Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Blind Item #12

It looks like this Oscar winner finally offered up a big enough check to make those charges go away.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. this would be old news

  3. Gee, I'm shocked. Shocked I tell ya. Rage.

  4. Another victory for #metoo.

  5. Everything has a price. So do most people.

  6. Hasn't Weinstein won Oscars too - for producing?

  7. Now that he is settled with all the. underaged boys (at the time).... he can go live his life "as a gay man."

    Seriously....I hope he fired whoever released that statement. That is the worst coming out...ever...in history.

  8. Oscar winner? You're getting lazy, Enty.

    1. He won Best Actor for The Usual Suspects.

  9. @Tricia, yes, I know, but Enty never says so. He has a longer description for this. ;)

  10. J, #MeToo had nothing to do with any of it.

  11. I'd like some free money.
    Me, too.

  12. Hey Amartel, you know the rules. Ass, gas or grass, nobody rides for free 😅

    Wait, is that a summary of modern capitalism? Sex, petroleum/energy and drugs, these are the markets that make the rockin' world go round.🤔

  13. Hardly free, Amartel.

    Being an abuse survivor is what some call 'a life sentence.'

    Being abused by a psychopath isn't what most people would call 'free money.'


  14. I'd like some free money after getting some movie roles.

  15. J, you're consistently commenting anti the MeToo movement.

  16. ...because I think it's largely bullshit.

    I'm also constantly breathing. Any other breathtaking observations?

  17. Great, now I think J is funny 🙄

  18. Why hasen’t Entry put up a blind about the aliterate actress who lies about how she wept buckets over Princess Diana and tours herself as Diana 2.0 didn’t bother showing up to the memorial lunch, she couldn’t be bothered. Her freak husband was apparently very rude to his brother, sister in-law and niece and nephews

  19. Hang on... she skipped a meal???

  20. No kidding -- you're not exactly a subtle commenter here J.

    "...because I think it's largely bullshit."

  21. Many people mistake 'rude' or 'obvious' for funny on the internet, I've noticed.

    "Great, now I think J is funny"

    He's a troll who likes pushing buttons, he's a consistently misogynistic commenter, and he goes out of his way to attack the MeToo movement.

    To me that doesn't make him a 'cool kid' or even the class clown.

  22. Mary there are a lot of Harkle blinds on CDAN.

    I've read that the brothers have a yearly anniversary lunch, and that this year, Meg didn't show but PH did but was rude. But there's not much more info than that, out there. And of course, no hint of a source.

  23. Somewhere "betwixt an erring barbarian and a supersubtle Venetian."

  24. Seriously, Samantha, he beheaded all six wives? Prithee go on!

  25. And you said his goal was to run his own church. I am dying to know the other things your unique renegade research has taught you.

    Clearly you're encyclopedic and Solomonic; teach me.

  26. J that wasn't what I said, and why are you working so hard all over the site to troll me?

    It's kinda creepy.

    "Seriously, Samantha, he beheaded all six wives? Prithee go on!"

    I don't think I worded it this way. I said that he made himself the head of the nwly minted C of E. That's historical fact; he did. Why do you want to obsess on this?

    "And you said his goal was to run his own church."

    Your focus on this on a post of a few days or so ago is just bizarre. Especially since you misquote me in every comment you have made about it. Do you think anyone cares?

    "I am dying to know the other things your unique renegade research has taught you.

    Clearly you're encyclopedic and Solomonic; teach me."

  27. lol, can't wait to learn from you. Every couple of days you share facts that neither I nor history had any idea of.

    Keep going, it's fun.

  28. I had heard the word around these parts was that it was a cash grab from the start orchestrated by the vic's mom to compensate for her loss of income after losing her well-paying job.

    Well have to see if any gossip filters out of Nantucket/MV (I can't remember which one the family has a place on)

  29. I never said "all six" btw you made that up entirely. I know he didn't behead all of his wives. Anne of Cleves became 'his sister' I believe that marriage was annulled. IIRC he (had) annulled the marriage to Catherine of Aragon. I believe the basis for that was she had first married his brother Arthur. He (had) beheaded Anne Boleyn. I think he married Catherine Howard next and she was beheaded along with her prior paramour(s). I never claimed to be a history professor.

