Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Blind Item #10

It is when people see court filings like the one from this permanent A list singer/sometime actress they see the entitlement oozing everywhere. When it reads like, "I'm a star so therefore my children deserve to be treated like stars. All you do is have a few offices and create jobs for some people, but it doesn't matter because you aren't famous and I am, so you lose. My children are already more famous than you and always will be." I really can't believe they though this made them look good. That is what makes it all the worse.


  1. Probably Bey and a trademark suit.

  2. Beyoncé trying to copyright Blue Ivy’s name?

  3. Could be either one of those bitches

  4. Beyonce is not only a bitch but also a witch

  5. Good work everyone!


  7. To be fair, Blue Ivy is the stupidest f*cking name I've ever heard of, sounds more like a lab experiment or florist than a person.

    1. Sounds fair to me!
      Beyonce is such a ridiculously foolish woman.

    2. Always thought "Beyonce" was a weird name, too.

  8. Seems like they should've done a trademark search before they named her lol!

  9. Entern you DO know Bey isn't the one writing the court filing don't you? For all we know you did. That's what lawyers do file suits and explain why they are about to waste a court's time and money

  10. Ego should be her perfume name

  11. "Cultural icon", for WHAT? People know who she is, because you parade her around at events. I am so FUCKING SICK of celebs thinking their kids are more special than anyone else's. Go fuck yourself, Beyonce.

  12. Brayson, I beg to differ. North, Saint, Chicago, Psalm, Stormi and Reign are all SO much worse than Blue Ivy for a name.

    1. I think Stormi is cute, but True is a terrible name for a child, along with the other you mentioned.

  13. Please leave Blue Waffles out of this discussion

  14. I dare anyone to google it...

  15. @paris, No those others are all fine stripper names, Blue Ivy sounds more like something you catch from a stripper.

  16. She wants the UN to let her thighs in as two new countries.

    1. I bet you like skinny little boys.

  17. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Well that fits with Sandybrook's nickname. Damn you Sandybrook. There's not enough brainbleach to unsee that sh*t.

  18. Ann if I dare someone to do something here, you need to know not to do it because its not pleasant.

  19. Anonymous12:50 PM

    @Sandybrook a lesson I will not need repeated. Thank you.

  20. Well the kid's head looks like a potato so there's that.

    1. Blue Potato.
      Has a nice ring to it

  21. Blue ivy is the ugliest child I've ever laid eyes on. She looks like a young Joe Camel, just like her piece of shit father.

  22. Why would anyone want to copy that name anyway? They can keep it. I see some people are really saying mean things about a child's looks. Come on folks, just because her parents are annoying, is no reason to take it out on the child. No sins of the father and such.

  23. +1 LadySabreX, Names and how parents dress them reflect the parents' poor judgment, but commenting on the kids' physical appearance isn't kosher. Not to mention a lot of adults look completely different than they did when they were young.
    Blue Ivy looks fine anyway. Not to mention that larger heads are usually a good sign with children, you don't want a Zika baby head.

    And when she's a healthy intelligent adult she can petition the courts to change her horrible name.

  24. I feel sorry for the kid they named rheumy...isn't that watery pus?

  25. You really think Beyoncé wrote her own IP filing? Get a grip, if you were really an attorney you’d know that any decent lawyer would have written something similar. Also, the business you’re so fond of has been using Blue Ivy the person to sell whatever crap Blue Ivy the business is peddling. Just say you don’t like Beyoncé lol

  26. These kids are going to be train wrecks as adults. Bobbi Kristina Krack Kocaine style. It’s painful and disgusting to watch these celebrity parents not parent.

  27. It's obvious that from the wording of the statement Beyonce checked out of school at around the second grade level. She is dumber than a box of rocks.

  28. Sandybrook, hahaha


  29. Did Beyoncé ever get her GED? She's all entitlement and zero brains.

  30. The spoiled offspring of these (c)rap buffoons and reality train wrecks, can you imagine how unbearable they are going to be?

  31. Beyonce's Blue Ivy "is a cultural icon" suit. She's lost her damn mind now.

  32. Hey now Blue Ivy's not that ugly. I mean considering she inherited half of Jay-Z's face she looks pretty good

  33. Blue Ivy has her daddy’s nose and it’s not pretty. I wonder how long it will be before Beyoncé drags her in to a plastic surgeon, and if she will use an excuse like deviated septum for a purely cosmetic surgery.

  34. We all we thought of this and had the clout to do it. Bey and Z are setting Ivy up to be the next Kendall Jenner type brand. And covering all their bases.

  35. She is a child. Leave children alone. It's mean. It's wrong. Y'all know it's wrong. Enty should not allow it.

    Can't we let children grow up before attempting to drive them to suicide!? Jesus. She looks like a sweet kid. If she turns out not-sweet, that's on her parents.

  36. She is a child. Leave children alone. It's mean. It's wrong. Y'all know it's wrong. Enty should not allow it.

    Can't we let children grow up before attempting to drive them to suicide!? Jesus. She looks like a sweet kid. If she turns out not-sweet, that's on her parents.

  37. I don't feel comfortable trashing a little girls' looks.

    Can't be just focus on her ex-drug dealing/killer/piece of shit father, and her borderline mentally retarded, pill-popping embarrassment of a mother?

  38. Can you people not read?

    "When it reads like" implies the statement following is NOT LITERAL!

  39. If Bey and Jay split, she’ll need Blue Ivy’s income stream.

  40. @ Sandybrook, you honestly think that is the approach an ATTORNEY would take? Only if Bey who is paying the bills insisted this be the argument, then dressed up in legal terms.



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