adjusted people, I've met quite a few that love a$$holes, or at least that's what they always wind up with. Now that's a$$holes like regular jerks, not psychos who put them in the hospital or lock them in a room for two days.

  14. No way Ben Affleck can be described as "recovering alcoholic" - definitely not recovering....

    but is shookus a "writer"?

  15. Brayson, well-adjusted people flock to me. Just look at the ones who reach out to me here!

  16. Jon is not a recovering alcoholic either. He always looks hangover or drunk. She would better off going back to Ben.

  17. @J, Haha I stopped believing in well-adjusted people a long time ago. Everybody has some f*cked up story if you drill down deep enough. Usually the more normal they seem the better the mask.

  18. @Brayson87
    Present company excepted of course!


  19. I once left an alcoholic for a junkie. Not my finest hour. The junkie cleaned up eventually but too much. Went vegan and radically so. He's dead now, not related, but it was wild. He quit heroin, then drinking, then smoking then he got all weird and messianic and controlling and ultimately went insane. He was hit by a car. I think someone did it on purpose and I understand. At that point he was wearing a turban and thought he was some kind of sikh warrior. He was Dutch from Virginia. lol In his case I am glad he was dead because in his insanity / CLARITY so called he was convinced that both his son and I were PUT on him by British Intelligence. Can't make it up.

    SO yeah. My problem, then and now, is that I like to keep it interesting and they have to be funny. Sometimes it's a bit too interesting and not funny at all.

  20. Shookus makes sense BUT for every google search I have done on her job description. NOWHERE does it ever call her a writer.

  21. Good call Bamazalea, welcome.

    Both men (Hamm & Afleck) are rumored to be packing in the trouser snake dept so I can't blame her.

  22. Yeah found Sept 16th articles where Shookus is dating John Hamm online. He isn't recovering, she isn't a writer, but this was poached and is about all them - with Affleck. It SORTA fits.

  23. Momo, I'm attracted to intelligence. My partner holds many patents and is very articulate. Howevah, after 30 years of his knowing everything about everything - I kinda wish he'd just shut. it.

  24. Momo-- I LOVE that story, and your telling of it!I can't imagine living it, though! Wow!

    Gentlebreeze-- very cool about partner, so politely funny, too!😊

  25. Gentle Breeze - I hear ya. My bf is a work a holic and always been self employed and first thing in the morning he starts talking and it doesn't end until I beg him to STFU./ I can't fall asleep if I am constantly having to engage in a conversation. I like to listen to the radio and it's passive and then my brain relaxes and I can zzzz. I also don't want to talk first thing in the morning. We all have our crosses I guess. lol

  26. Went from Hamm to Theroux?

  27. Haha, keeps life interesting.

  28. It's on DListed. Shookus and Hamm.

  29. Anonymous6:36 PM

    I'm an ACOA, was an AlAnon group leader. There are lots of sad reasons why people choose alcoholic partners.

  30. Looks like she moved up in the meat department. Question is where does she go from here if they break up??

  31. Better than Marc Anthony in drag, like you. Of course you are hating on a successful woman with intellect and a JOB. And of course your guess made no sense (as always) because the blind has more than two sentences and isn't repeated daily.


    At one point in the night, Charlie was talking to Lindsay Shookus, Saturday Night Live producer and Ben Affleck’s ex-girlfriend. Ben and Charlie worked together on Triple Frontier, perhaps that’s how they know each other. According to my source who watched them interact for about half an hour, “She was coming on to him soooo hard and he kept backing away, with his hands behind his back. She kept touching him too.”

  33. Apropos of Shookus, apparently she has a port wine stain on her leg and ain't afraid to flaunt it.

  34. SHooks went on 1 date with Jon Hamm, it doesn't mean they are in a relationship sheesh

  35. @momo mine too. He's retired, not enough to do that doesn't involve me and never shuts up. Half the time he mumbles in a low voice so I can't hear him and it's my fault that I need hearing aids. Crosses.

  36. For everyone with over-talkative partners. I used to live with someone who would bring me coffee in bed every morning to wake me up. Which was so sweet. But then he started talking. And talking. And talking. I’d get ready and go to work (he worked from home), then I’d work all day and take the subway home. And the minute I walked in the door, the talking would commence. I finally made a rule that I would meditate for 1/2 hour when I got home. So I would meditate & he would cook dinner. It was a very good solution and a nice way to transition into the evening.



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