    One of his wives died; the only one who gave him a son. He is (per his wishes) buried beside her. His final wife IIRC was a widow and outlived him.

    What (and about ALL) I said about Henry VIII in the other topic was, why go through all that, including the dissolution of monasteries etc., when the RC church wouldn't grant him a divorce from his first wife, and then not change the laws regarding divorce? Why not make divorce easier. He didn't have to annul, (making his children illegitimate in the process), behead, etc., if he could divorce.

  30. Your obsession is bizarre J.

    I didn't say what you claim so you are in essence talking to yourself/trolling/playing yourself.

    I can't help it if you do not know history. That's not my concern, or problem.

    "lol, can't wait to learn from you. Every couple of days you share facts that neither I nor history had any idea of.

    Keep going, it's fun."

    You THINK or CLAIM it's not fact because you are either lying about what I said entirely, for your own weird reasons or you don't know history. But the things you are 'attacking' are things I did not even say.

    If your only "fun" is to troll a gossip site that's sad.

  31. (His final wife was a widow when they married, before you ignorantly "hoot" about that also. If you knew history you'd know what I meant, though, and not act like a boor.)

  32. No, enough of this. I'll just wait for more of your historical and cultural commentary.



  33. I guess I should specify "the only one who gave him a son who survived." There were some boy babies (from Catherine of Aragon and Anne Boleyn, I think), but stillborn IIRC, or died soon after being born. Edward was the only son alive when Henry VIII died, although Edward died at about age 15 I think.

  34. You're only making yourself look like a jackhole with a humiliation kink, J.

    "No, enough of this. I'll just wait for more of your historical and cultural commentary.



    You probably are eager.


  35. Samantha, give Wikipedia a break.

    Next time, maybe check it before typing nonsense.

  36. I didn't google a thing or leave this site while typing any of that. I didn't use Wikipedia. I didn't have to.

    I figured you'd lob that lame attempt at an insult, though.

    I don't like Wiki all that much and if I were going to use that as some type of 'evidence' I would've simply provided a link.

    Everything I typed was from memory, and I'm sure if you look at the time stamps it's obvious.

    You can't refute what I said, so now in addition to lying about what I said (a few days ago?!) to begin with, in your obsessive trolling attempts, you simply accuse me of looking it up. Anyone can tell it's written from memory, if they read it.

    You know that I didn't type anything incorrect to begin with. You're just weird.

    "Samantha, give Wikipedia a break.

    Next time, maybe check it before typing nonsense."

  37. That’s the point he was making. You don’t have to make a big presentation about how he is a troll. He is a troll. Everyone knows he is a troll. He is one of our board trolls. He’s clever sometimes, and that doesn’t mean I like him. I appreciate his wit. He’s a smart troll.

  38. And btw why do you think anyone cares, J? You attack me because I support abuse victims and MeToo, which is a support movement, not a prosecution team.

  39. Thanks, tatty, that'll do just fine.

    Samantha is the new plot. Tedious and self-important.

    Ask her to tell you what "netiquette" is... that's one of her favorites.

  40. If you say so tatty.

    "I appreciate his wit. He’s a smart troll."

    "That’s the point he was making."

    Are you him? I don't see a point to his mess. He's lying and trolling period. Why would you applaud it? That's rhetorical. It's the internet and people have alts, and people love to dog pile once one troll begins.

  41. Do you enjoy being his lap dog tatty? He just talked to you like one.

    "Thanks, tatty, that'll do just fine."

    J, your obsession is creepy. But Rosie and I seem to be your main focus; both, stated feminists. What coincidence.

  42. Just grab -- at random -- one of Enty's posts from the last two months or so with a lot of comments. Chances are you'll see Samantha laying down "the way it is" in some manner equal parts unimaginative, dunderheaded, and full of righteous intensity (yes, Yeats would place her among the worst).

    It's funny. I want her to stay the same and stay busy here. Cool stuff.

  43. J, mentioning Yeats or Voltaire amid your ramblings and trolling doesn't make you a genius. It makes you look insecure.

  44. Oh, Samantha, is using literary allusions bad netiquette?

  45. Why do you remember a (passing, IIRC) comment about "netiquette" I made -- I don't even remember when or in what context?? -- to the extent you are going to harp on it later, out of the blue. What hit your nerve?

    As far as anything you accuse me of -- look at some of your own comments.

    All you are doing in addition to lying and showing us hypocrisy/projection in action, is showing how obsessed you are with some of the other commenters here, J.

    "Oh, Samantha, is using literary allusions bad netiquette?"

    Name dropping for its own sake, amid extremely lame insult attempts, trying to sound 'smarter' -- but I'm glad you enjoyed your summer course on British lit at the local city college, J.

  46. Dude, and you're trying to paint other people as pretentious and preachy?

    "full of righteous intensity (yes, Yeats would place her among the worst)."

    Sling enough mud though and some sticks, isn't that the hope trolls live by?

  47. lol... this one, from Saturday:

    Samantha the 1st1:42 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.


    There'll be lots more. Some can't help themselves.

  48. I don't live on hope, I live on food and oxygen and social interaction and work.

    I'm gonna enjoy this quite a bit.

    Promise, Samantha, over the next weeks and months please just spout off whatever pops into your sweet little head. It's adorable.

  49. Like I said, J: you sound obsessed.

    I do not even know (or care) what the below refers to, or who supposedly said the last bit, or about what.

    I notice you harp on "education" in your troll attacks at me and Rosie, so it must be a source of insecurity, for you. (And however many alts you have. Or should I say gerbils.)

    "lol... this one, from Saturday:

    Samantha the 1st1:42 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.


    There'll be lots more. Some can't help themselves."

  50. I miss Amazing Quotes

  51. JFC Samantha STFU will ya'?

  52. Jesus, you guys. Stop fighting over the internet. We all have different opinions. I’ve read CDAN for years but only recently started commenting. I do it for shits and giggles but hateful discussions like this turn me the f-ck off. Let’s all just laugh and make fun of Meghan Markle and get on with it. kiss kiss

  53. omg!! Team J or Team Samantha... bahahahaha
    what side do you fall on? :)

    J is ahead on the scoreboard for me. #teamj

  54. This infighting is much better than the ridiculous political bullshit from the folks on here who just truly believe in their little precious hearts that there's any difference between the "right and left" in America, instead of just conceding that they're both bought off by big money and just serve to divide us and stopping the "I stand for this" chest puffing lol. This infighting has waayyy more meaning than that bullshit lol.

  55. There is only one political party in the USA, The Business Party. There are two factions.

  56. Trust me when I tell you that no one, and i mean no one who gets laid types so many paragraphs double spaced to a complete stranger on a gossip blog. Samantha, we beg you, open a Tinder account and get your freak on!

  57. I am SO SICK of the word misogyny. It's got as much power as "rascist" these days. Which is none. Samantha - you spend ENTIRELY too much time on Tamra Tattles. And that is a whole nother world compared to CDAN commenting section.

    J is funny and non PC - which I appreciate. Samantha - you are boring everyone with your soapbox and inability to walk away from having the last word.

    Spacey needs his dick and hands removed with a sharp object. Maybe that will teach him to keep those appendages to himself.

  58. Mrs Libnish laying down the real talk! boom! I love it!

  59. Anonymous10:45 AM

    There should be no such thing as a check to make it go away. If it's Spacey then the kid needs to come forward and have his day in court, as does Spacey. This went too far to just settle it.

  60. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Are people really arguing about Henry VIII on here?

    1. OMG thank you for that. I needed that laugh!

  61. Jesus Christ this is so awkward.
    J, you do you. Thank you for bringing us entertainment on boring afternoons.



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